
Publications and Presentations (Postgraduate Students)


Jackson, J., & Sun, Tongle (2020). Language and (inter)cultural socialization in study abroad (SA) contexts. Proceedings of the 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2020). Valencia, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). []

Ng, Ross (in press). Cantonese-English code-switching in Cantopop television drama theme songs. World Englishes.

Ng, Ross (2020). Subject-Operator Disagreement in English Existential Constructions: A Corpus-Based Analysis of American English and Hong Kong English. Applied Linguistics Research Journal, 4 (3), 1-12.

Chan, Roy. (2020). Washback in education: A critical review and its implications for language teachers. Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology, 5(1), 108-124. ( 270)


Chan, Roy. (December 2019). How Do Sounds Affect the Intelligibility of Hong Kong English?. Presented at the 20th English in Southeast Asia Conference 2019. The National Institute of Education and the Singapore Association of Applied Linguistics, Singapore.

Lui, Pinky. (November 2019). Listen to the Vampires: Kinships in the Anthropocene in Fledgling and Only Lovers Left Alive. Presented at the 117th Annual Conference of Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association. Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, San Diego, California. 15 November 2019.

Zhang, Ellen. (November 2019). A Critical Genre-based Approach to ESP Lecture Design on English Language Teachers’ Classroom Discourse at Tertiary Level (first-prize paper). Presented at the The 3rd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & the 8th Chinese National Symposium on ESP. The Asian Association for English for Specific Purposes, The Chinese Association for ESP, Chongqing, China. 15-17November 2019.

Yau, Thomas. (August 2019). Conceptualization of motion event by Chinese-English Bilinguals: A study of difference between Cantonese and Mandarin (Poster presentation). Presented at The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15). International Cognitive Linguistic Association, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan, 6 – 11 August.

Yau, Thomas. (August 2019). Bi-direcrional Transfer in Second Language Idiom Comprehension. Presented at The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15). International Cognitive Linguistic Association, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan, 6 – 11 August.

Ng, Ross (2019). Task-Based Language Teaching in Hong Kong English Education. Advances in the Linguistic Sciences, 1 (1), 1-16.

Ng, Ross (2019). Innovative Measures of Young Learners’ English Language Proficiency: A Review of English Language Proficiency Assessments for Young Learners. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 16 (2), 759-62.

Ng, Ross (2019). Acquisition of English cue strengths by Cantonese learners of English. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6 (1), 42-53. Retrieved from

Wan, S. W. Y., Ng, Ross (2019, April 9). Exploring Hong Kong primary and secondary school teachers’ teaching efficacy. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting 2019. Toronto, Canada.

Li, Weiyi (July 2019). Teaching L2 pragmatics in college English classroom based on CSELA. Presented at the 2019 Global English Education (TESOL) China Assembly. Organised by TESOL International Association and China Daily. Hangzhou, China. 26-28 July 2019.

Ng, Ross (July 2019). Instruction on the English Tense System through Systemic Theoretical Instruction and Cognitive Grammar. Presented at the 2019 Global English Education (TESOL) China Assembly . Organised by TESOL International Association and China Daily. Hangzhou, China. 26 July 2019.

Jackson, J. & Sun, Tongle (July 2019). Adjusting to an English-speaking environment: The experiences of Chinese international exchange students (STEM). Presented at the 11th International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) Biennial Conference and the 15th Chinese Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC) Annual Conference. IAIR & CAFIC, Shanghai, China. 7-10 July 2019.

Jackson, J., Chan, S. Y., & Sun, Tongle (2019). Language and (inter)cultural socialization in study abroad (SA) contexts. In A. H. Omar (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019). The Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA) [].

Zhang, Ellen (July 2019). From EMI to ESL: A Case Study of English Language Reflexive Identities in the Narratives of Two Mainland Chinese Postgraduate Students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2019 Global English Education China Assembly. Hangzhou, China.

Ng, Ross (June 2019). Subject-Operator Disagreement in English Existential Constructions: A Corpus-Based Analysis of American English and Hong Kong English. Presented at the Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Chan, Roy. (June 2019). Being a 'Purist' in Trilingual Hong Kong: Code-switching among Cantonese, English and Putonghua. Presented at the HAAL Fawzia Braine Memorial Award. HAAL, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Yau, Thomas. (June 2019). Vocationalization of English Learning in Hong Kong: Past & Prospect. Presented at the Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity. Department of Linguistic and Modern Languages, The Education University of Hong Kong, 28 – 29 June.

Yau, Thomas. (June 2019). From decolonization to self-colonization? A reconsideration of language policy in Hong Kong. Presented at the International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education (IConMAME 2019). Department of Linguistic and Modern Languages, The Education University of Hong Kong, 22 – 24 June.

Zhang, Ellen (June 2019). From CMI to EMI: The English Learning Motivational Trajectories of First-year Mainland Engineering Majors. Paper presented at the Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity. Hong Kong, China.

Lui, Pinky (May 2019). Book Review: Still Modernism by Louise Hornby. Hong Kong Review of Books.

STUDZINSKI Stephanie Ann (May 2019). Painting Wan Chai: A Neighbourhood Reimagining. The Neighbourhood Symposium, Hong Kong Studies, CUHK.

Sun, Tongle (May 2019). Preparing Chinese STEM students for international exchange experience in English-speaking countries. Invited presentation at CUHK's International Conference on Internationalisation: Optimising Student Experience, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 15-16 May 2019.

Lui, Pinky (April 2019). Ghosts in the Flesh: Inhospitable by Marshall Moore. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal (Issue 43).

Yau, Thomas, & Chun, D. W-S., Chan, S. W-M. (April 2019). Synergy for Success: How to Better Develop Vocational and Professional Education and Training in Hong Kong? Presented at the International Conference on Applied Education, Technology and Innovation (THEi AETI 2019). Technological and Higher Education Institute (THEi) Hong Kong, 16 – 18 April.

Sun, Tongle (April 2019). Self-efficacy and personality development: Individual differences in Chinese semester-abroad sojourners. Presentation at the 3rd World Conference on Personality (Perpsy 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2-6 April 2019.

Chen, Vivian (March 2019). Duration Patterns of English by Native British Speakers and Mandarin ESL Speakers. International Journal of Cognitive and Language Sciences. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.

Wang, Bobbie (March 2019). Vowel variation in different speech styles: Evidence from speakers of China English. The American Association for Applied Linguistics 2019 Annual Conference (AAAL 2019), American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Sun, Tongle (March 2019). Demystifying the developmental trajectories of Chinese semester-abroad sojourners. Poster presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-29 March 2019. (

Jackson, J., & Sun, Tongle (March 2019). Fostering inclusivity and interculturality on campus. Workshop given at the Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-29 March 2019. (

Yau, Thomas, & Chun, D. W-S., & Li, H. C.(March 2019). Influence of Massification of Higher Education to Secondary Education: Repositioning the Structure of Public Examination in Hong Kong. Presented at 2019 Spring Annual Conference of The Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), The Education University of Hong Kong, 16 – 17 March.

Sun, Tongle (January 2019). 'Chinese and English are both my languages': Identity negotiation and language socialization of a Chinese study abroad student. Presentation at the Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 23-26 January 2019. (

Sun, Tongle (January 2019). The acculturation of Chinese international exchange students in English-speaking countries. Colloquium presentation "Language and (inter)cultural socialization in study abroad contexts" at the Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 23-26 January 2019. (
(Organizer: Jane Jackson, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Co-presenters: Jane Jackson, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Sin Yu (Cherry) Chan, Hong Kong Shue Yan University)


Chan, Roy (December 2018). Washback in English Pronunciation in Hong Kong: Hong Kong English or British English? Paper presented at the 8th CLS International Conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Ng, Ross (December 2018). Instruction on the English Tense System through Systemic Theoretical Instruction and Cognitive Grammar. HKERA International Conference 2018. Hong Kong Educational Research Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Chan, Roy (2018). Washback in English Pronunciation in Hong Kong: Hong Kong English or British English? In Chan, K. G. D. et al. (Comps.), Motivation, Identity and Autonomy in Foreign Language Education (pp.27-40). Singapore: NUS Centre for Language Studies.

Ng, Ross (2018). Education for Mobility – Factual or Fictional. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 17, 99-123. Retrieved from

Ng, Ross (2018). Critical Multimodal Discourse Analyses of News Discourse on Facebook and YouTube. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 15 (4), 1174-85. Retrieved from

Ng, Ross (2018). Gender Difference in Preferences for Second Language Vocabulary Learning Strategies: A Pilot Study. Bulletin of Advanced English Studies, 1 (2), 60-71. Retrieved from

Ng, Ross (2018). Code-Mixing of Cantonese-English Bilingual Children with Different Language Dominance Patterns. Journal of English as an International Language, 13 (2), 49-80. Retrieved from

Ng, Ross (2018). Assessment for/as Learning in Hong Kong English Language Classrooms: A Review. International Journal of Research in English Education, 3 (3). Retrieved from

Jackson, J., & Sun, Tongle (November 2018). Nurturing global competencies through an online intercultural intervention. Research poster presentation at the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) annual conference, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 November 2018. (

Pang, Vanessa (June 2018). Applying Cognitive Grammar to Teaching English Past Tense and Progressive Aspect in the Foreign Language Classroom. The 18th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association. The Japan Second Language Association. Tokyo, Japan.

Qu, Joy (June 2018). Working Memory in Simultaneous Interpreting. Conference Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics (L3 2018). Global Science and Technology Forum

Wan, Liz (May 2018). An Appreciation of Individuality in Universality: East-West Comparisons on the Imagery of the Moon. CUHK-LMU Conference on Narrative and Cross-Cultural Humanities. CUHK.

Studzinski, Stephanie (May 2018). Arboreal Birth Control and Spontaneous Reforestation: Narrativizing Vegetal and Animal Agency and Intelligence in Sheri S. Tepper’s The Family Tree. Conference on The Anthropocene and Beyond: Towards a Shared Narrativity in Interdisciplinary Research. Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Hong Kong.

Winckler, Reto (May 2018). 'Mediterranean Journeys in Shakespeare and the Present-Day Refugee Crisis', at: Shakespeare, Traffics, Tropics: The Third Biennial Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association, 28-30 May 2018, Manila, Philippines.

Winckler, Reto (May 2018). 'Tales of Shame: Constructions of Masculinity and Folly in Shakespeare's Plays', CUHK-LMU Conference on Narrative and Cross-Cultural Humanities, 2-5 May 2018, Hong Kong.

Gu Lei (April 2018). Teaching English Stress by Explicit Instruction. The 9th ELC International Conference. English Language Center of Shantou University. Shantou, Guangdong, China

Wong, Ivy (March 2018). Cognitive Linguistics Inspired Mediation on L2 Grammar Instruction: The English Preposition Tutor. AAAL 2018. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago.

Sun, Tongle (March 2018). Global-readiness and intercultural development: Chinese STEM students in study abroad. Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) Conference 2018. Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE). Singapore.

Chan, Roy (March 2018). Washback in English Pronunciation Teaching in Hong Kong. Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary and Comparative Learning 2018. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

Winckler, Reto (March 2018). '“Foolish Rheum”: Women, Tears, and Folly in Shakespeare’s Plays', at: The 46th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, 28-31 March 2018, Los Angeles, California.

Winckler, Reto (February 2018). ‘Playing mad: Reconsidering Hamlet’s madness’, at: Shakespeare at Play: The 14th Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association, 8-10 February 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

Wu, Judy (February 2018). Murakami's Norwegian Wood - 'Decay' in terms of Madness and Youth in The Aesthetics of Decay: From Gothic Spectre to (Post)Modern Anxiety. London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research

Winckler, Reto (January 2018). ‘Profound farce: William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors as farcical scepticism’, in: Cahiers Élisabéthains : A Journal of English Renaissance Studies, online first, January 10, 2018, available online at:

Wu, Judy (January 2018). Madness and Youthfulness: Life, Death, and the In-Between in Science Beyond Borders – The Global Academia Electronica.
Academia Electronica & Institute of Philosophy of Jagiellonian University
Academia Electronica – Institute of Philosophy UJ, Amphitheatre (online)

Chan, Roy (2018). Being a 'Purist' in Trilingual Hong Kong: Code-switching among Cantonese, English and Putonghua. Linguistic Research, 35(1), Institute for the Study of Language and Information, Kyung Hee University.


Chan, Roy (2016/2017). Attitudes towards Hong Kong English: Native English Teachers and Local English Teachers. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 26. Chinese University Press.

Chan, Cherry (2016/2017). Language learning and the second language (L2) identities of Hong Kong pre-service EFL teachers prior to study abroad in Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT). The Chinese University Press.

Wan, Liz (December 2017). Waltzing With Words: Viki Holmes's Girls' Adventure Stories of Long Ago. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal (Issue 38: “Writing Hong Kong”).

Wu, Judy (December 2017). Kazuo Ishiguto's A Pale View of Hills - Memory of the Mad-youth in 2nd Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia Conference, Co-organized by University of Gdansk, University of Sao Paulo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and InMind Support. University of Gdansk

Sun, Tongle (November 2017). Identity negotiation and intercultural learning of Chinese STEM sojourners in study abroad. The Applied Linguistics Conference (ALANZ / ALAA / ALTAANZ). The Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ), Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) and Association of Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ). Auckland, New Zealand.

Chan, Cherry (November 2017). L2 Identity Development in Study Abroad in The 43rd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition. Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). Tsukuba, Japan

Kwok, Jenny (July 2017). “Beyond Nationalism: Reassessing C. S. Lewis as an Irish Writer”. The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Liang, Pauline (July 2017). “Political Euthanasia” in Mary Shelley’s Valperga. BARS 2017: Romantic Improvement. Centre for 18th Century Studies, University of York, York, UK.Chan, Fred (July 2017). Nation, Narration, and Personal Identity in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels. Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. New Directions in the Humanities Knowledge Community, Imperial College London, London, UK.

Sun, Tongle (June 2017). Language, identity, and intercultural engagement: Chinese STEM students abroad. The 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau.

Song, Lin (June 2017). Cultural Politics in the Front Stage and Back Stage of Q Dadao. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2017. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society, Seoul, South Korea.

Li, Renee (June 2017). Mainland Chinese Doctoral Students’ Publishing Practices in English¬-medium Peer-reviewed Journals. Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English. CAES Conference Programme Committee, The University of Hong Kong.

Li, Renee (June 2017). Chinese or English? : Writing Practices of Users from Mainland China on Instagram. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics.

Xiao, Smile (June 2017). The Discursive Construction of a Glocalized Chinese Identity on the Official Tourism Website of China. International Journal of Culture and History (IJCH).

Chan, Cherry (June 2017). Language and (inter)cultural learning of pre-service English teachers in a study abroad context. The 6th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication & The 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau.

Chan, Cherry (June 2017). The second language identities of Hong Kong English Language Education majors in study abroad. Third International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies (ICLLS). Chartered Institute of Linguists Hong Kong Society, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Qu, Joy (June 2017). A Dictionary and Corpora based Study of the Synonyms: “Contain” and “Include”. Lexicography in Asia: Challenges, Innovations and Prospects. The Asian Association for Lexicography.

Qu, Joy (June 2017). TBLT Innovation in China: Secondary School Teachers’ Perspectives and Practices. The 6th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao SAR, China.

Lam, Toni (June 2017). Intonational Variation in Hong Kong English. The 22nd Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). The International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA.

Lam, Toni (June 2017).Intonational Variation in Hong Kong English: implications for EAP & ESP. Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English. Center for Applied English Studies, University of Hong Kong , HKU, Hong Kong.

Xiao, Smile (May 2017). Combining transformative generative grammar and systemic functional grammar: Linguistic competence, syntax and second language acquisition. International Journal of English and Literature. Academic Journals.

Qu, Joy (May 2017). The Effects of Implicit vs. Explicit Feedback on Chinese Secondary School Students’ Acquisition of English Past Tense. 2017 International PhD Forum on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China.

Chan, Roy (May 2017). How Do Teachers of English in Hong Kong View Hong Kong English. Asian Conference of Language Learning 2017 (ACLL 2017). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan.

Song, Lin (April 2017). Hybridized Epistemology in Transnational Filmmaking Practice: A Case Study of Spring Fever as Queer Sinophone Film. Ubiquitous Cinema – Education, Mobility, and Storytelling in the Digital Age. Beijing Film Academy, University of Amsterdam, Beijing, China.

Li, Renee (March 2017). Chinese or English? : Writing Practices of Users from Mainland China on Instagram. 2017 6th International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture – ICLMC 2017. ICLMC 2017 Organizing Committee, Apa Hotel (Kyoto Gion) Excellent, Kyoto Japan.

Xiao, Smile (March 2017). The Discursive Construction of a Glocalized Chinese Identity on the Official Tourism Website of China. 2017 6th International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (ICLMC 2017). International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC), Kyoto Gio, Japan.

Li, Lexi (March 2017). A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to Concept-based Instruction: Force Dynamics of English Modality. AAAL 2017 Conference. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland Oregon U.S.A.

Lam, Toni (January 2017). Intonational Variation in Hong Kong English: a pilot study. Asian Englishes. Taylor & Francis.


Chan, Roy (December 2016). Hong Kong English: Will the English Teachers’ Attitudes and their Perceptions on Segmental Features of HKE Affect Their Teaching Practices?. The Seventh CLS International Conference 2016 (CLaSIC 2016). National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Song, Lin (December 2016). Queering Chinese Kinship through Video-based Social Activism: A Case Study of Mama Rainbow and Pink Dads. Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2016. Association for Cultural Studies, Sydney, Australia.

Winckler, Reto (November 2016). The early 17th century. From Renaissance to Enlightenment(ENGE 2650). Hong Kong.

Kwok, Jenny (September 2016). “Illuminating the Luminous: C.S. Lewis and Till We Have Faces”. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) Ph.D Seminar. EFACIS. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Belgium.

Jin, Sally (August 2016). Keats between Historical Modernity and Aesthetic Modernity. NASSR (North American Society for the Study of Romanticism) Annual Conference. UC Berkeley.

Song, Lin (June 2016). Rethinking Homonationalism across China and Taiwan. AAS-in-Asia Kyoto. Japan.

Lau, Carolyn (June 2016). A Survivor’s Guide To Ecological ‘End Times’ In The Anthropocene: A Posthuman Reading Of Octavia Butler’s Lilith’s Brood. ACLA, Harvard University.

Xiao, Smile (June 2016). Linguascaping Beijing Tourism Spots: A case study for a glocalized marketplace. The 2016 Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Chan, Cherry (June 2016). The second language identities of Hong Kong English Teacher Education majors prior to study abroad. The 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Conference. Hong Kong.

Ho, Bonnie (June 2016). Language ideologies and attitudes towards English accents in Hong Kong. The 21st Sociolinguistics Symposium. Murcia, Spain.

Chan, Thomas (June 2016). The discourse of stance-taking in Hong Kong Policy Addresses. The 2016 Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Chan, Thomas (June 2016). Nominalizations in academic writing: A study of student and expert writers’ use. The 4th International Conference on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. The Language Institute of Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Kwok, Jenny (May 2016). Young Skins at a Loss. Post-Crash Irish Literature and Culture: Its Emergence and Influence. The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.

Winckler, Reto (May 2016). Lost but not Forgotten: Shakespeare’s Lost Plays as Products of the Canonical Imagination. Forgotten Books and Cultural Memory. Taipei.

CHAN, Yuen Kit (April 2016). Bribing for the Truth: A Comparative Study of Guanxi and Justice through Geling Yan’s The Uninvited. The Asian Conference on Literature, Librarianship & Archival Science 2016.

Chow, Emily (April 2016).The Utopia of an Outsider: The Narrative of Identities in Dambudzo Marechera’s The Black Insider. African Literature Association 42nd Annual Conference: Justice and Human Dignity in Africa and the African Diaspora. Emory University and Kennesaw State University. Atlanta, USA.

Chan, Thomas (April, 2016). Nominalizations in academic writing: A corpus-based study of L2 postgraduate writers’ use. The 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Cao, Derong Dylan (March 2016). Academic Barbarism in Nabokov’s Pnin. 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. USA.

Winckler, Reto (March 2016). Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Literature and Politics (ENGE 3350). Hong Kong.

Liu, Even (February 2016). Lost in History Reading Contemporary Chinese Literature After 1990s. Now & Then: Historical Understandings in the Humanities. University of York, Toronto, Canada.

Chow, Emily (February 2016).Utopia and the Outsider: Dambudzo Marechera’s Black Sunlight and The Black Insider. The 25th Annual British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference. Georgia Southern University. Savannah, USA.


Lau, Carolyn (December 2015). Doing Literature and Medicine in East Asia or, A Brief Dialogue with Lu Xun. Critical Transactions: Engaging the Humanities East & West. School of Humanities, Hong Kong University.Mak, Flora (December 2015). Subverting the Claims of Appearance: Park Min-gyu and Shin Kyung-sook.Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Issue 30.

Chow, Emily (December 2015). Power and Violence: Dambudzo Marechera’s The House of Hunger. Human Rights, Violence, and Dictatorship. University of Gdańsk. Krakow, Poland.

Chan, Thomas (December 2015). A corpus-based study of the expression of stance in dissertation acknowledgements. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 20, 176–191. Elsevier.

Winckler, Reto (November 2015). Folly in King Lear. Shakespeare (ENGE 3500). Hong Kong.

Chow, Emily (October 2015). Umbrellas. Edge: HKBU Creative Journal. Hong Kong Baptist University.

Chow, Emily (October 2015). Proposal. Edge: HKBU Creative Journal. Hong Kong Baptist University.

Chan, Thomas (October 2015). The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong: Semiotic landscapes, multimodal genres, and discursive frames. Sociolinguistics Today and Tomorrow: Postgraduate Perspectives. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, Bonnie (October 2015). The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong: Semiotic landscapes, multimodal genres, and discursive frames. Sociolinguistics Today and Tomorrow: Postgraduate Perspectives. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Winckler, Reto (October 2015). German memories of the Nazi Era, World War II and the Holocaust. RECONNECTIONS: China across Humanities. Hong Kong.

Song, Lin (August 2015). Fleeting Desires: Queer Yearning and Cultural Space in Lou Ye’s Spring Fever. IACS Conference 2015 – Undercurrents: Unearthing Hidden Social and Discursive Practices Surabaya. Indonesia.

Lau, Carolyn (August 2015). Representing Invisibility as Praxis: A Posthuman Reading of Works of Octavia Butler. Visiting Research Fellow Seminar at The Center for the Humanities, Utrecht University

Lo, David (July 2015). Melancholy as a Case of Cultural Cross-Dressing: Reception of Romanticism in Chinese Literary Criticism in the Early 20th Century. Rereading Romanticism: Imagination, Emotion, Nature and Things. Melbourne, Australia.

Wong, Ivy and Prof. Helen Zhao (July 2015). Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Teaching English Prepositions: An Experimental-CALL Study. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. London, UK.

Chan, Thomas (June 2015). Sociolinguistic investigation of the attitudes of university students to Cantonese, Putonghua, and English in the context of Hong Kong. The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macau. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau.

Ho, Bonnie (June 2015). Sociolinguistic investigation of the attitudes of university students to Cantonese, Putonghua, and English in the context of Hong Kong. The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macau. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau.

Wong, Ivy (June 2015).Computer-based instruction of English Prepositions: A cognitive linguistics study. Faces of English:Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy. Hong Kong.

Jin, Sally (April 2015). Contemplating Keats and Coleridge: A Comparison. Coleridge and Contemplation Conference. Notre Dame University (Kyoto).

Chan, Cherry (May 2015). Language Learning: A Case Study of a Chinese Student in an English Language Summer Study Abroad Program. The Fifth Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL 2015). Kobe, Japan.

Lo, David (May 2015). Keats’s Re-reading of Melancholy. John Keats: Poet-Physician, Physician-Poet, 1815-1821. London, UK.

Chan, Mandy (April 2015). Evelyn Waugh and the Pursuit of Permanence. Paper presented at the Evelyn Waugh Conference – Evelyn Waugh and His Circle: Reading and Editing the Complete Works. Held at College Court, University of Leicester, UK

Chow, Emily (March 2015). Rooted China: The Remarkable Chester Ronning. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal.

Chen, Shiqin (January 2015), Mortality and Elegy Writing in Charlotte Smith’s Elegiac Sonnets and Beachy Head. The 44th Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Oxford, UK

Chen, Shiqin (January 2015), Socialization and Freedom: The Problems of Childhood in the Cases of Peter Pan, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the Chinese Fantasy Monkey. Conflicts in Childhood. Inter-disciplinary Press.

Kwok, Jenny (2015). A Literary Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: Seamus Heaney and ‘Station Isalnd’. Inter-Disciplinary.Net.


Liang, Pauline (December 2014). Lu Xun’s “On the Power of Mara (Demoniacal) Poetry” – Re-reading the notion of “Power”. Romantic China: the 2nd Colloquium – Cultural Relations between China and the West in the Long Nineteenth Century (c.1750-1914). Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.Jin, Sally (December 2014). Keats’s Perception of China. Romantic China Symposium. CUHK, in collaboration with World Universities Network.

LAU, Carolyn. trans. From the treasure house: jewels from the Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Lau, Carolyn (December 2014). The (Mis)translation of National Tumours by Giuseppe Castiglione and Lam Qua. Romantic China: Cultural Relations between China and the West in the Long Nineteenth Century (c.1750- 1914). The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Lau, Carolyn (December 2014). Songs of Experience: Jay Bernard’s English Breakfast and Ami’s The Desire to Sing After Sunset. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal.

Song, Lin (December 2014). Idealising Fatherhood through Transcultural Media Representation: Negotiating Masculinity in Dad, Where Are We Going?.Translating Chinese Masculinities: Chinese Men in Global Contexts. Hong Kong.

Chow, Emily (December 2014). The Dreams and the Monsters: Ocean Vuong’s No and Hason Wee’s The Monsters betwee Us. Cha: An Asian Literay Journal.

Cheng, On Yee Franziska (October 2014). Jacques Lacan and the Intrinsic (Un)translatability of Names: “Name” in the English-Chinese Translation of Winterson’s Art & Lies. New Voices in Translation Studies at

Chow, Emily (October 2014). Point of No Return: A Brutal Awakening for Hong Kong. The Indo-Pacific Review.

Jin, Lu Sally (September 2014). The Presence/Persistence of Poetry: Han Dong’s A Phone Call from Dalian and Lan Lan’s Canyon in the Body. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal at

Kwok, Chun Yi Jenny (July 2014). A Literary Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: Seamus Heaney and ‘Station Island’. The 1st Global Conference: Sacred Journeys, Pilgrimage and Beyond – An “Act” of Literary Pilgrimage to Station Island. Oxford, UK.

Lamb, Kirsten (July 2014). ‘When what is within becomes what is around’: Judith Wright’s Symbolism of Reconciliation and Renewal. Worlds Within The Association for the Study of Australian Literature Conference 2014. Sydney, Australia.

Tam, Chun Man Antony (July 2014). The Divine Technology of Man: The Formation of Collective Consciousness in Serial Experiments Lain and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace and Science Fiction – 9th Global Conference. Oxford, UK.

Lau, Carolyn (June 2014). Englishes: Ann Ang’s Bang My Car and Cyril Wong’s Straw, Sticks, Brick. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal.

Jin, Lu Sally (June 2014). Autumnal Ambiguities: William Empson’s “Romantic Influence” in China. NASSR Romantic Connection. Tokyo, Japan.

Xie, Yingying Amanda (June 2014). Teachers’ Perceptions of Integrating Culture into EFL Teaching: A Case in Mainland China. The 1st TRI-ELE International Conference – “Towards Global English Horizons”. Bangkok, Thailand.

Zhang, Guiping Cathy (June 2014). A Survey of the Research on Research Articles inEnglish for Specific Purposes (1986-2012). Taiwan International ESP Journal.

Le, Fenfen Flora and Prof. Helen Zhao (March 2014). Measuring L2 explicit knowledge of English verb-particle constructions: Frequency and semantic transparency. Georgetown University Round Table in Languages and Linguistics (GURT). Washington DC, USA.


Chen, Shiqin (July 2013), Socialization and Freedom: The Problems of Childhood in the Cases of Peter Pan, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the Chinese Fantasy Monkey, The 3rd Global Conference on Childhood. Oxford, UK

Lau, Carolyn (June 2013). Tracing the Journey of a Reluctant Confucian Scholar: The Selected Works of Yeng Pway Ngon”. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

Lau, Carolyn (March 2013). The Pioneering and Engineering of the Female Cyborg in Hannah Höch’s Photomontage: A Deconstruction and Transformation of the Body and Mind in Berlin Dadaism”. Minding the Body: Dualism and its Discontents. City University of New York

Lau, Carolyn (March 2013). End Games: Leung Ping-kwan’s City at the End of the Time. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

Zhang, Hong Xuan Emma (March 2013). Father’s Journey into the Night. Life Writing special Issue: Writing the Father. Routledge.

Cui, Jiaying (March 2013, proposal accepted). Chinese Students Abroad: Identity Negotiation and Intercultural Learning. Panel presentation (together with Prof. Jane Jackson) at The 8th APAIE Conference & Exhibition, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Luo, Tianshuo (February 2013). The Talent Demand Orientation and Talent Strategy in China’s Centra Cities – Case Study of Zhuhai Special Economic Zone. Science and Technology Management Research. Click Here for the article

Zhang, Hong Xuam Emma (11-15, January 2013). “Truth” in the Fiction of Cultural Revolution. The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Hawaii.


LAU, Carolyn. trans. Enlightening elegance: imperial porcelain of the mid to late Ming, the Huaihaitang collection Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong.Lau, Carolyn (November 2012). Out of Tune Blues: Phan Ming Yen’s That Night by the Beach and Other Stories for a Film Score. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

Lau, Carolyn (November 2012). A Tale of Unsung Heroes and Obstinate Bureaucrats: Aqilah Teo’s Ordinary Stories in an Extraordinary. Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

Chow Shun Man Emily (2012). Forging New Selves at the Juncture of Times: The Formulation of an Angolan Identity in Pepetela’s The Return of the Water Spirit. Projections 1: 52-64.

Huang, Zeping Dora. (2012). The effects of lexical input in second language writing: A corpus-informed approach. TESL Reporter, 44 (1), 1-16.

Wong, Wing Sze Janice (2012). Training the Perception and Production of English /e/ and /æ/ of Cantonese ESL Learners: A Comparison of Low vs. High Variability Phonetic Training. Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST 2012). Sydney, Australia.

Xu, Qi (2012). Exploring the effect of relative frequency on Chinese EFL learners’ acquisition of the English dative constructions. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 44(5), 706-718.

Wong, Wing Sze Janice (2012). Training the Perception and Production of English /e/ and /æ/ of Cantonese ESL Learners: A Comparison of Low vs. High Variability Phonetic Training. Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST 2012). Sydney, Australia.

Zhang, Guiping Cathy (15 December 2012). Research on research articles in English for Specific Purposes (1986-2012) at Joint International Conference (The 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & The 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Cui, Jiaying. (November 2012). The L2 and Intercultural Adjustment of Exchange Students from Mainland China. Poster presentation at Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) conference, Shanghai, China.

Cui, Jiaying. (November 2012). The ‘whole person’ development of Chinese exchange students in North America. Panel presentation (together with Prof. Jane Jackson) at Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) conference, Shanghai, China.

Jin, Lu Sally. (October 2012). The effects of lexical input in second and Problem Romance: Lamia in the East and West. Paper presented at Research Seminar, Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Xu, Qi (19-21 October 2012). A corpus-based study of alternating ditransitive constructions in Chinese learner English – A pilot study of the verb TELL. The 5th International Symposium on SLA. Wuhan, China.

Jin, Lu Sally. (September 2012). Pleasures of Popular Romance and Problem Romance: Lamia in the East and West. Paper presented at 4th Annual International Conference on Popular Romance Studies, York University, UK.

Chen, Ru Danny. (July 2012). Living through Memory: Paul Auster’s Writer Characters in Solitude. First Annual Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics (L3 2012), Singapore. Proceedings of L3 2012: 36-41.

Huang Zeping Dora. (9-12 July 2012) The core and periphery of lexical bundles in Conversations across World Englishes. The 5th Annual International Conference on Literature, Languages and Linguistics. Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.

Chow Shun Man Emily (May 2012). Living in a “Spider’s web”: Deconstruction of National Borders in Dambudzo Marechera’s The House of Hunger. Presented at “Borders and Border Crossings”, 5th annual graduate student conference, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Canada.

Chow Shun Man Emily and Prof. Grant Hamilton (11 March 2012). Dambudzo Marechera: Black Sunlight. The Literary Encyclopedia at

Chow Shun Man Emily and Prof. Grant Hamilton (11 March 2012). Dambudzo Marechera: The House of Hunger. The Literary Encyclopedia at

Chan, Yu Kwan Aaron. (February 2012). The Disney Never Land: Peter Pan from Stage to Screen. Sixth Annual Children’s Literature Symposium. The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee.

Chow Shun Man Emily (February 2012). Forging New Selves at the Juncture of Times: The Formulation of an Angolan Identity in Pepetela’s The Return of the Water Spirit. Presented at “Culture and Identity in Times of Change”, 1st The Pearl River Delta Graduate Conference, University of Macau, Macau, China.

Cui, Jiaying. (February 2012). Social Networks, Self-Identities and Social Adjustment: A Case Study of an Exchange Student. Individual presentation at UMAC graduate conference: culture and identity in times of change, Macau, China.

Xu, Qi, Yin Ming & Mak Winfred (15-19 February 2012). What can MAKE tell us about second language learning? – A corpus-based study of verb complementation patterns for MAKE. The 1st Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.

Huang Zeping Dora. (11-15 February 2012). Can corpus-informed concordance improve the lexico-grammatical use of abstract nouns in L2 writing? The 1st Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference. The University of Auckland, New Zealand.


Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (2011). The professional development of preservice teachers in a postgraduate diploma education program. Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, 6 (2), 185-196.

Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (2011). “Why did I speak English to the cat?”: The Impact of An Immersion Experience on The English Language Development of Preservice PGDE (English) Teachers in Hong Kong. In Yusuke, Kondo (Ed.) Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pcific Association of Applied Linguistics (399-402). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Xu, Qi and Wen, Zhisheng (2011). Book review of Z. Dörnyei (2009) “Psychology of second language acquisition”. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 21, 89-92.

Chen, Ru Danny. (28 November 2011 – 2 December 2011). Echoes that Transcended Time and Space – A Brief Survey of the Open Texts by Roland Barthes and William Carlos Williams. 2011 Annual Conference of International Journal of Arts and Sciences (2011 IJAS Conference), Germany.

Huang Zeping Dora. (21-22 November 2011). Corpus-informed materials in second language writing: Implication for the classroom. The 5th International Seminar Teacher Education in the Era of World Englishes. Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia

Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (October 2011).The English Language Development of Preservice PGDE (English) Teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 7th International Symposium of Teaching English at Tertiary Level, Hong Kong.

Xu, Qi and Wen, Zhisheng (2011). Book review of Z. Dörnyei (2009) “Psychology of second language acquisition”. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 21, 89-92.

Chen, Ru Danny. (28 November 2011 – 2 December 2011). Echoes that Transcended Time and Space – A Brief Survey of the Open Texts by Roland Barthes and William Carlos Williams. 2011 Annual Conference of International Journal of Arts and Sciences (2011 IJAS Conference), Germany.

Huang Zeping Dora. (21-22 November 2011). Corpus-informed materials in second language writing: Implication for the classroom. The 5th International Seminar Teacher Education in the Era of World Englishes. Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia

Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (October 2011).The English Language Development of Preservice PGDE (English) Teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 7th International Symposium of Teaching English at Tertiary Level, Hong Kong.

Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (June 2011). Learning to become a teacher: The professional identity development of preservice PGDE (English) teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong.

Chan, Wai Nga Gloria. (2011, June). The Professional Identity Development of Preservice PGDE (English) Teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education, Budapest, Hungary.

Cui, Jiaying. (June 2011). The Role of Social Networks in Study Abroad Sojourners’ Identity and Second Language Motivation. Individual presentation at the 3nd International Conference on English, Discourse and International Communication, Macau, China.

Cui, Jiaying. (June 2011). Social Network, Intercultural Contact and Self-Identity: A Multiple-Case Study of CUHK Mainland Students on Exchange. Individual presentation at Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguists (HAAL), Hong Kong, China.

Xu, Qi (21-23 June 2011 ). English as a Lingua Franca in international business communication – A small-scale exploratory study in a Chinese context. The 3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication. Macao.

Xu, Qi (25 June 2011). Exploring strategies of teaching business English to low-English-proficiency L2 learners in a Chinese context. The 4th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Hong Kong.

Wong Ka Lee Kathy (May 2011). The Constructed Heroes: An Examination of the British Heroic image in Hong Kong Literature in English in the 20th Century. II International Conference on Intercultural Studies. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, the Center for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP.

Xu, Qi (15-17 April 2011). The role of relative frequency in second language learning: A corpus-based study of the English dative construction. Alabama Symposium on Exploring Boundaries and Applications of corpus linguistics. Alabama, USA.


Huang, Zeping Dora. (2010). Revisiting the effects of concordancing on lexico-grammatical patterns of signaling nouns in EFL writing. Journal of Applied English, 3, 81-92, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan.

Huang, Zeping Dora. (12-13 March 2010). Revisiting the effects of concordancing on lexico-grammatical patterns of signaling nouns in EFL writing: An experimental study. The 2010 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics. Ming Chuan University, Taiwan.