Orientation Activities Student Ameninities Section - CUHK

Orientation camps starts every summer. Unfortunately, with the alarming surge of COVID-19 in Hong Kong and many other parts of the world, we feel pity that we are not able to meet up with you face to face this summer. Despite the crazy change we are threatened by COVID-19 paramedic, we have come together and are managing to get on with it. Our senior students in different faculties and colleges are ready to organize a series of virtual orientation activities, aiming to help you understand your faculty/department/college better, make friends with students from the same faculty/department/college who will grow and learn with you through the coming years. Those friendships may last for a lifetime! Before you enrolling the online orientation activities, let us share more information about the orientation with you.

Online registration system

What is Joint Committee on New Student Orientation (JCNSO)?

JCNSO provides students with guidance and support with secretarial support from the Office of Students Affairs. Professor LEE Wing-yan, Vivian, serve as the Chairperson of the committee. For details, please click and read.
Orientation Activities 1


Orientation Periods

All the online activities of faculty/ department orientation and college orientation fall into the periods from 20 to 28 August 2020 and 31 August to 4 September 2020 respectively. The activity schedules of the orientations are different. When you enroll successfully, the student orientation organisers will provide their latest programme list to you via email / whatsapp.

Please contact the orientation organisers of your faculty/department/programme directly if you have any enquiry.
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The activity schedules of the orientations are different. Please click and read the programme lists. The organisers reserve the right to amend the activities.

 Programme list of Faculty/ Department Orientation
 Programme list of College Orientation
 List of mental health ambassadors (orientation)
 List of anti-sexual harassment ambassadors (orientation)

The listed online orientation activities were endorsed by Faculty/Department/College and Joint Committee on New Student Orientation (JCNSO). For those non-endorsed orientation activities / un-official orientation activities, no university insurance would be covered. Besides, there may be some inappropriate elements in the events. Please pay more attention when you choose activities.



The orientation activities are conducted in Cantonese only (Morningside College orientation activities are conducted in English.)
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Tips on joining orientation 2020

All virtual orientation activities are optional. Please read the 10 tips on joining orientation 2020 before enrolling them.

Guidelines for the orientation organisers

All orientation organisers follow the JCNSO guidelines to arrange the web activities.

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for the virtual orientation activities

If you are interested in the virtual orientation activities, please click the icon below and enroll it via the online registration system. The system will be activated at 9:00a.m. on 13 August 2020.
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Enrolment period
Faculty/ department orientation – 13 – 26August 2020
College orientation – 13 – 26 August 2020

Online registration system


Enquiry, Request, Suggestion, and Complaint

If you have any enquiries, suggestions, requests or complaints in respect of the orientation activities, you may contact us through the following channels:

Enquiry and Request before or during the orientation camps
Please contact the person-in-charge of the orientations directly
List of orientation organisers

Suggestion and Complaint Secretariat, Joint Committee on New Student Orientation
Tel: 3943 7203
For complaints, please provide your name and correspondence details to facilitate our follow-up action.



