Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP |
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK |
Conference Presentations |
Value-based diversity and gender equity policies and practices in universities [convenor of interactive session]. 2nd European Women Rectors Association Workshop on Leadership in Higher Education and Research: Values-Complexities-Decision Making, Valencia, Spain, May 26–28, 2020 (postponed to 2022). |
Promoting gender equity in universities: The role of tertiary educational exchanges in Belt-Road Initiative. 8th World Women University Presidents’ Forum, Wuhan, April 7–10, 2018. |
Empowering and encouraging women academics in a gender-blind organization: Sharing best practices in overcoming resistance. 5th European Women Rectors Conference, Brussels, Belgium, May 29–30, 2017. |
The role of female leaders in facilitating a supportive environment for women faculty in higher education. 7th World Women University Presidents’ Forum, Taipei, October 12–15, 2016. |
Gendered leadership in higher education in Hong Kong. British Council Going Global 2015, London, UK, June 1–2, 2015. |
Culture and gender perspectives of leadership development and their relationship to inclusive leadership. British Council Going Global 2014, Miami, USA, April 29–May 2, 2014. |
Dangerous demographics: Asian perspectives in women and leadership in higher education. British Council Going Global 2014, Miami, USA, April 29–May 2, 2014. |
Effects of personality on vocational exploration via career decision self- and collective efficacy among Chinese students (with Wang, J.). Symposium on Relational personality correlates of vocational behavior: Studies with the CPAI emic and etic dimensions, 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 9–12, 2013. |
Emic personality moderators in career efficacy’s prediction of vocational identity among US and Chinese adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on Relational personality correlates of vocational behavior: Studies with the CPAI emic and etic dimensions, 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 9–12, 2013. |
CPAI-A correlates of adolescent vocational identity in Hong Kong (with Ng, C. M. Y.). Symposium on A combined emic-etic approach to personality assessment: Recent applications of the CPAI-2 or CPAI-A, 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 28–31, 2011. |
Role of the CPAI-A in predicting career decision self-efficacy among Hong Kong adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on A combined emic-etic approach to personality assessment: Recent applications of the CPAI-2 or CPAI-A, 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 28–31, 2011. |
Cross-cultural comparison on the personality structure of the CPAI-A among American and Chinese adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on From indigenous to cross-cultural personality assessment, 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4–8, 2011. |
The combined emic-etic approach in indigenous personality assessment. Symposium on From indigenous to cross-cultural personality assessment, 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4–8, 2011. |
Factor congruence of the CPAI-2 in Asian and American samples. Symposium on From East to West: Generalizability of the CPAI in Western contexts, 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway, July 7–10, 2009. |
Etic vs. emic personality assessment: An integrative approach for deriving an indigenous measure for Chinese personality. Symposium on Testing and assessment in emerging and developing countries, II: Challenges and recent advances, 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008. |
Symposium on Beyond a universal personality structure: Recent research on the Cross-cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008. |
Women and psychology in a global era. Symposium on Psychology in a global era: Challenges, opportunities and responsibilities, 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008. |
Symposium on Challenges of psychological assessment in Chinese societies [symposium organizer and chairperson], 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Hong Kong, June 11–14, 2008. |
Symposium on Personality research beyond the Big-Five: Recent developments of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 7th Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July 25–28, 2007. |
Fostering mental health in a university community. Plenary session on Experience from the field-policies to practice, 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities, Hong Kong, March 8–10, 2007. |
Symposium on Standards of Psychological Testing [symposium organizer and chairperson], 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004. |
Symposium on Validation of the Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2) [symposium organizer and chairperson], 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004. |
Test translation East and West. 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004. |
The adaptation and application of the Chinese MMPI-2. 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004. |
Interpersonal relatedness among Asian American and European American students. 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004. |
Symposium on From the Chinese to Cross-cultural Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI) [symposium organizer and chairperson], 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004. |
Culturally relevant measures of personality assessment. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, June 5, 2004. |
Social responses to SARS. World Health Organization SARS Scientific Research Advisory Committee Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, October 20–21, 2003. |
Symposium on Cross-cultural relevance of the CPAI-2 in Chinese and American cultures [symposium organizer and chairperson], 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 7–11, 2003. |
Personality and psychological well-being in adulthood. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, June 14, 2003. |
Development of indigenous openness scales for the CPAI. 4th International Conference of Chinese Psychologists and the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Chinese Psychology and Behavior, Taipei, November 9–11, 2002. |
Significance of indigenous constructs in the study of personality. Symposium on Indigenous and cross-cultural analysis of personality, 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore, July 7–12, 2002. |
Symposium on Validation of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore, July 7–12, 2002. |
Convergence of the Chinese MMPI-2 and the CPAI. 17th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 28, 2002. |
Gender differences in personality among Chinese men and women. Academic Conference on Chinese Culture and Women, Peking University, Beijing, June 14–15, 2002. |
A gender perspective to women’s health and mental health. 1st Scientific Symposium on Research in Women’s Health: From Knowledge to Practice, Hong Kong, October 21, 2001. |
Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory: Factor structure and cross-cultural relevance. Symposium on Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory: Factor structure and cross-cultural relevance, 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 24–28, 2001. |
Indigenous constructs in the assessment of cross-cultural psychopathology. Symposium on Critical issues in assessment, treatment and research, 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 24–28, 2001. |
The use of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory in human resource management. International Conference on HR and Business Strategy, Hangzhou, June 16–17, 2001. |
Mental health challenges for the 21st century. Chung Chi College Annual Education Conference on Social Change and Health: Challenges for the 21st Century, Hong Kong, January 13, 2001. |
Interpersonal relatedness: A unique factor on the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory? 5th Inter-disciplinary Seminar on Chinese Psychology and Behavior, Taipei, December 8–10, 2000. |
Applying psychology to set up the Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong. Symposium on Women and leadership: Global perspectives, 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 23–28, 2000 |
Ageing population and gender issues. 10th Anniversary Conference on Into the 21st Century: Challenges for Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific Region, Hong Kong, April 13–15, 2000. |
The changing status of women: What are the indicators? Panel on Women as key players in economic development, UNDP China Millennium Meeting, Hong Kong, December 16–17, 1999. |
Wanted: Indicators of gendered mobilities. International Conference on Gendered Mobilities in Asia, Hong Kong, November 25–26, 1999. |
The need for objective and subjective indicators in gender statistics. APEC Experts’ Meeting on Gender, Science and Technology, Manila, the Philippines, March 10–11, 1998. |
Indigenous Chinese personality constructs and counselling (with Leung, K.). International Conference on Cross-Cultural Counselling in Chinese Communities, Hong Kong, May 16–17, 1997. |
How do Chinese define violence against women? (with Tang, C. S. K. & Lee, A.). 26th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 16–21, 1996. |
Indigenous Chinese personality constructs (with Leung, K., Law, J. S., & Zhang, J.). 26th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 16–21, 1996. |
Personality traits as predictors of mental health in Chinese: Cultural and gender issues (with Gan, Y.). 13th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 12–15, 1996. |
Dropouts from individual insight-oriented psychotherapy in a Hong Kong outpatient population. 2nd International Conference on Psychotherapy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, November 20–23, 1994. |
Review of rape research in Hong Kong: Facts and gaps. International Conference on Violence Against Women: Chinese and American Experiences, Hong Kong, November 16–19, 1994. |
The assessment of psychopathology in Chinese societies. Conference on Psychology of the Chinese, Hong Kong, May 31–June 2, 1994. |
Development of a “Good Moments” instrument in the study of psychotherapy for the Chinese. 1st International Conference on Psychotherapy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, November 9–11, 1992. |
Development of the Chinese Multiphasic Personality Inventory. 24th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July 19–24, 1992. |
International applications of the MMPI-2. Workshop on the MMPI-2, Bruges, Belgium, July 15–17, 1992. |
Gender research in Hong Kong. Workshop on Past, present, and future of women’s studies and gender research, Symposium on Modern Life Adjustment and Mental Health, Kaohsiung, July 6, 1991. |
Health psychology in Chinese societies in Asia. Symposium on Health psychology around the world, 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1990. |
Professional and community mental health issues in Hong Kong. Symposium on Health psychology around the world, 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1990. |
International applications of the MMPI-2: Translation issues and procedures. 25th Annual Symposium on Recent Development in the Use of the MMPI (MMPI-2), Minneapolis, USA, June, 1990. |
Victims of sexual assault: A summary of the Crime Victimization Surveys of 1978, 1981, and 1986 (with Law, J. S.). Conference on Research on Rape and Sex Crimes in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May, 1990. |
Women’s roles and the changing family in Hong Kong. UNESCO Regional Workshop on Changing Family Patterns and Gender Roles in Asia, Delhi, India, May, 1990. |
Gender studies in Hong Kong. International Conference on Gender Research in Chinese Societies, Hong Kong, November, 1989. |
Caretaking and child behavior among professional, working-class and rural families in Hong Kong (with Lam, M. C. & Chau, B.). International Conference on Early Education and Development, Hong Kong, July–August, 1989. |
Clinical applications of the Chinese MMPI in China. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, June, 1989. |
Rationale for women’s studies in Hong Kong. Meeting of the Committee on Asian Women’s Studies, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Chiangmai, Thailand, May, 1989. |
Community participation among working-class housewives in Hong Kong (with Yuen, R.). XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August, 1988. |
Practical problems and considerations in the application of the Chinese MMPI. Conference of the National MMPI Coordinating Committee, Nanjing, June, 1988. |
Development of a new F Scale for the Chinese MMPI in China and Hong Kong (with Song, W.). 10th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1987. |
Directions in personality assessment [panel discussion with Butcher, J., Gough, H., Pancheri, P., Sloore, H., & Spielberger, C.]. 10th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1987. |
Psychological and social characteristics of social participation among youths in Hong Kong (with Yuen, R.). Workshop on Current Research on Youth in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June, 1987. |
Careers for psychologists in Hong Kong. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, June, 1986. |
Development of gender stereotype. 2nd Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong, November, 1985. |
〈香港不同社經階層教養兒童的形式〉(與鄒羅端華、林孟秋)。第二屆現代化與中國文化國際研討會。香港,1985年11月。 |
Considerations in cross-cultural applications of personality assessment. Workshop on Personality Assessment, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, October, 1985. |
Workshop on clinical applications of the MMPI [workshop co-trainer], Hong Kong, October, 1985. |
Conceptualization of psychiatric illness and help-seeking behavior among Chinese. 2nd International Conference on Illness Behavior, Toronto, Canada, August, 1985. |
An overview of Chinese MMPI research in Hong Kong. Symposium on the Use of the Chinese MMPI, Hong Kong, March 16, 1985. |
Response latency studies on the Chinese MMPI (with Hung, Y. S. & Tsoi, K. C.). Symposium on the Use of the Chinese MMPI, Hong Kong, March 16, 1985. |
A summary report on the caretaking forms and styles among three groups of families in urban Hong Kong: With implications on mental health (with Chau, B. T. W. & Lam, M. C.). Conference on Child Socialization and Mental Health: The Case of Chinese Culture, Honolulu, USA, August 6–13, 1984. |
Changing attitudes: The War-on-Rape campaign. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, 1984. |
Paths to psychiatric care in Hong Kong: The physician roundabout. International Symposium on Cross-cultural Psychiatric Epidemiology, Hong Kong, 1984. |
Item endorsement and item desirability patterns of the MMPI among college students in Hong Kong and the U.S. 8th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983. |
〈中國人對心理問題的表現方法及求助途徑〉。現代化與中國文化國際研討會。香港,1983年3月。 |
An overview of psychopathology in Hong Kong: With special reference to somatic presentation. Conference on Chinese Culture and Mental Health, Honolulu, USA, 1982. |
Development of the Chinese MMPI in Hong Kong: Comparisons between the Chinese and the English versions. 7th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Honolulu, USA, 1981. |
Studies on MMPI normals in Hong Kong. Symposium on Objective assessment of personality across cultures, Annual Conference of the Western Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, 1980. |
MMPI profiles and analyses of normals in Hong Kong. 6th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Kyoto, Japan, 1979. |
Residential rehabilitation: Evaluation of halfway houses for the mentally ill in Hong Kong. 6th Pan Pacific Conference of Rehabilitation International, Seoul, Korea, 1979. |
Translation of the Chinese MMPI for use in Hong Kong. 5th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Haifa, Israel, 1977. |
A correspondence model of cross-cultural adjustment. 2nd International Conference of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Kingston, Canada, 1974. |