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Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Supervision of Graduate Theses

Osofsky, Michael. “Application of social cognitive theory to entrepreneurial behavior.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Bettache, Karim (co-supervisor). “A case of shifting moral standards: How biculturalism shapes morality.” Department of Psychology, CUHK

Wang, Jiaying. “Parental influence on offspring’s work attitudes through the effect of person-environment fit in work values.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Liu, Huimin. “How work-family interface affects an intimate partner: A test of crossover effects in Chinese dual-earner couples.” Department of Psychology and Gender Studies Programme, CUHK


Wan, Sarah Lai Yin. “Roles of parental influences, personality and career decision-making self-efficacy in predicting vocational interests and choice goals among Hong Kong secondary school students.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Cao, Hui. “Work-family interface and outcomes: Testing the matching-domain hypothesis in Chinese samples.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Chen, Xuefei. “How work family interface affects work withdrawal intention.” Department of Psychology and Gender Studies Programme, CUHK


To, Clara Yuen Weun. “An indigenous model of leadership effectiveness in the Chinese work setting.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Kwong, Jessica Yuk Yee. “Linking counterfactual thinking to perceptions outcome justice.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Gan, Yiqun. “Healthy personality traits and unique pathways to psychological adjustment: Gender and cultural perspectives.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Zhang, Jianxin. “Distinction between general trust and specific trust: Their unique patterns with trait domains, distinct roles in interpersonal relationships, and different functions in path models of trusting behaviour.” Department of Psychology, CUHK

Psy.D. (Clinical Psychology)

Wong, Connie. “Psychosocial determinants of motivation for abstinence among persons with substance use problems in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK

M.Phil./M.S.Sc. (Clinical Psychology) and M.Phil. (Research)

Chow, Danny Ho Ting. “The effect of gratitude exercises on well-being and benefit appraisal for Asian Chinese secondary school students.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Ng, Candace Man Ying. “Effect of self-efficacy, collective efficacy and social support on the relationship among personality, perceived stress and mental health problems.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Chan, Karli Wing Chi. “Relationship between professionals’ attitudes, beliefs and knowledge related to child abuse and their intention of reporting.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Yao, Jindan. “Teacher leadership behaviors: An indigenous model of leadership effectiveness in the Chinese educational setting.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wan, Sarah Lai Yin. “Extension of the Planned Behavior Theory in smoking among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents: The roles of personality and gender.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Cheung, Sophie Y. Y. “Defensiveness and social desirability response tendency among sex offenders in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Ho, Man Yee. “Adjustment of adolescents who are exposed to violence: Factors associated with resilience.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Lee, Silvia S. W. “Help seeking for sexual problem: A Hong Kong Chinese sample.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wu, Celia S. T. “Personality and job motivation as predictors of job performance/job satisfaction of people with schizophrenic disorders.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Tsang, Janice Fung King. “Help-seeking behaviours for psychosomatic symptoms among Chinese in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Tung, Christine. “Personality features and outcome expectancies in prediction motivation for treatment of male offenders with substance dependence in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Lee, Anita W. Y. “Personality and coping: A study of the Hong Kong mothers.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Pong, Debbie M. W. “Personality correlates of coping strategies at work among teachers.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wan, Gloria W. Y. “Personality features of pathological gamblers in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Yao, Desiree C. Y. “Coping strategies and symptomatology of rape survivors.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Yip, Rosanna W. Y. “Social desirability responding and the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Yung, Fanice M. Y. “Help-seeking attitude and behaviour of new immigrant women from mainland China: Its relationship with acculturation, personality and level of psychological distress.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Chan, Cindy. “MMPI-A patterns of adolescent delinquents in Hong Kong.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Chan, Jeanie C. “Prediction of psychological well-being in local menopausal women.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Lam, Alex H. M. “Personality traits as predictors of perceived burden and psychological well-being of parents.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wong, Emma T. “Psychological distress in parents having children with mental retardation: The effect of coping, face, face-losing appraisal and face acts.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wong, Shalina C. H. “Perfectionism and personality as the predictors of the psychological adjustment of Chinese adolescents.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Leahy, Patricia. “Gender differences in the experience of anxiety in competitive sport among Hong Kong elite athletes.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Law, Josephine S. F. “The influence of sex role identification and personality traits on vocational orientation of college students.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Wong, Chi Ming. “The pattern of somatization in correctional settings in Hong Kong and its treatment implications.” Department of Psychology, CUHK


Leung, King Wai Frank. “Clinical utility of the MMPI in the evaluation of adolescent boys with mild to severe behavioural problems.” Department of Psychology, CUHK

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