Conference Oral Presentations

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Conference Oral Presentations


Expanding career opportunities with tertiary qualification? – Employment experiences of college graduates with visual disabilities in Hong Kong. Dublin, Ireland: The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018


Impact of Caring on Hong Kong Family Caregivers of People with Disabilities. Milan, Italy: The 3rd Transforming Care Conference: Innovation and Sustainability


The Role of Relational Self-Determination in the Personal Well-being of Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong – A Preliminary Study. Singapore: The 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health 2016


Searching an equilibrium of self-determination: voices of adults with mild intellectual disability and their significant others in Hong Kong. Hawaii, US: The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities - The Americas Regional Congress 2015


A Journey of Empowering Service Users and Social Work Students: Organizing an Advocacy Project in the Social Work Practice Laboratory Course. Hong Kong: “Discovery and Innovation in Social Work Practicum Education” International Conference


Self-Determination of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong Context. Hong Kong: The 14th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference


Developing a Framework on Personal Goals Pursuit for People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Initial Attempt. Tokyo, Japan: The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities - The 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Congress


Giving Students an Insightful and Reflective Learning Journey to Working with People with Disabilities: An Experience of Curriculum Planning and Teaching. Shanghai: HKU - Fudan University (2010) Social Work Academic Conference.


Initial Validation of the AIR Self-Determination Scale – Chinese Version (AIR SDS-C) for Chinese People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Critical Step for Developing Related Evidence-based Intervention in Chinese Societies. Hong Kong: The 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda.


Initial Validation of the Quality of Life Questionnaire – Chinese Version (QOL.Q-CV) for Chinese People with Intellectual Disabilities. Singapore: The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities - The 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Congress


Evaluating the Outcomes of a Self-Determination Group for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities – A Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Hong Kong: The 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health.


Evaluating a Staff Development Programme Using an Interpersonal-environment Approach in Facilitating Self-Determination of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong – A Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Oslo, Norway: The 20th World Congress of Rehabilitation International.


Staff training programme on facilitating self-determination of adults with intellectual disabilities – A Hong Kong experience. Tsukuba, Japan: The 16th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation.


Staff training workshop on quality of life of students with intellectual disabilities – A Hong Kong experience. Japan: Osaka Forum - The 12th Rehabilitation International Asia and the Pacific Regional Conference.


A study on exploring the quality of life of adults with mild grade intellectual disabilities in Hong Kong. Tampere, Finland: The 3rd International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health.


Enhancing quality of life for persons with mental handicap – An experience of a Day Activity Centre. Hong Kong: The 11th Rehabilitation International Asia and Pacific Regional Conference (Jointly presented with Elsie M.H. Chien)