Keynote Speakers
Professor Maurice CRUL

Maurice Crul is a Professor of Sociology at the Free University in Amsterdam. He is the international chair of IMISCOE (, a network of excellence that includes 40 research institutes in the fields of migration and diversity in 18 European countries.
In the last twenty years Maurice Crul mostly worked on the topic of education and children of immigrants, first within the Dutch context and in the last fifteen years in a comparative European and transatlantic context. Maurice Crul has coordinated two major international projects: the TIES project (The Integration of the European Second generation) and the so-called ELITES project.
The core part of the TIES project, which included partners in 11 countries, was a survey among the second generation of Turkish, Moroccan and former Yugoslavian and Russian descent in nineteen cities: The TIES survey is the first comparative survey among the second generation in Europe and includes information about school and labour market careers, identity and transnationalism.
The ‘ELITES: Pathways to Success’ targets a sub sample of successful second generation from the TIES survey looking at their pathways to success in Sweden, France, Germany and The Netherlands:
In 2017 Maurice Crul was awarded the ERC advanced grant for the project Becoming a Minority (BAM) on the integration of people of native descent in majority minority cities in Europe.
Professor A. Lin GOODWIN

A. Lin Goodwin is Dean and Professor of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong, and holds the Evenden Foundation Chair at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is immediate past Vice President of the American Educational Research Association—Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, and the inaugural Dr. Ruth Wong Professor of Teacher Education at the National Institute of Education in Singapore. Recent publications include “Who is in the classroom now? Teacher preparation and the education of immigrant children” (Educational Studies), and Empowered Educators in Singapore: How High-performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality (with Low Ee Ling, National Institute of Education, Singapore, and Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute, U.S.).
Professor Christine HALSE

Christine Halse is Chair Professor of Intercultural Education and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Education and Human Development at The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on the sociology of intercultural relations in the lives of young people, teachers and schools, and the implications for educational policy, curriculum and practice. She has published five books, more than 100 articles, and her work has been translated into French, Portuguese and Japanese. Former President of the Asia Pacific Education Research Association (APERA) and the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Chris is an Expert on the European Commission’s Research Ethics Panel and member of the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Panel in Hong Kong.
Professor Kit Tai HAU

Kit Tai Hau is Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is former vice-president of university. He is Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and the International Association of Applied Psychology. He is currently serving in OECD PISA Technical Advisory Group, Strategic Development Group, and Questionnaire Expert Group. His research interest includes educational psychology, academic motivation, and research method and he has been promoting empirical research in mainland China in the last twenty years through over a hundred of large-scale national advanced research method workshops.
Professor Shelley HYMEL

Shelley Hymel is in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. She holds the Edith Lando Professorship in Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) through which she has co-established a Master’s concentration and two Teacher Education cohorts in SEL, as well as an online resource for educators, the SEL Resource Finder ( She serves on research advisory committees for UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership (, Alberta’s Life Synergy for Youth program (, and Seattle’s Committee for Children ( and on the executive team of PREVNet, Canada’s national organization for “Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence. ” She is co-founder of the international Bullying Research Network (, linking 200 researchers from 17 countries. She works collaboratively with schools and publishes extensively on social development, peer relations, and school bullying, with over 100 refereed articles and chapters to date.
(In alphabetical order)