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unit, 找到 25 個
n.gentleman, man, husband, elder; unit of length in old China equal 3.3 meters
n.the commanding officer; establishment (for ancient army unit); a hundred
n.Dan prefecture; Dan county; a unit of weight
n.dollar; head, chief, first; unit
n.two; pair; couple; a unit of weight
n.one tenth of an inch; part; function, duty; a unit of length; a unit of area; a unit of weight; minute; a unit of interest
n.a simple farming device used for ploughing (arch.); strength; force; power; a unit of strength for testing bows; ability; capability; influence
n.ladle, scoop, spoon; a unit of a capacity
n.measurement unit for grains, one tenth of a dou or dipper; litre, pint
n.the thousandth part of a Chinese foot; likin tax; the thousandth part of a tael; unit of annual interest rate
n.foot (British and American unit of length)
n.sky; circle; prison; Korean currency unit
n.a foot (unit of length); foot rule, ruler
n.rule; law; limit; measure, a unit of measure; an interval in music; degree; manner; extent; tolerance; magnanimity; consideration
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.a unit of weight (catty); axe with brace (arch.)
n.principal columns of a hall; a unit to count the quantity of houses; pillar
n.the animal power unit
n.hectometer (metric unit of length=100 meter=hm)
n.part; section; class; division; sort; genus; public court; board; unit; ministry; department
n.an ancient unit of weight; potters wheel; tuning standard
n.money, coins; ancient unit of weight
n.an ancient unit of weight
n.pheasant; an ancient measure unit
n.qing,a unit of area(=6.6667 hectares); moment, instant, a little while