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Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Major Research Projects

A longitudinal study of the development of career self-efficacy among Chinese high school students (funded by the RGC General Research Fund, 2013–2016)

The development of a scale to measure collective career efficacy among high school students (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2010–2011)

A cross-cultural study of personality and socialization antecedents of career self-efficacy among high school students (funded by the RGC General Research Fund, 2009–2012)

An investigation of personality traits, resilience, and mental health problems among adolescents in Sichuan earthquake area (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2009–2010)

A standardization of the Cross-cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents (CPAI-A) in mainland China (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2007–2009)

Cross-cultural validity and utility of the CPAI-2 in career counseling for college students (funded by the RGC Earmarked Research Grant, 2006–2008)

The development of a checklist of career development activities for college students in Hong Kong (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2006–2007)

A culturally relevant personality inventory for Chinese adolescents (funded by the RGC Earmarked Research Grant, 2003–2006)

The development of adolescent well-being measures: A preparatory study to validate the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents (CPAI-A) (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2003–2004)

Construction of risk and needs assessment scales for violent offenders, sex offenders and young offenders (commissioned by the Hong Kong Government, 2002–2005)

Personality profiles of Chinese psychiatric patients: An indigenous approach (funded by the RGC Earmarked Research Grant, 2001–2003)

Convergent validity of the CPAI in Asia (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2001)

Universal and indigenous dimensions of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (funded by the RGC Earmarked Research Grant, 2000–2002)

Predicting job performance with the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 2000)

Behavioral correlates of interpersonal relatedness and openness in Chinese culture (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 1999)

Adjective descriptors of Chinese personality (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 1996)

Clinical validation of the CPAI (funded by the Direct Grant for Research, Social Science and Education Panel, CUHK, 1996)

Validation of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI) in Hong Kong and South China (in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; funded by the South China Research Programme, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 1993–1995)

Consultant to the research project on the standardization of the Chinese MMPI-2 in China, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1990–2005

Standardization of the Chinese MMPI-2 and MMPI-A in Hong Kong, 1990–2003

Development of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; funded by the UPGC Earmarked Grant for Research, 1989–1991, 1991–1993)


Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (commissioned by The Women’s Foundation, Hong Kong, 2011–2012, Co-I)

Construction of risk and need assessment tools for adult and young sex offenders for the Correctional Services Department (commissioned by the Hong Kong Government, 2010–2014)

Work-family balance for women leaders in Chinese and US societies: Implications for enhancing women leadership (funded by the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program, 2004–2005)

Gender diversity and leadership effectiveness: An exploratory study in the Chinese work setting (funded by the PDI Global Research Consortia, 2002–2005)

Outcome of the rape crisis intervention services and training programmes of Rain Lily (commissioned by the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women, 2001–2004)

Violence against women: A comparative study in Chinese societies of Hong Kong, PRC, and Taiwan (in collaboration with Prof. X. M. Sun, Chinese Women’s College, Beijing and Dr. Roda Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; funded by the RGC Earmarked Grant for Research, 1996–1998)

Health risk and multiple roles of women in Hong Kong (funded by the Health Services Research Committee, 1995–1997)

Gender and the professions in Hong Kong: The politics of work and the social construction of gender (funded by the RGC Earmarked Grant for Research, 1994–1999)

Violence against women in Chinese societies: The Hong Kong experience (funded by the UPGC Earmarked Grant for Research, 1994–1996)

Equal Opportunities
Established the research foundation of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), and led the EOC in conducting or commissioning a series of baseline surveys, including:

  public awareness of equal opportunities;

  public attitudes on equal opportunities on the ground of gender, disability, and family status;

  objective and subjective indicators of equal opportunities;

  feasibility on the implementation of equal pay for equal values;

  operational definition of sex as a genuine qualification in employment;

  gender and disability stereotypes in school textbooks; and

  sex discrimination in gender-based test norming and school places allocation.

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