The HKIER is a close partner of the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Its establishment in 1993 was to serve as one of the research and development arms of the University devoted entirely to scholarly enquiry and professional development in education.
Mission, Goals & Objectives

Mission and Goals

The HKIER has the vision to realize many ideals of research and development, including:
  • Helping the University perform its role better as a leading centre of educational research, as a responsible institution that addresses the needs of the teaching profession, and as an active consultant for international organizations and local education bodies;
  • Strengthening the University's ties with local schools and overseas institutions;
  • Initiating projects which facilitate educational planning, and informing policymakers and members of the education profession on crucial educational issues;
  • Serving as a resource centre for educational researchers, and creating and sustaining a climate in which interdisciplinary research projects can flourish.


  • To develop, coordinate and support strategic research having strong policy implications for educational development in Hong Kong and on the Chinese Mainland;
  • To establish a data bank to store important data from relevant international and local projects;
  • To publish research findings and ideas in various forms, establish a comprehensive collection of research tools and materials, and develop instructional and training materials;
  • To organize activities for the academic community and the educational profession;
  • To offer programmes for professional development and consultancy services for interested parties;
  • To form a network of local and overseas scholars, community leaders, policymakers and teachers to support the HKIER's endeavours.