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Master of Science in Mental Health & Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How long is the study period for Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Science part-time programmes?
The normative study period for Postgraduate Diploma is 1 year and it can be extended to 2 years maximum. Master of Science normative study period is 2 years and the maximum is 4 years.

2. What are the Admission Requirements for Postgraduate and Master of Science programmes?
- Graduate from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor degree, normally with Second Class or;
- Graduate from an honor program of a recognized university with Bachelor degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than B in undergraduate courses; or
- Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honor degree.
- Applicants must acquire GPA not less than 2.7 for admission where applicable. Applicants who expect to obtain Bachelor degree in the current academic year may also apply for admission under conditional acceptance.

3. What does MHLS5301 - Introduction to Research Methodology cover? In the second year there are two research modules, how do they differ from each to other?
The introductory research module in the first year delivers the theoretical part, with special reference to clinical research in mental health science, on formulation of research question, study design, sampling, validity/reliability of scales and instruments, fieldwork, research ethics, data collection and data analysis, fieldwork logistics etc. The second year module will guide students realize the above theoretical framework in small-scale research project. Each student will be assigned a research supervisor. It is expected that a student focuses on the formulation of research questions, writing research protocol, getting ethical approval of research protocol in Research Module I while Module II should be very much devoted to fieldwork and writing up of thesis.

4. Is clinical attachment required for the Master program?
Clinical attachment is not required for the Master program as all students are frontline practitioners (medical/nursing/ allied health or social work). In the first year courses, there will be in-class video or real patient demonstrations as appropriate. In most of the first year modules, there will also be some sessions devoted to clinical case conferences and students can take turn to present self-selected cases arising from their practices.
Under the MHLS5105 and 5106 - Clinical Supervision and Practice 1/2, each student will be assigned a clinical supervisor in the second year program. Tutorials will be arranged to have in-depth discussions on cases selected by students from their clinical/social work settings. Supervisors will work with students to develop appropriate scope and perspective of case formulation and case management relevant to particular clinical settings, unique clinical problem of service users and professional capacities of individual students. At the end of the modules, a designated number of written case reports have to be submitted.

5. Can I apply for Postgraduate Diploma first and then switch to Master of Science programme?
You are encouraged to apply for Master of Science program directly because the admission requirements will be based strongly on your course work performance in post-graduate diploma. Application for the Master of Science is processed as a new application, as the normative study period of Master of Science is 2 years and the maximum is 4 years. You are given legitimate allowance to defer. Postgraduate Diploma students are required to attain GPA>=3.0 if they wish to apply for MSc in Mental Health after completion of Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health.

6. What is the application deadline? It is difficult for me to get my reference letters before deadline. Should I still submit my application online?
The application deadline is 30 April. Applicants may receive acceptance letter as early as March and no later than June 30. Students may defer submission of written documents (such as reference letters) after the online application deadline (April 30th). However, all applicants are encouraged to submit the required documents as soon as possible.

7. Any unit or course exemption?
Applicants may apply for exemption of courses previously taken through Graduation School once registration process is complete. The exemption will be assessed on a case by case basis.

8. Can the teachings be held in the satellite teaching centers of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Kowloon or Hong Kong Island that is closer to my workplace?
We plan to hold our classes at the University campus, preferably at Chung Chi College that is within walking distance from the MTR station. Free parking is available to students who utilize the University library service.

9. Is the degree going to be quotable by registered medical practitioner?
This is a new course. However, our course is designed specifically to fulfill the quotability criteria of MCHK in terms of the scope, level of difficulty, clinical relevance of the syllabus and teaching hours. Our teachers/ clinical supervisors and research supervisors are from a diverse professional background in order to deliver the most up-to-date scientific and clinical perspectives of different topics. Our faculty includes academic psychiatrists, private psychiatrists, HA consultants in psychiatry, nursing specialists, neurologists, geriatrician, clinical psychologists, specialists in rehabilitation sciences, statisticians and pharmacists.

10. Will the biological psychiatry (including psychopharmacology) a bit too difficult for non-medical health care professionals?
We believe in shared skills among mental health professionals and we try to present balanced perspectives in biopsychosocial domains of mental health sciences and clinical care. Some biological topics will be covered in-depth to suit the post-graduate training needs of medical/nursing practitioners/allied health professionals. Special attention is taken in our course design to help non-medical professionals appreciate the clinical significance of the advanced medical knowledge. We also take graduated approach to build on the teaching blocks. Our teachers are enthusiastic to meet the learning needs of a multidisciplinary student group.