
David Parker Memorial Scholarships

David Parker Alliance (DPA) is a networking programme initiated by friends, English alumni and colleagues in memory of the late Professor David Parker. Professor Parker was the Chairperson of the Department of English at CUHK from 2000 to 2009. He was a tireless educator, a generous mentor and a dear friend who always motivated his students to believe in themselves and to explore their potential. To continue his legacy, David Parker Memorial Scholarships are established to encourage English majors to achieve excellence in academic studies, community services, stage productions and creative writing, so that the love and dedication of Professor Parker can have further impact upon English majors.

DPA offers four scholarships to undergraduate students of the English Departments:

Scholarship Amount Criteria Application Method
Best Academic Achievement HK$3000 To be awarded to one 2nd or 3rd year English major with the highest GPA Academic-based
No application required
Best Community Services HK$3000 To be awared to one 2nd or 3rd year English major who demonstrates active and enthusiastic participation in community services Email a completed application form and a personal statement (not more than 500 words) to elaborate on community services and engagements

Deadline: 30 June every year

Email address:
Best Director HK$500 To be awarded to the best director in Andrew Parkin Drama Cup No application required
Best Story HK$500 To be awarded to the best story submitted to ENGE3290 Reading and Writing Short Stories No application required

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