KDD2010 Workshops
Workshop Proposal Due: February 1, 2010
KDD-2010 The Sixteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2010), July 25-28, 2010, Washington D.C., USA
Workshop Co-Chairs
- Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Gabor Melli, Predictionworks, Vancouver, Canada
The ACM KDD-2010 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on active and emerging topics of knowledge discovery and data mining. A workshop should also support the interaction and feedback among topic specialists from academia, industry and government. A WORKSHOP MAY BE ORGANIZED AROUND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS IN A PARTICULAR DOMAIN AND THE CHALLENGES THIS DOMAIN POSES (SUCH AS THE NETFLIX WORKSHOP FOR RECOMMENDATION SYSTEMS)
Workshops that include a challenge problem, such as the one on time series classification that took place in 2007, are encouraged. A session with papers that address a challenge complements the more diverse sessions with regular papers and improves the potential for discussion. Because such challenges require extra time to plan, we may be willing to provide early notice of acceptance.
The organizers of approved workshops are required to announce the workshop and call for papers, gather submissions, conduct the reviewing process and decide upon the final workshop program. They must also prepare an informal set of workshop proceedings to be distributed with the registration materials at the conference. They may choose to form organizing or program committees for assistance in these tasks. The logistics of the workshops will be done with the help from the ACM KDD-2010 organizers.
Important Dates
Description | Date |
Workshop proposals due | February 1, 2010 |
Notification of decision | March 1, 2010 |
Recommended workshop paper submission due | May 4, 2010 |
Workshop camera-ready papers due | May 28, 2010 |
Camera-ready workshop proceedings due | June 4, 2010 |
Workshop | July 25, 2010 |
Full-day Workshops on Sunday, July 25, 2010
- W1 - Mining and Learning with Graphs Workshop 2010 (MLG-2010)
Sofus Macskassy, Lise Getoor, and Ulf Brefeld
Submission Deadline - May 7, 2010
NOTE: This is a two-day experimental workshop which starts on Saturday, July 24, 2010.
- W2 - Large-scale Data Mining: Theory and Applications (LDMTA 2010)
Chid Apte, Christos Falutosos, Jiawei Han, Yan Liu, Jimeng Sun, and Jie Tang
Submission Deadline -May 4, 2010May 10, 2010 NEW
- W3 - Useful Patterns (UP)
Bart Goethals, Nikolaj Tatti, and Jilles Vreeken
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
- W4 - Social Media Analytics (SOMA 2010)
Prem Melville, Jure Leskovec, and Foster Provost
Submission Deadline - May 7, 2010
Half-day Workshops (Morning) on Sunday, July 25, 2010
- W5 - KDD Cup 2010: Improving Cognitive Models with Educational Data Mining (KDD Cup 2010)
John Stamper, Alex Niculescu-Mizil
Competition - April 1 to June 1, 2010
- W6 - 9th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD10)
Jun Huan, Mohammed Zaki, Jake Chen
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
- W7 - Tenth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDMKDD 2010)
Jia-Yu (Tim) Pan, Valery Petrushin, and Cees G.M. Snoek
Submission Deadline - May 7, 2010
- W8 - The Fourth International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Online Advertising (ADKDD'10)
Ying Li and Dou Shen
Submission Deadline - May 10, 2010
- W9 - Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2010) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Raman Chandrasekar, Ed Chi, Max Chickering, Panagiotis G Ipeirotis, Winter Mason, Foster Provost, Jenn Tam, and Luis von Ahn
Submission Deadline - May 3, 2010
Half-day Workshops (Afternoon) on Sunday, July 25, 2010
- W10 - ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-KDD)
Hsinchun Chen and Christopher Yang
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
- W11 - The 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (SensorKDD)
Olufemi Omitaomu, Auroop Ganguly, Joao Gama, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Mohamed Medhat Gaber, and Nitesh Chawla
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
- W12 - The 4th SNA-KDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNAKDD 2010)
Haizheng Zhang, Lee Giles, John Yen, Qiankun Zhao, and Sherief Abdallah
Submission Deadline - Apr 30, 2010
- W13 - Novel Data Stream Pattern Mining Techniques (StreamKDD)
Margaret Dunham, Michael Hahsler, and Myra Spiliopoulou
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
- W14 - Discovering, Summarizing and Using Multiple Clusterings (MultiClust)
Xiaoli Fern, Ian Davidson, and Jennifer Dy
Submission Deadline - May 4, 2010
FAQ for Organizers
- Will the papers from the workshop be included in the KDD2010 CD Proceedings and/or ACM DL?
- The workshop papers will be included in the KDD2010 CD Proceedings.
- The workshop papers will be included in the ACM DL.
- All the papers MUST be in by June 4th to be included in both.
- Will work out the logistics of how this will happen in due course.
- Are there guidelines we need to follow for format/length of papers?
- The paper MUST follow the ACM format. The length of the papers will be disclosed in due course.
- Will there be a wifi connection?
- The OC is working on full coverage of wifi at this time.
- Can we have demos and posters?
- No special equipment will be provided by the conference to support posters (e.g. boards). If you plan to use the walls then you must ensure that you do not damage them.
- Who will provide lunch?
- It is up to each individual workshop to handle the lunch issue.
- Will registration be handled through the KDD Web page?
- Yes, the registration will be handled through the KDD Web page.
- Will all logistics/facilities for the workshop be handled by the KDD organization committee (local arrangements chair)?
- Yes.
- Will the proceedings from the workshop be published by KDD or do we need to begin making arrangements for this ourselves?
- We are working on that and will make a decision very soon.
- Can we use easychair for workshop submissions/reviews?
- Yes, you may use EasyChair or other systems for your workshop submissions/reviews.
- Will there be free registrations for workshop organizers?
- Each workshop will receive one free registration. A registration code will be sent to the workshop contact person.
- Final Matters
- What is the deadline for submitting all materials for the workshop?
- The CRC deadline was May 28th. We have gotten a reprieve of a few days. The absolute last date is June 4. They will not accept anything after that date.
- What is the workshop page length?
- There is a page limit of 10 pages for workshop papers.
- General instructions for proceedings volumes?
- General Instructions for Proceedings volumes
IMPORTANT: Workshop organizer may choose either to submit the copyright information of your workshop through the automated system as described in this section III or via surface mail as described in the next section IV. If you choose the automated method, please send the .csv file to Adrienne Griscti griscti@hq.acm.org.
ACM has an automated copyright form collection system for ACM published proceedings. Accepted authors are sent the ACM form and complete instructions. A weekly reminder is sent to authors with outstanding forms. Reminders are sent every week until four weeks before the conference/workshop.
You will be provided acces to the submission site and will be able to view the status of the forms. All of the copyright forms must be submitted/approved four weeks prior to your conference/workshop, and viable paper/front matter files submitted to ensure DL inclusion of the proceedings on the first day of the conference/workshop.
The publication should not be distributed in any format until the copyright forms have been approved.
To initiate the automated copyright form system, ACM will need the following information in a .csv file:
“Paper Type”, “Title”, “Lead Author;Author2;Author3;etc.”, “Lead Author e-mail”,”paper number”
Please note that papers of 5 pages in length or longer are considered Full Papers.
Sample record:
“Full Paper”, “This is a Sample Title”, “Adrienne Griscti;Donna Cappo;John Smith”, “griscti@hq.acm.org”,”123”
“Paper Type” : Please include one of the following paper types (only) for each of the submissions:
Abstract Course Notes Demo Doctorial Consortium Extended Abstract Full paper Invited Talk Panel Poster Short Paper (4-5 pages) Tutorial
“Title”: Please include the paper title as it will appear in the proceedings.
“Author”: Please list the lead author first, and include all contributing authors, separated by commas
“Lead Author email”: Please provide the e-mail address for the lead author. The lead author will be sent the copyright form and be asked to endorse the form on behalf of all contributing authors.
Associated links :
* http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/copyright_policy
* http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism_policy
- What to do with copyright issues?
- Additionally, in order for the SIGKDD'10 workshop proceedings to be included in the ACM Digital Library, a copyright form (http://www.acm.org/pubs/copyright_form.html) signed by the lead author of each paper should be sent to you by the authors. You should collect the copyright forms and send them in bulk via surface mail, together with
title page of each paper (with copyright strip/ISBN #)
front matter (including table of contents/author index)
Adrienne Griscti
2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701
New York, NY 10121-0701
(P) 212-626-0615
(F) 212-302-5826
Once the copyright forms, title pages and front matter are approved, you will receive information concerning how to submit the proceedings for inclusion in the Digital Library.
- What is the ISBN number for each workshop?
- ADKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0221-0
- MLG'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0214-2
- LDMTA'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0215-9
- UP'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0216-6
- SOMA'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0217-3
- KDD Cup ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0218-0
- BioKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0219-7
- MDMKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0220-3
- HCOMP'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0222-7
- ISI-KDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0223-4
- SensorKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0224-1
- SNAKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0225-8
- StreamKDD'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0226-5
- MultiClust'10 ISBN # is 978-1-4503-0227-2
- What is the copyright rate (at the end of the copyright strip)?
- The copyright rate is $10 for this year.
- Do we need to write a workshop summary?
- No workshop summary was requested or required.
- Past samples of previous workshop proceedings from ACM DL
- About time management of the workshop
- A preliminary room plan for the KDD'10 workshops is here.
According to Local Arrangements, the workshop venue will be available from 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the regular workshop session to 30 minutes after the ending of the regular session. You may use that time and also portion of lunch time to suit your workshop. For more information, please contact Local Arrangements, Ramani Duraiswami localarrangements@kdd2010.com for more information.
- Can workshops have poster boards?
- As in previous KDDs, we request the workshop organizers to put up the posters on the wall using some removable paper tapes, and to remove them by the end of the day.
- Where can I find venue information?
- You can find the floor space diagram <here> for the Crystal City Hyatt. Again the room assignment for all workshops is available <here>.