Introduction of Robotic Surgery Training
Since 2006, over 230 robotic assisted surgical operations have been performed by various surgical
disciplines of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and CUHK is firmly committed to making
the MISSC a leading world MIS training hub.
Recent collaborations have been established with the International Training Centre of Intuitive
Surgical®, Inc. - the designers and manufacturers of the robotic assisted da Vinci® Surgical System
as used in the MISSC. Intuitive Surgical® issues certifications for all courses in robotic assisted
laparoscopic surgery conducted at the MISSC. This is one of the very few centres outside the US to
offer such courses.
The course covers the important clinical aspects of robotics as used in a wide variety of specialties.
Surgeon faculty and Intuitive Surgical® certified product trainers demonstrate OT configuration, system
preparation, patient positioning, and port placement as well as pre-, intra- and post-operative techniques
using the robotic surgical system.
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