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into, 找到 61 個
v.to squint; to narrow the eyes into a slit; to hlance side ways; to tuck
v.usurp; encroach upon; appropriate; raid; invade; intrude into; infringe upon
v.enter; come in, come to; join, be admitted into; put in
n.fourth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; double knife (arch.); early morning hours; mortise; slot cut into wood to receive a tenon
v.be faint, fall into a coma; kowtow; be short of
v.blame; feel guilty; catastrophe comes into being
onomatopoeiathump, flop; burst into laughters
v.to laugh; to burst into laughter
v.collapse; wither; fall into ruins
v.fell into disuse
v.examine into judicially; find out; scrutinize
v.dwell, reside, live; remain; be in; occupy; put into practice; sit; claim; assert
v.to worry; to pity, to sympathize; to help out; to take into account; to nurse
v.complete; perfect; succeed; accomplish; become; turn into
v.throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project
v.pawn; take into custody; send under escort; stake, bet; to press down, stamp
v.insert; stick into; interfere; meddle; interpose; insert
v.to fold; to trot; to divide into portions; to abandon; to give up; to sort out the divining stalks
v.drive a nail, wedge,etc. into the wall
v.pass through; jab the poker into a stove to stir the fire in order to remove the ashes
v.to detain; to restrain; to take into custody
v.hold; monopolize, dominate, take on everything; take sb.into ones arms, embrace; pick up
v.scatter; disperse; break up, separate; dismiss; fall into pieces; fall apart
v.gather; harvest; levy; put a body into coffin
v.cite, honor, commend; distinguish; bring into play; state clearly, indicate
v.place both hands above the eyes to look better into the distance (arch.)
v.seek out; search into; check; examine; look into, investigate; look up, consult
v.kill; destroy; murder; slaughter; fight, go into battle; weaken, reduce, abate, decrease; pare off; clip
n.winding catchment, a stream which leaves the main branch and afterwards flows into it; the ditch of stagnant water; Si River; the water bank
v.pour water into a pot; soak; arrive, reach, up to
v.the water leaks into a boat
v.ripple; fall into; die out
v.be neglected, fall into oblivion, bury; submerge; clog up, fill
v.cut into slices
n.jade cut into halves (arch.); class; company; team; shift, duty
v.use; employ; consume; operate; apply; put into practice
v.issue; put forth; send forth; rise; manifest; send out; deliver; distribute; utter; express; discharge; shoot; emit; develop; expand; bring into existenceget into a certain stage; become; show one's feeling; feel
v.inspect, supervise, oversee; revise; look into
v.to scrutinize; to gaze into distance; to take aim
v.look sideways, cast a sidelong glace; look far into the distance
v.to look into the distance
v.narrow one's eyes; take a short nap; get into one's eye
n.look down from a height, bird's-eye view; peep at; look far into the distance
v.to grind; to break into pieces
v.halt; put up at; change into mourning garments after the allotted period has passed
n.cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste
v.bind; demand; ask; exact; search into; inquire; think
v.arrange the threads for weaving; arrange; gather up; take count of; sum up; inquire into
v.to tie up with rope or chain; to fetter a prisoner; to take into custody; to restrain; to connect
n.color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; a silk pass; the fine gauze; the frayed edges of silk; silk torn into pieces, one of which was given as a credential and the other retained
v.bore into wood
v.walk; do, act; travel; circulate; carry out; perform; engage in; put into effect
v.a whole divides into two; be double-minded; to betray; assist
n.a son-in-law who marries into wifes family taking her family name
v.go to; get to, attend; jump into; join
v.wade into the water; touch; bump, collide; meet
v.advance; move forward; move ahead; enter; make progress; urge forward; come into; go into; get into; eat; drink; take; submit; present; offer
n.minced pickled meat; an excruciation by mincing up a victim into meat
v.bore; pierce; drill; worm into; penetrate; enter deeply into
v.care for, look after; regard; turn the head round to look; attend to; take into consideration; visit; call on
v.break or smash into pieces, pulverize; hash