Professor Fanny M. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP |
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, CUHK Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK |
Professional Consultation & Services |
The National Specialist Committee on the MMPI/MMPI-2, China, Consultant, 1993–present |
Correctional Services Department, Treatment Advisory Panel of Sex Offender Evaluation and Treatment Unit, Hong Kong, Member, 2009–2011 |
North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, External Examiner for Ph.D. candidates, 2008, 2011 |
Gender-related Training Workshops organized for the Civil Service of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Hong Kong, Course Director, 2001–2010 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Ad hoc External Reviewer, 2008 |
Research Grants Council, Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies Panel, Hong Kong, Member, 2005–2007 |
University Grants Committee, Research Assessment Exercise Social Sciences Panel, Hong Kong, Member, 2006 |
Population and Gender Studies Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, External Assessor, 2004 |
World Health Organization SARS Scientific Research Advisory Committee Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, Temporary Advisor, October 2003 |
Women Leaders’ Network from APEC Economies, Focal Point of Hong Kong for the Women Leaders’ Network Meetings, Ottawa, Canada, 1997; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1998; Wellington, New Zealand, 1999 |
6th International Congress on Women, April 1996, Adelaide, Australia, International Advisory Committee, 1996 |
Committee for Women’s Studies in Asia (a consortium of Asian women’s scholars), Editorial Committee, Member, 1988–1995 |
International Association of Applied Psychology, Division of Clinical and Community Psychology, President, 1990–1994 |
National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Consultant, 1990 |
Hong Kong Psychological Society, Committee on Careers for Psychologists in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Chairperson, 1984–1989 |
Hong Kong Christian Service, Infant Stimulation and Parent Training Program, Hong Kong, Honorary Consultant, 1980–1989 |
Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, President, 1984–1985 |
Committee on the Standardization of the Hong Kong Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, a UN funded project of the Education Department of the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong, 1977–1980 |