Health Sharing

Health Innovations

20 Jan 2020

The Helmsley Charitable Trust Funds Asian Research into Babies’ Gut Microbiota and Crohn’s Disease

18 Feb 2020

CU Medicine Announces the Community Response Study Results During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hong Kong

14 Jan 2020

CUHK-Jockey Club Pain Relief Project for the Seniors Preliminary Data Shows 90% of Interviewed Elderly Have at Least Two Pain Sites

09 Jan 2020

CUHK Study Sees the Exposure to Farm Environment Is Beneficial for Children to Prevent Asthma

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17 Dec 2019

Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome have 4-fold Higher Risk of Developing Diabetes

10 Dec 2019

Multicomponent Frailty Prevention Programme Reduces Frailty Over 80% of Pre-frail Elderly Reverse to Robust Phenotype