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Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development
The research centre is focused on urban and regional development in the Asia-Pacific region especially China. This centre and its predecessor, Urban and Regional development in Pacific Asia Programme (September 1990 – February 2013), have undertaken research on world cities, globalization, Chinese urbanization and urban and regional development in China covering Pearl River Delta (PRD), Pan-PRD, Guangdong, Shanghai, Fujian and western region. Ongoing research focuses on two themes. Theme 1: Urban and regional development in Hong Kong and mainland China will examine the development, planning and governance in Hong Kong, PRD cities and other cities in China. Theme 2: Population change and urbanization in China will examine inter-city and inter-provincial migration, urbanization and urban development in China.
Director: Prof. Jianfa SHEN
Honorary Fellow: Dr. Xiaolong LUO
Prof. Pengfei NI
Honorary Research Associate: Prof. Jie ZHENG
Executive Committee: Prof. Jianfa SHEN (Chairman)
Prof. Mee-kam NG
Prof. Sylvia HE
Prof. Jiang XU
Tel.: (852) 3943 6746
Email: urban@cuhk.edu.hk
Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/centre/curd/
Research Units
Centre for Chinese Family Studies
Center for Housing Innovations
Centre for Social and Political Development Studies
Centre for Social Innovation Studies
Centre for Youth Studies
Economic Research Centre
Gender Research Centre
International Affairs Research Centre
Public Policy Research Centre
Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development
Chinese Law Programme
Policy Research @ HKIAPS
South China Programme
Telephone Survey Research Laboratory
Global China Research Programme
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