Mentor Programme Chung Chi College

The Mentor Programme aims to enrich social exposures and broaden the horizons of College students through sharing and interactions with College alumni. Students can also meet alumni from different departments and generations through the Programme. Many of the participants keep in touch with each other and become lifelong friends.


Enquiries: 3943 6449




  • 約200位嘉賓、學長及學生出席2015至16年度的崇基學院學長計劃周年聚餐。

  • 學長計劃委員會於2015年暑期首辦「上海專業研習計劃」,10位崇基同學與19位伍宜孫書院同學前往上海考察國內的商業發展及社會文化兩星期;他們先到國內企業工作實習,再參與相關的講座、機構參觀及文化考察。