Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP |
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK |
Organization of International Conferences/Symposia |
12th Conference of the International Test Commission, Luxembourg, July 2020, Member of the International Advisory Committee |
11th Conference of the International Test Commission, Montreal, Canada, July 2018, Member of the Scientific Committee |
10th Conference of the International Test Commission, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016, Member of the Scientific Committee |
9th Conference of the International Test Commission, San Sebastian, Spain, July 2014, Member of the Scientific Committee |
5th International Congress on Licensure, Certification and Credentialing of Psychologists, July 2013, organized by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, Member of the International Advisory Board |
8th Conference of the International Test Commission, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2012, Member of the Scientific Committee |
7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, July 2010, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
International Women’s Forum Cornerstone Conference 2009, Hong Kong, May 2009, Co-chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
5th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Beijing, October 2008, Member of Chinese Advisory Committee |
6th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Hong Kong, June 2008, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
1st World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry, Beijing, September 2006, Member of the Scientific Committee |
18th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Kobe, Japan, August 2005, Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee |
5th Chinese Psychologists Conference, Suzhou, July 2005, Co-chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 2004, Member of the China Advisory Committee |
International Conference on Globalization and Gender: The Implications of Global Economic Restructuring for Women in China and Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, November, 2003, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
17th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Hawaii, USA, August 2003, Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee |
International Workshop on Gender Analysis for Management and Policy Enhancement, Hong Kong, September 2000, Course Director |
International Conference on Globalization and Women’s Health: Challenges in a Changing Asia, Hong Kong, August 2000, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
International Conference on Violence Against Women: Chinese and American Experiences, Hong Kong, November 1994, Co-chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
First International Conference on Psychotherapy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, November 1992, Member of the Scientific Committee |
International Conference of Gender and Society: The Pacific Rim Experience, Hong Kong, March 1991, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
International Conference on Gender Research in Chinese Societies, Hong Kong, November 1989, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee |
International Conference on Health Psychology, Cardiff, UK, September 1989, organized by the Welsh Branch and the Health Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee |
4th International Meeting of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatry, Hong Kong, December 1988, Chairperson of the Publicity Subcommittee |
Workshop on Clinical Applications of the MMPI, Hong Kong, October 1985, Workshop Coordinator |
Symposium on the Use of the Chinese MMPI, Hong Kong, March 1985, Symposium Organizer and Chairperson |
Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture, Hong Kong, March 1983, Member of the Organizing Committee |
Regional Symposium of the World Psychiatric Association, Hong Kong, 1979, Member of the Organizing Committee |