Wong, P. K. S. (Ed.) (2013). Together we can create an inclusion lens. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU. (In Chinese, 1000 copies).黃敬歲(主編)(2013)《共融眼睛看世界》。香港:香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系。
Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Supporting self-determination of service users with intellectual disabilities: A staff manual. Hong Kong: Mental Health Association of Hong Kong & Department of Social Work & Social Administration, HKU. (In Chinese, 2000 copies). 黃敬歲 (2004)《智障人士自我決策 — 職員培訓手冊》。香港:香港心理衛生會及香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系。
Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Self-determination. (VCD product). Hong Kong: Mental Health Association of Hong Kong & Department of Social Work & Social Administration, HKU. (In Chinese, 2000 VCD copies). 黃敬歲 (2004)《空間自決》影片光碟。香港:香港心理衛生會及香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系。
Book Chapters
黃敬歲 (2016) 《智障人士「自我決策」》。收錄於《香港唐氏綜合症協會會訊》第67期。頁21-23。香港:嚴重弱智人士家長協會。Wong, P. K. S. (2016). ‘Self-determination’ for people with intellectual disabilities. In D. S. News, 67. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association. (In both Chinese & English).
黃敬歲 (2013) 《社區照顧服務的理念及其模式是否適合嚴重殘疾人士的需要?》。收錄於《嚴重弱智人士家長協會 2012-2013年刊》。頁3-6。香港:嚴重弱智人士家長協會。Wong, P. K. S. (2013). Community care services: A good way to meeting the needs of people with severe disabilities? In Annual Report 2012-2013 of the Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped. Hong Kong: Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped. (In Chinese).
黃敬歲 (2009) 『私營殘疾人士院舍的規管及有關之倡導』。收錄於《基督教服務通訊》第314期。頁4。香港:香港基督教服務處。Wong, P. K. S. (2009). The advocacy of licensing of residential homes for persons with disabilities. In Christian Service Newsletter, 314. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Service. (In Chinese).
黃敬歲 (2009) 『「個人成長及自我實現」的理念及實踐』。收錄於《「意想得到,做得出色」智障人士服務交流計劃分享會特刊》。頁3-7。香港:香港社會服務聯會。Wong, P. K. S. (2009). Personal growth and self-actualization: Concepts and Application. In Report on Self-Actualization Projects in Intellectual Disability Field. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Services. (In Chinese).
黃敬歲 (2008)「前線同工處理智障人士遭受性侵犯個案所需要的支援」。收錄於《反擊》第二十五期。香港:關注婦女性暴力協會。Wong, P. K. S. (2008). Supports to frontline personnel in managing the sexual violence cases of persons with intellectual disabilities. In Newsletter《反擊》, 25. Hong Kong: Association Concerning Sexual Violence against Women. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2006)「智障成人日間服務的演變及趨勢」。收錄於《「個人、家庭、社區」復康服務整合新體驗》。頁35-51。香港:救世軍復康服務。Wong, P. K. S. (2006). Day services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong: Evolution and Trends. In Individual, family and community: Experiences in Integration of Rehabilitation Service. Hong Kong: Salvation Army. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2006)『「提升自我決策能力」小組課程–讓智障朋友學習掌管自己的生命』。收錄於《機遇無限 — 弱智人士生活新天地》。頁99-103。香港:香港弱智服務工作人員協會。Wong, P. K. S. (2006). Self-determination enhancement group: Supporting people with intellectual disabilities to control over their lives. In 《機遇無限 — 弱智人士生活新天地》. Hong Kong Association of Workers Serving the Mentally Handicapped. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2004) 「『支援模式』 (Support Model) ── 讓智障朋友享受真正的社區生活」。收錄於《展智季刊》第72期。網址 Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Support model: A way to real community living of people with intellectual disabilities. In Chin Chi ( (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2004)「如何讓有【特別需要兒童】的家庭健康成長」。收錄於《學校與家庭及現代少年》第十期。頁8-9。香港:香港教育專業人員協會。 Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Families with children with special needs: A way to healthy development. In 《學校與家庭及現代少年》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2002)「自我決策(Self-Determination) — 提升智障人士生活質素的關鍵」。收錄於《相知特—康翠、康屏宿舍五週年特刊》。頁14-20。香港:香港心理衛生會。 Wong, P. K. S. (2002). Self-determination: The key to enhance quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. In 《兩相知特刊 — 康翠、康屏宿舍五週年特刊》. Hong Kong: Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (2002)「智障子女自立過程中家長的角色」。收錄於《家長參與新紀元》。頁234-238。香港:香港弱智人士家長聯會。Wong, P. K. S. (2002). Self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities: The parents’ role”. In 《家長參與新紀元》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped. (In Chinese)
黃敬歲 (1999)「實踐生活質素概念 — 為弱智人士的生活帶來轉變」。收錄於香港弱智人士家長聯會毅行者社區教育中心通訊第12期。 Wong, P. K. S. (1999). Actualize the quality of life concept: A way to change the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. In Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped, Newsletter, vol. 12. (In Chinese)