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sound, 找到 93 個
onomatopoeiasou sou; sound of rice-washing
n.tickling sound
onomatopoeiasound of small bells
onomatopoeiasound of pressing tiles
v.utter a sound or a word
v.make (a sound)
onomatopoeiaroar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage; sound of a Buddhist incantation
onomatopoeiasound of laughter
onomatopoeiaa dropping sound; rat-a-tat
onomatopoeiasound of creaking or squeaking; sound of babbling of young children learning to talk; chirp, laughing, moving
onomatopoeiasound of laughter; sound of yawning
onomatopoeiasound of ripping, giggling, or laughters
n.asthma; sound; yelling of pig
n.descriptive of the sound of reading
onomatopoeiagobbling sound made by ducks
n.laugh; sound by craw; babble
onomatopoeiaclap, sound of cracking
onomatopoeiasound of noise
n.description of a sudden sound
adj.the sound of chirping; strong wind or rain
onomatopoeiasound of insects
onomatopoeiacry of new born baby; sobbing; sound of bells
onomatopoeiathe sound of bird; singing of birds
onomatopoeiasound of flattering
onomatopoeiasound for sobbing or crying
onomatopoeiasound of tearing
onomatopoeiasound of swallowing or gurgling
onomatopoeiasound of tooting
n.a whistling; hissing sound
int.sigh of disapproval; a sound
v.whisper; emit a small sound
int.sound addressing a horse or cart-animal to command it to move forward
onomatopoeiasound of vomit
trans.sound transliteration
onomatopoeiasound of a large bell
onomatopoeiasound of respiration
n.chirping sound
v.sound of folding; warble; chirp
n.cave, cavern; the sound of ironwork
n.musical sound (anch.); ease; vigour; health; peace; repose; well-being
n.sound of bow (arch.)
onomatopoeiasound of curtain blown in wind
onomatopoeiathe sound of a drum
onomatopoeiasound of leather shoes
onomatopoeiahello; sound of oars
onomatopoeiasound or barking of a dog
onomatopoeiasound of water splashing
n.sound of water
onomatopoeiasound of marvelous music; immense sound; sound of wind; sound of water
n.surging sound
onomatopoeiathe sound of waves
n.the sound of flowing water
n.the urine; something that resembles the urine; the sound of rice-washing; Sou River
onomatopoeiasound of torrent
onomatopoeiasound of water
onomatopoeiasound of waves
onomatopoeiasound of beating wind and rain
onomatopoeiasound of water
onomatopoeiathe sound of a fiercely-burning fire (Cantonese)
onomatopoeiathe sound of jingling or tinkling a jade
n.jangling of jade; collisional sound, tinkling sound of jade
n.anvil, hammering block; base; sound for beating clothes
onomatopoeiato make a loud sound; water splashing on rock; cracking noise
onomatopoeiathe sound of stones knocking together
int.reverberating sound of falling rock or thunder
n.faint sound, whisper
n.sound of step of a horse
n.an ancient musical pipe; sound
int.a sighing sound, alas
n.sound, voice, noise; tone; music; reputation; fame
onomatopoeiasound of water and wind
adj.swarming, buzzing sound
n.gentle breeze; stretch long and unbroken sound; morbidezza
onomatopoeiathe sound of a crash; scream; loud noise
onomatopoeiasound of steping on the ground
onomatopoeiasound of footsteps
n.sound of cracking
onomatopoeiasound of a bird
onomatopoeiahuge sound
n.rumbling sound of cart; cart;
onomatopoeiagrunting sound of pigs
onomatopoeiasound of creaking
onomatopoeiasound of drums and bells
onomatopoeiasound of bell (arch.)
n.bell sound
n.sound, tone, pitch; pronunciation; musical note; news
n.musical sound; rhyme; charm, poise
n.noise, sound; echo
v.make a noise, make a sound
n.sound of howling wind
onomatopoeiasound of hiccup; hiccough
v.sound, ring; express, voice, air