Events Recap
27 July
CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture Series
In the face of intense competition, companies need to actively deploy branding strategies in addition to improving service quality. This will help them stand out in the market and realize a...
27 July
Visit the Singleton Elderly in Kwai Chung
In collaboration with HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre, “CU50 • Care” Campaign organized a visit to the elderly living at Shek Lei Estate in Kwai Chung on July 27. More than twenty students, staff and...

13 July - 3 August
Chung Chi College Service-Learning Programme Part 2
16 Chung Chi College students from various departments, who had joined the Service-Learning Programme (Mainland), went to Yangshuo and Guilin in Guangxi from July 13 to August 3 to take part in a...

10-13 July
20th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading
The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) held its 20th annual meeting at CUHK on July 10 to 13. SSSR is an interdisciplinary organization with over 1000 members worldwide from the areas...
2 July
CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture
In the lecture, Prof. Marsh shared his views on students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETs), which has been the topic of considerable interest and a great deal of research in universities...
24 June - 14 July
Chung Chi College Service-Learning Programme
16 students of Chung Chi College participated in the Service Learning Programme (Mainland) in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province in China from June 24 to July 14, contributing their knowledge and energy to...