Invited Staff Training

Main Content

Quality of Life & Self-Determination of People with Disabilities

2017 – Present

Positive Behaviour Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities”. Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. (The sole trainer, No. of participants: 238 (Tier One); No. of participants: 35 social workers (Tier Two))


“How to Embrace Respect and Self-determination for People with Down Syndrome or Other Disabilities”. The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association. (The sole trainer, a half-day staff training session, No. of participants: 45).


“Person-centred planning & Life education”. Macau Caritas. (The sole trainer, a half-day training workshop for users with intellectual disabilities, social workers, paramedical professions and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 20).

2006 – 2008

“Quality of Life Enhancement for Service Users with Disabilities: Local Application”. Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong. (The sole trainer, a four-half-day workshops for the professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 40).


“Supporting Self-Determination of Residents with Intellectual Disabilities in Residential Setting”. Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. (The sole trainer, a six-session staff training programme for professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 13)


“Supporting Self-Determination of Residents with Intellectual Disabilities in Residential Setting”. Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. (The sole trainer, a six-session staff training programme for professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 32)


“How to Enhance Quality of Life of Students with Intellectual Disabilities”. TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School. (The sole trainer, a six-session staff training workshop for social workers, nurses and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 23)


“How to Enhance Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Residential Home”. TWGHs Rehabilitation Division. (The sole trainer, a half-day staff training workshop for professionals and direct support personnel, no. of participants: 35).


「智障人士生活質素提升工作坊」 “How to Enhance Quality of Life for People with Intellectual Disabilities”. TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex. (The sole trainer, a half-day workshop for professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 45).

Service Quality


“Development History of Local Rehabilitation Services and Rationale for Activity Approach”. Hong Chi Association. (The sole speaker, a staff development programme for managers, social workers, paramedical professions and frontline staff members, No. of participants: 100).

2009 - 2015

A series of staff training programmes including the topics of reflections & reviews on the current practice, strength model, quality of life, groupwork for people with intellectual disabilities, challenging behaviours & sexuality. Hong Kong Christian Service (The sole trainer, 3-4 half-day staff training sessions per year for the professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 18).


「社會轉變下康復服務新趨勢」“Rehabilitation Service in the Changing Society: Trends and Development”. Po Leung Kuk. (The sole trainer, a half-day workshop for the professional staff members of the Rehabilitation Division, no. of participants: 40).


Sharing session on “Models and Programme Design in Community Rehabilitation Service Project – Current Approaches and Models in Community Rehabilitation: Philosophy, Trends and Study Findings”. Social Welfare Department, HKSAR (A half-day workshop for social workers, occupational therapists and direct support personnel from 20 Home-based Training & Support Service Teams of NGOs, No. of participants: 50)


「智障成人服務新紀元」工作坊. “A New Paradigm of Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities in the New Millennium”. Hong Kong Social Workers Association. (The sole trainer, a one-day workshop for rehabilitation personnel, No. of participants: 40).

Staff Competency


“Developing & enhancing staff competencies in daily practice: Reflection & skills building”. Hong Chi Association (The sole trainer, a half-day staff retreat workshop for the professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 52).


“Developing & enhancing staff competencies in daily practice: Reflection & skills building”. Hong Kong Christian Service (The sole trainer, a half-day staff retreat workshop for the professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 40).


「康復服務新趨勢及其對專業同工的啟示 」“Paradigm Shift in Rehabilitation Service: The Implications for the Professionals”. TWGHs – Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex. (The sole trainer, a half-day workshop for social workers and service managers, no. of participants: 60)


「從事復康工作的價值觀反思」“Working with People with Intellectual Disabilities: Self-Reflection and Enhancement”. Christian Family Service Centre – Rehabilitation Service. (The sole trainer, a half-day workshop for professionals and direct support personnel, No. of participants: 35).