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Dr. Sandra S.M. CHAN, Associate Professor

Doctor CHAN Sau Man, Sandra           
Associate Professor (Clinical)


MBChB(CUHK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych
Fax: (852) 2667-5464
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




  • Assistant Dean (Student Support), Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine
  • Coordinating tutor of NTEC psychiatric training centre, Hospital Authority
  • Director, Master of Science and Post-graduate Diploma in Mental Health


  • Functional brain mapping for mood disorders

  • Network-informed transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-refractory major depressive disorder

  • Suicide risk factors and prevention programs

 GRANTS RECEIVED (with year received):

  • "Pre-treatment biomarker for clinical response to neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the acute phase treatment of refractory major depressive episode- role of intrinsic functional connectivity” [Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during 2015 – 2017, as PI]
  • “Functional MRI Study -Neural Substrate of Vulnerability to Recurrence in Major Depressive Disorders”[Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during 2014 – 2016, as PI]
  • “Is GABA-deficit the Link between Functional Dyspepsia and Major Depressive Disorder?” [Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during 2016 – 2017, as Co-I]
  • "Clinical Efficacy of Neuro-navigated repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the management of Depression in Major Neurocognitive Disorders– a single blind randomized control trial” [Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during 2016 – 2018, as Co-I]
  • “A Population-based Telephone Survey to Evaluate the Changes in Mental Health Status of Hong Kong Community after a 3-year Mental Health Promotion Program” [Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR during 2015 – 2018, as Co-I]
  • “Randomized Sham-controlled Trial of Augmentative Neuro-navigated Right-dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Low-frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Antidepressant Non-responding Bipolar Depression” [Food and Health Bureau - Health and Medical Research Fund during 2015 – 2018, as Co-I]
  • “Would transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhance the effects of working memory training in older adults with mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease (AD)?” [Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during 2015 – 2017, as Co-I]
  • “Three Year Incidence and Progression of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) in Chinese Adult Population of Hong Kong” [Food and Health Bureau - Commissioned Research on Mental Health Policy and Services during 2014 – 2016, as Co-I]


  1. Lu H, Chan SSM, Lam LCW. Localized Analysis of Normalized Distance from Scalp to Cortex and Personalized Evaluation (LANDSCAPE): Focusing on Age- and Dementia-Specific Changes. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019;67(4):1331-1341.
  2. Zhong BL, Chan SSM, Liu TB, Chiu HF. Nonfatal Suicidal Behaviors of Chinese Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers: Attitude Toward Suicide Matters. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2018 Oct 13.
  3. Zhong BL, Liu TB, Chan SSM, Jin D, Hu CY, Dai J, Chiu HFK. Common mental health problems in rural-to-urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China: prevalence and risk factors. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2018 Jun;27(3):256-265.
  4. Zhong BL, Chan SSM, Liu TB, Jin D, Hu CY, Chiu HFK. Mental health of the old-and new-generation migrant workers in China: who are at greater risk for psychological distress? Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 7;8(35):59791-59799.
  5. Lu H, Chan SSM, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Beyond a Differential Diagnosis: Cognitive and Morphometric Decoding of Information Processing Speed in Senior Adults with DSM-5 Mild Neurocognitive Disorders. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;58(3):927-937.
  6. Lu H, Chan SSM, Lam LCW. 'Two-level' measurements of processing speed as cognitive markers in the differential diagnosis of DSM-5 mild neurocognitive disorders (NCD). Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 31;7(1):521.
  7. Opstelten JL, Beelen RMJ, Leenders M, Hoek G, Brunekreef B, van Schaik FDM, Siersema PD, Eriksen KT, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, de Hoogh K, Key TJ, Luben R, Chan SSM, Hart AR, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Oldenburg B. Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A European Nested Case-Control Study. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 Oct;61(10):2963-2971.
  8. Zhong B-L, Liu T-B, Chan SSM, Dong J, Hu CY, Dai J, Chiu HFK. Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder among rural-to- urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Affective Disorders 2015; 183: 1-9.

  9. Lu H, Chan SSM, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Utility of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Hong Kong Version) in the Diagnosis of Mild Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD): NCD due to Alzheimer Disease (NCD-AD) and NCD due to Vascular Disease (NCD-Vascular). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016; 17(4):366-7.
  10. Dai J, Chiu HFK, Conner KR, Chan SSM, Hou J Z, Yu X , Caine ED. Suicidal ideation and attempts among rural Chinese aged 16-34 years -- Socio-demographic correlates in the context of a transforming China. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011; 130: 438-46.