1994.第3卷第1及2期(Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 4356
Low Self-concept Core of Student Problems
林孟平(Man-Ping LAM)
偏差的自我形象,是學生問題的關鍵。本文以多元多層的模式界定一個人自我形象的結構。透過三個案例,試從學術自我形象的趨降、社 群和情緒問題的偏低和一個體能自我形象惡劣作開始,闡釋各少年人問題發展的進程。一個健康的自我形象,是自尊的基礎,也是青少年生活 適應的必需。一旦缺乏時,問題逐漸衍生,與個人的偏差自我形象形成一個惡性循環。倘若得不到及時和適當的處理,會令青少年成長受阻, 其甚至可以摧毀一生。
Low self-concept is the core of student problems. This paper bases on a multidimensional and hierarchies] model to define the structure of self-concept. Three different cases of low self- concepts, declining academic self-concept, low social and emotional self-concept, and physically weak self-concept, were chosen to illustrate the development of youth problems. A healthy self-concept is the foundation of self-esteem as well as the key element for adolescents to achieve good adjustment in life. Void of a healthy self-concept may initiate the chain of problems which would join with the low self-concept to become a vicious cycle. If no immediate and proper remedy is offered, the development of these adolescents will be hindered and even more, their lives will be ruined.