Education Journal


2019.第47卷第2期(Vol. 47 No. 2).pp. 61–80


A Study on the International Physical Literacy Assessment Tools

林建豪、魏豐閔、林靜萍(Chien-Hao LIN, Feng-Min WEI, & Ching-Ping LIN)


回應素養導向課程改革趨勢,體育領域積極投入探究、理解及推展身體素養的概念和實踐。為能將身體素養有效地具象化和量化,身體素養評量工具的開發早已成為許多國家推動身體素養的重要課題之一。本文聚焦於探討國際上廣獲使用的身體素養評量工具,希望藉此為台灣開發身體素養評量工具提供具體參考。International Physical Literacy Association提出「描繪」(charting)身體素養的評量做法,主張從整體的面向描述與定位個體身體素養曲線的消長;PLAY是依據不同使用者和使用需求所設計的身體素養系列評量工具,從不同面向掌握身體素養;PFL為學生和教師提供有價值的信息和回饋,幫助教師評量學生的身體素養,改善學習並了解身體素養的進步和實現;CAPL是評量學童身體素養的工具,涵蓋的測驗內容除了身體素養的四個核心支柱外,更引入穿戴式裝置,測量學童每日的身體活動數據;Dudley(2015)設計的「身體素養學習觀察量尺」在評量內容和表現水準交叉列聯後,能針對個體在不同面向上的表現提供清晰描述,幫助個體和他人了解身體素養學習情形或規劃促進計畫。本文描述國際上身體素養評量工具的內涵和設計,嘗試為身體素養評量工具提出可供參酌的開發建議,落實素養導向體育課程改革的基礎工程。



In response to the trend of competency-oriented curriculum innovation, the field of physical education actively dedicates to investigating, understanding and promoting the concept and practice of physical literacy (PL). To effectively concretize and quantify PL, the development of assessment tool of PL has been one of the crucial issues of promoting PL in many countries. This article focuses on investigating diverse assessment tools of PL adopted across the world, for providing substantial suggestions of developing assessment tools of PL in Taiwan. Proposing the assessment practice of charting PL, the International Physical Literacy Association believes in delineating and positioning the rise and fall of individual’s PL. According to the conditions and needs of different users, PLAY is a series of assessment tools of PL in capturing the concept of PL from different facets; however, its reliability and validity need to be verified and constructed further. PFL provides valuable information and feedbacks for both students and teachers in supporting teachers for assessing student’s PL, improving learning, and understanding the progress and accomplishment of PL. CAPL is an important tool designed to assess the PL of children, with assessment contents including not only the four common and core pillars of PL, but also children’s daily physical activity measured by utilizing wearable devices. The “Rubric of Observed Learning in Physical Literacy” developed by Dudley (2015) represents the assessment foci and performance level in the same tool which might assist others and self in understanding learning conditions or drawing up plans of promotion. This study synthesizes the connotation and design of international assessment tools of PL, provides helpful proposals for developing assessment tools, and indirectly establishes one of the infrastructures of operating competency-oriented curriculum innovation in physical education.

Keywords: Charting Physical Literacy Journey Tool (CPLJT); Pass for Life (PFL); Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY); Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL); Rubric of Observed Learning in Physical Literacy (ROLPL)