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grain, 找到 33 個
n.grain bin; wood bin
n.the lavatory, the toilet, the privy; the pigsty; the rubbish heap; grain-fed animals
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; bridge over a brook; beam; ridge; joist; fine grain
v.plant, cultivate; erect; sow grain; appoint; set up, establish
n.(arch). the vein lines (or 'grain') of processes jade; reason; principle; fitness of things; right; texture; grain of wood; logic; truth
n.a roller used to husk grain
v.roll, crush; husk grain
n.rice plant with grain still on stalk
n.ear of grain; grain in the ear (Bible expression) (arch.)
n.blighted grain
n.seed; grain; plant; race; kinds, species (biol.)
n.paper mulberry; salary; grain, cereal; obituary notice; Gu city
n.glume; grain husk; tip
n.ear of grain; tassel; short name for Guangzhou (Canton)
n.wild grain
n.the pulp; a bumper harvest; the stalk of grain; the fully grown paddy; full; Rang county; ten billions
n.bamboos placed across wooden frames for drying grain; a wooden frame; a kind of music instrument
n.a flat basket-tray for grain
n.a square grain receptacle for ceremonial purpose (arch.)
n.grain; kernel; granule; pellet
n.grain; unhusked millet
n.essence, the best; pure grain
n.rice grain; grain; rice-gruel mixed with meat; fried cakes of rice and meat
n.provision; grain; food; ration; tax in kind
v.buy grain; purchase grain
n.the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe
v.to separate the grain from the husk
n.lotus-like plant, a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain
n.parasite; the most poisonous insects who survive after fighting each other; demagogic disease; superstition; grain moth
n.sickle; grain crops harvested; ancient place name located in today's Anhui province
v.harvest grain crops using a sickle