Language Enhancement Programme Chung Chi College

The Programme aims to upgrade students’ Chinese and English Language through diversified activities, including language tables, language seminars and language workshops during term time.
English tables aim at strengthening students’ confidence in speaking English through relaxing dinner conversations. In weekly language seminars, invited guests share specialized language topics with students and exchange ideas with participants during the dinner. Language workshops aim at training students to meet the language needs of their future careers. They are given opportunities to learn English phonetics, academic writing, business Chinese and creative writing, etc.


Enquiries: 3943 0895/ 3943 4102




  • Dr Felix Chao attended the Chinese Language Seminar talking about poetries of Ming Dynasty.

  • Group photo on the last English Table in Sem 1 1516.

  • Representatives of each table wore their self designed MASK in the Halloween English Table.

  • Photo was taken during the dinner of the English Table