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go, 找到 73 個
v.ascend, go up; go on; send to; pay in; go ahead
v.arrive at; go to; to do; leave
v.beg, go begging; ask, request, hope; give, bestow (arch.)
v.die; perish; be lost; go away; forget
v.to move on; to go out
v.override; bully, encroach on, insult; rise high, go up, soar; ride; cross, negotiate
v.come out; go out; manifest, appear; exceed, go beyond
v.arrive at; reach; attain to; go to
v.ascend, arise, rise, go up, hoist; advance in office, promote
v.go away; remove; get rid of; do away with; kill; depart; go up; go in
v.return, turn around, go back; answer, reply
v.go bad; spoil; ruin
v.go back; retrace
v.report to the throne; memorialize the emperor; play music; celebrate; go forward, advance; display; achieve; produce
n.a matchmaker; a go-between (representing the side of the female)
v.to act as a go-between
n.go-between, matchmaker; medium
v.judge; hold an official inquiry; investigate; examine, go over; interrogate; try
v.add; append to; honour; esteem; surpass; ascend; go to; proceed; be in charge of
v.come to; go to; complete; follow
v.err, mistake; differ; send, dispatch; dispute on official business; go wrong
v.to go round, to circumscribe; to make a revolution, to turn round
v.go towards; depart
v.go, walk, advance; to; die, disappear
v.go on foot
v.to violate; to go against
v.be contrary to, go against; screen; rebel
v.throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project
v.bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work
v.cast, let out; throw off all restraint, let oneself go; bend
v.put, place in, place on; release, free, liberate, loosen, let go; drive away, banish; indulge; issue; accord with; reach to; imitate
v.reach; come, go; influence; investigate; correct; resist; attack
v.calculate; pass through, go through, undergo, experience
v.return to; revert to; go back; belong; restore; send back; divide; send a present of food
v.kill; destroy; murder; slaughter; fight, go into battle; weaken, reduce, abate, decrease; pare off; clip
沿v.follow a course; go along; coast; hand down; continue; conserve
v.ford a stream, wade; pass through, go through; experience; be connected with; involve; concern; implicate
v.go against the stream; recall
v.rise, go up, inundate, expand
v.angle, go fishing; fix; cover with cloth
v.loose; allow; relax; let go; let fly; be indulgent; release; set free
v.to open sideway; to go aground; to rifle
v.salt; pickle; go bad
v.go to court, present oneself before (a monarch); meet with
v.string on a thread; go through; implicate; pierce; perforate
v.walk; run; go, leave; travel; move; leak, let out, escape
v.go to; get to, attend; jump into; join
v.to jump; to go away; to leave; to ridicule
v.leap over; stride; go before, go beyond, transcend; excel; release; save; exceed; surpass; overtake
v.exceed, go beyond, overpass, overstep, get over, jump over; transgress
v.go to; reach; distant from; resist; oppose; strike downwards with spears
v.to kneel for a long time, to go down on hands and knees
v.walk; go in a hurry
v.to overstep; to go beyond; to stride over; to step across; to skip over; to trample upon; to promote by pass the immediate leadership; to hold; to take
v.to meet; to welcome; to receive; go in person to meet; to greet
v.to meet face to face; to move towards; to slip away; to go to meet; to receive as a guest
v.persecute; oppress; compel; force; press; approach, go towards
v.chase after, follow; pursue; overtake; escort; go back; trace out; follow to its source; seek for; reminisce; reflect upon; look back upon; press for payment
v.pass through, go through; communicate; succeed; understand, know; circulate; connect; to commit adultery
v.(verb meaning 1) construct, build; begin; prepare; create; make; institute, train, educate; (verb meaning 2) go to, advance to, attain
v.to come and go; to loiter about; to yield; to retreat
v.to walk as one pleases; to go carefully; to advance
v.advance; move forward; move ahead; enter; make progress; urge forward; come into; go into; get into; eat; drink; take; submit; present; offer
v.cross, go through; surpass, exceed; promote
v.to hurry; to go to and fro
v.pass; pass through; pass by; cross over; undergo a process; go through; go over
v.go to; reach; follow; pursue; marry; suit; succeed; be blessed with; happen; fall in with; (a woman being) married to
v.to go away; to migrate
v.restore; repay; recompense; go back; give back; return
v.leave, depart; go away; separate; retire
v.obey; agree; go with; persist in; allow; indulge
v.fly; go quickly; hover in the air; flutter in the air; dart
v.go quickly or swiftly; hurry, gallop