
Curriculum Vitae

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Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Conference Presentations

Value-based diversity and gender equity policies and practices in universities [convenor of interactive session]. 2nd European Women Rectors Association Workshop on Leadership in Higher Education and Research: Values-Complexities-Decision Making, Valencia, Spain, May 26–28, 2020 (postponed to 2022).

Promoting gender equity in universities: The role of tertiary educational exchanges in Belt-Road Initiative. 8th World Women University Presidents’ Forum, Wuhan, April 7–10, 2018.

Empowering and encouraging women academics in a gender-blind organization: Sharing best practices in overcoming resistance. 5th European Women Rectors Conference, Brussels, Belgium, May 29–30, 2017.

The role of female leaders in facilitating a supportive environment for women faculty in higher education. 7th World Women University Presidents’ Forum, Taipei, October 12–15, 2016.

Gendered leadership in higher education in Hong Kong. British Council Going Global 2015, London, UK, June 1–2, 2015.

Culture and gender perspectives of leadership development and their relationship to inclusive leadership. British Council Going Global 2014, Miami, USA, April 29–May 2, 2014.

Dangerous demographics: Asian perspectives in women and leadership in higher education. British Council Going Global 2014, Miami, USA, April 29–May 2, 2014.

Effects of personality on vocational exploration via career decision self- and collective efficacy among Chinese students (with Wang, J.). Symposium on Relational personality correlates of vocational behavior: Studies with the CPAI emic and etic dimensions, 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 9–12, 2013.

Emic personality moderators in career efficacy’s prediction of vocational identity among US and Chinese adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on Relational personality correlates of vocational behavior: Studies with the CPAI emic and etic dimensions, 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 9–12, 2013.

CPAI-A correlates of adolescent vocational identity in Hong Kong (with Ng, C. M. Y.). Symposium on A combined emic-etic approach to personality assessment: Recent applications of the CPAI-2 or CPAI-A, 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 28–31, 2011.

Role of the CPAI-A in predicting career decision self-efficacy among Hong Kong adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on A combined emic-etic approach to personality assessment: Recent applications of the CPAI-2 or CPAI-A, 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 28–31, 2011.

Cross-cultural comparison on the personality structure of the CPAI-A among American and Chinese adolescents (with Wan, S. L. Y.). Symposium on From indigenous to cross-cultural personality assessment, 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4–8, 2011.

The combined emic-etic approach in indigenous personality assessment. Symposium on From indigenous to cross-cultural personality assessment, 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4–8, 2011.

Factor congruence of the CPAI-2 in Asian and American samples. Symposium on From East to West: Generalizability of the CPAI in Western contexts, 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway, July 7–10, 2009.

Etic vs. emic personality assessment: An integrative approach for deriving an indigenous measure for Chinese personality. Symposium on Testing and assessment in emerging and developing countries, II: Challenges and recent advances, 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008.

Symposium on Beyond a universal personality structure: Recent research on the Cross-cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008.

Women and psychology in a global era. Symposium on Psychology in a global era: Challenges, opportunities and responsibilities, 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20–25, 2008.

Symposium on Challenges of psychological assessment in Chinese societies [symposium organizer and chairperson], 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Hong Kong, June 11–14, 2008.

Symposium on Personality research beyond the Big-Five: Recent developments of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 7th Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July 25–28, 2007.

Fostering mental health in a university community. Plenary session on Experience from the field-policies to practice, 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities, Hong Kong, March 8–10, 2007.

Symposium on Standards of Psychological Testing [symposium organizer and chairperson], 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004.

Symposium on Validation of the Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2) [symposium organizer and chairperson], 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004.

Test translation East and West. 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 8–13, 2004.

The adaptation and application of the Chinese MMPI-2. 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004.

Interpersonal relatedness among Asian American and European American students. 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004.

Symposium on From the Chinese to Cross-cultural Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI) [symposium organizer and chairperson], 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, July 28–August 1, 2004.

Culturally relevant measures of personality assessment. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, June 5, 2004.

Social responses to SARS. World Health Organization SARS Scientific Research Advisory Committee Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, October 20–21, 2003.

Symposium on Cross-cultural relevance of the CPAI-2 in Chinese and American cultures [symposium organizer and chairperson], 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 7–11, 2003.

Personality and psychological well-being in adulthood. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, June 14, 2003.

Development of indigenous openness scales for the CPAI. 4th International Conference of Chinese Psychologists and the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Chinese Psychology and Behavior, Taipei, November 9–11, 2002.

Significance of indigenous constructs in the study of personality. Symposium on Indigenous and cross-cultural analysis of personality, 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore, July 7–12, 2002.

Symposium on Validation of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory [symposium organizer and chairperson], 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore, July 7–12, 2002.

Convergence of the Chinese MMPI-2 and the CPAI. 17th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 28, 2002.

Gender differences in personality among Chinese men and women. Academic Conference on Chinese Culture and Women, Peking University, Beijing, June 14–15, 2002.

A gender perspective to women’s health and mental health. 1st Scientific Symposium on Research in Women’s Health: From Knowledge to Practice, Hong Kong, October 21, 2001.

Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory: Factor structure and cross-cultural relevance. Symposium on Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory: Factor structure and cross-cultural relevance, 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 24–28, 2001.

Indigenous constructs in the assessment of cross-cultural psychopathology. Symposium on Critical issues in assessment, treatment and research, 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 24–28, 2001.

The use of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory in human resource management. International Conference on HR and Business Strategy, Hangzhou, June 16–17, 2001.

Mental health challenges for the 21st century. Chung Chi College Annual Education Conference on Social Change and Health: Challenges for the 21st Century, Hong Kong, January 13, 2001.

Interpersonal relatedness: A unique factor on the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory? 5th Inter-disciplinary Seminar on Chinese Psychology and Behavior, Taipei, December 8–10, 2000.

Applying psychology to set up the Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong. Symposium on Women and leadership: Global perspectives, 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 23–28, 2000

Ageing population and gender issues. 10th Anniversary Conference on Into the 21st Century: Challenges for Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific Region, Hong Kong, April 13–15, 2000.

The changing status of women: What are the indicators? Panel on Women as key players in economic development, UNDP China Millennium Meeting, Hong Kong, December 16–17, 1999.

Wanted: Indicators of gendered mobilities. International Conference on Gendered Mobilities in Asia, Hong Kong, November 25–26, 1999.

The need for objective and subjective indicators in gender statistics. APEC Experts’ Meeting on Gender, Science and Technology, Manila, the Philippines, March 10–11, 1998.

Indigenous Chinese personality constructs and counselling (with Leung, K.). International Conference on Cross-Cultural Counselling in Chinese Communities, Hong Kong, May 16–17, 1997.

How do Chinese define violence against women? (with Tang, C. S. K. & Lee, A.). 26th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 16–21, 1996.

Indigenous Chinese personality constructs (with Leung, K., Law, J. S., & Zhang, J.). 26th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 16–21, 1996.

Personality traits as predictors of mental health in Chinese: Cultural and gender issues (with Gan, Y.). 13th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 12–15, 1996.

Dropouts from individual insight-oriented psychotherapy in a Hong Kong outpatient population. 2nd International Conference on Psychotherapy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, November 20–23, 1994.

Review of rape research in Hong Kong: Facts and gaps. International Conference on Violence Against Women: Chinese and American Experiences, Hong Kong, November 16–19, 1994.

The assessment of psychopathology in Chinese societies. Conference on Psychology of the Chinese, Hong Kong, May 31–June 2, 1994.

Development of a “Good Moments” instrument in the study of psychotherapy for the Chinese. 1st International Conference on Psychotherapy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, November 9–11, 1992.

Development of the Chinese Multiphasic Personality Inventory. 24th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July 19–24, 1992.

International applications of the MMPI-2. Workshop on the MMPI-2, Bruges, Belgium, July 15–17, 1992.

Gender research in Hong Kong. Workshop on Past, present, and future of women’s studies and gender research, Symposium on Modern Life Adjustment and Mental Health, Kaohsiung, July 6, 1991.

Health psychology in Chinese societies in Asia. Symposium on Health psychology around the world, 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1990.

Professional and community mental health issues in Hong Kong. Symposium on Health psychology around the world, 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1990.

International applications of the MMPI-2: Translation issues and procedures. 25th Annual Symposium on Recent Development in the Use of the MMPI (MMPI-2), Minneapolis, USA, June, 1990.

Victims of sexual assault: A summary of the Crime Victimization Surveys of 1978, 1981, and 1986 (with Law, J. S.). Conference on Research on Rape and Sex Crimes in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May, 1990.

Women’s roles and the changing family in Hong Kong. UNESCO Regional Workshop on Changing Family Patterns and Gender Roles in Asia, Delhi, India, May, 1990.

Gender studies in Hong Kong. International Conference on Gender Research in Chinese Societies, Hong Kong, November, 1989.

Caretaking and child behavior among professional, working-class and rural families in Hong Kong (with Lam, M. C. & Chau, B.). International Conference on Early Education and Development, Hong Kong, July–August, 1989.

Clinical applications of the Chinese MMPI in China. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, June, 1989.

Rationale for women’s studies in Hong Kong. Meeting of the Committee on Asian Women’s Studies, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Chiangmai, Thailand, May, 1989.

Community participation among working-class housewives in Hong Kong (with Yuen, R.). XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August, 1988.

Practical problems and considerations in the application of the Chinese MMPI. Conference of the National MMPI Coordinating Committee, Nanjing, June, 1988.

Development of a new F Scale for the Chinese MMPI in China and Hong Kong (with Song, W.). 10th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1987.

Directions in personality assessment [panel discussion with Butcher, J., Gough, H., Pancheri, P., Sloore, H., & Spielberger, C.]. 10th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1987.

Psychological and social characteristics of social participation among youths in Hong Kong (with Yuen, R.). Workshop on Current Research on Youth in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June, 1987.

Careers for psychologists in Hong Kong. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, June, 1986.

Development of gender stereotype. 2nd Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong, November, 1985.


Considerations in cross-cultural applications of personality assessment. Workshop on Personality Assessment, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, October, 1985.

Workshop on clinical applications of the MMPI [workshop co-trainer], Hong Kong, October, 1985.

Conceptualization of psychiatric illness and help-seeking behavior among Chinese. 2nd International Conference on Illness Behavior, Toronto, Canada, August, 1985.

An overview of Chinese MMPI research in Hong Kong. Symposium on the Use of the Chinese MMPI, Hong Kong, March 16, 1985.

Response latency studies on the Chinese MMPI (with Hung, Y. S. & Tsoi, K. C.). Symposium on the Use of the Chinese MMPI, Hong Kong, March 16, 1985.

A summary report on the caretaking forms and styles among three groups of families in urban Hong Kong: With implications on mental health (with Chau, B. T. W. & Lam, M. C.). Conference on Child Socialization and Mental Health: The Case of Chinese Culture, Honolulu, USA, August 6–13, 1984.

Changing attitudes: The War-on-Rape campaign. Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, 1984.

Paths to psychiatric care in Hong Kong: The physician roundabout. International Symposium on Cross-cultural Psychiatric Epidemiology, Hong Kong, 1984.

Item endorsement and item desirability patterns of the MMPI among college students in Hong Kong and the U.S. 8th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983.


An overview of psychopathology in Hong Kong: With special reference to somatic presentation. Conference on Chinese Culture and Mental Health, Honolulu, USA, 1982.

Development of the Chinese MMPI in Hong Kong: Comparisons between the Chinese and the English versions. 7th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Honolulu, USA, 1981.

Studies on MMPI normals in Hong Kong. Symposium on Objective assessment of personality across cultures, Annual Conference of the Western Psychological Association, Honolulu, USA, 1980.

MMPI profiles and analyses of normals in Hong Kong. 6th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Kyoto, Japan, 1979.

Residential rehabilitation: Evaluation of halfway houses for the mentally ill in Hong Kong. 6th Pan Pacific Conference of Rehabilitation International, Seoul, Korea, 1979.

Translation of the Chinese MMPI for use in Hong Kong. 5th International Conference on Personality Assessment, Haifa, Israel, 1977.

A correspondence model of cross-cultural adjustment. 2nd International Conference of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Kingston, Canada, 1974.

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