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surname, 找到 232 個
𠦒n.pan with stalk used for disposal of dung or manure; a surname
n.a flat top instrument used for holding things; surname
n.hillock, mound; mountain, hill; grave; a surname
n.a surname
n.surname; The Neck, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.henry; surname
n.a surname
n.post; official; surname
n.a surname
n.surname; acupuncture points
n.salary; year's qualifications; surname
n.child; end, main threads of a complicated affair; surname
n.Yan; surname
n.teacher; a surname
n.ancient place name; surname
n.monk; a surname
n.middleman; surname
n.son, child; surname ([PTH] Ni, [Cant.] Ngai)
n.the nether world; night; surname
n.a surname
n.basket; shell; Kuang town (arch); Lushan mountain; surname
n.dung's basket; surname
n.law; Bian town; surname
n.omen; a surname
n.ancient times; books or orthodoxies of ancient sages; the ancients; a surname
n.The Kingdom of Wu (one of the Three Kingdoms); A surname
n.vertebrae (arch.); some kind of meta plates (arch.); a surname; musical note
n.a wry mouth; a surname; name of an ancient country
n.a surname
n.inheritor; progeny; a surname
n.wall; surname
adj.venerable; grave; referring to relationship between cousins of the same clan (usually bearing the same surname)
n.Yao; a surname
n.morning; one's early years; surname
n.foreign country, foreigner; surname
n.slave; big belly; surname
n.a surname; a word used in woman's name
n.wife of husbands elder brother; elder sister; surname; the elder ones among the many concubines married to the same husband
n.Jiang River; an ethnic group in Western China; a surname
n.Aries; sow that seek for life mate; surname; The Bond, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.a surname; Gui River; Gui prefecture
n.The legendary concubine of Emperor Huangdi, a surname
n.snail (arch.); surname; Royal family of Chin Kingdom, later Empire; Ying village
n.child; blood relation; surname
n.invader; enemy; foe; bandit; a surname
n.small window; official; small house; Liao nationality; surname
n.butcher; a surname
n.high mountain; wife's parents; a surname
n.nest; den; house; a surname
n.of or by the concubine; the common people; a surname
n.open barn; granary; Dayuling mountain; surname
n.Liao state (arch.); surname
n.a surname
n.a surname
n.weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname
n.relative; a surname
n.humiliation; crime; disaster; surname
n.a surname
n.granary; surname
n.daylight; a surname in Chinese legends
n.morning; surname
n.group, team; a surname; people of the same kind
n.Chinese chestnut, hairy chestnut; surname
n.Chinese catalpa; woodworker; printing blocks; native place; surname
n.patter; surname
n.sour jujube; bramble; spina; surname
n.Chinese pistache; model, pattern; standard script; surname
n.fence; bird or beast cage; Fan city (arch.); surname
n.sandalwood; surname
n.goldenrain tree; arch; twin; surname
n.by the emperor himself; surname
n.long pole; Shu style; surname
n.family, clan; a woman's maiden name; a female; family name, surname
n.a surname; Ru River
n.Ji county; surname
n.ancient sacrifice by drowning lifestock or sinking precious jade (arch.); a surname
n.Ling River; actor, acress; surname
n.mire; fluid; surname
n.Yan River; surname
n.Teng state; Teng county; surname
n.the Han River (arch.); name of a dynasty; the Milky Way, the Galaxy; man, male adult; a surname
n.a surname
n.Lian River; surname
n.Pu River; Pu prefecture; county in Henan Province; surname
n.ancient surname
n.bear; a surname
n.barley; surname
n.calf; cattle; surname
n.tribe from northern China; surname
n.jade with defect; jade carver; surname; a state in the Western region
n.jade's fragment (arch.); chain; chain-like pattern; court ban (arch.); surname
n.jade ring; earrings; surname
n.large plate or pan; bricks for fixing the inside wall of a well; brickwork of a well; surname
n.craggan; both flanks; surname
n.surname Qi
n.a deep and piercing gaze; surname Sui
n.old name of Taiyuan county; a surname; a female deer
n.to offer a sactifice with purity and reverence; sacrifice; a surname
n.a surname
n.child; a surname
n.hole; side door; mouth of a sewer; cellar; sinus; surname; Dou prefecture (arch.)
n.India; bamboo; surname predominantly of Buddhist monks
n.cooked dry food for journey; surname
n.knot; inferior silk; the Huihe nationality; surname
n.dark grey; shoelace; footprint; standard; surname
n.fishing line; string of threading a copper; Min state; surname; string
n.rope on the handle or hilt of a knife or sword; Gou mountain; surname
n.surname; ten bundle of hemp
n.slave; rhyme; Yao nationality; surname; divinatary words
n.gas; Fu Xi (Fu Ηsi); sun; surname; sacrificial animal (arch.)
n.a long-tailed pheasant; pheasant feather; plume; surname
n.first feather; surname
n.a surname; Nie town
n.scrab paste; moment; petty official (arch.); musical officer; surname
n.slave, surname
n.a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname
n.boat; surname
n.Argy wormwood, mugwort wormwood; surname
n.thongs of a shield; edge of a body of water; Rui state; surname
n.garden; surname; centre(of art and literature,etc.)
n.a surname; the thin layer inside the reed stalk; people dying from starvation
n.grass; bee; surname; Fan county
n.a grass; surname
n.director; a surname
n.a rush; scirpus cyperinus; a surname
n.cattail; calamus; surname
n.knot-weed; Liao state; Liao county; surname
n.a surname
n.common artemisia; surname
n.name of a grass; straw raincoat (arch.); Xue state; surname
n.climbing fig; creeping fig; a surname
n.Chinese iris; surname; bulrush used in making mats
n.a kind of fragrant herb; Qi prefecture; surname
n.a worm; a surname
n.leech; a surname
n.long robe; dress; surname
n.red clothing (arch.); surname; soldier; silk wadding clothes; coffins ornaments; bag
n.salt (arch.); surname
n.name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname
n.a surname
n.suckling pig; pig; a surname; sand bags for building walls or dykes
n.merchant (non-travelling); a surname
n.a jade or a lame donkey; a surname; obstruction
n.sides of a chariot; luggage rack on a chariot; surname
n.shafts of a cart; outer gate; cart; shaft of a plough; Yuan village; surname
n.a surname
n.surname; inspector sent by the emperor to inform about public opinions
n.a surname; proper name for a state in what is today Hebei
n.surname; state in modern Shanxi
n.word used for place name; surname; mound
n.Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname
n.a surname
n.name of a feudal state; surname
n.Yuzhi county; surname
n.Xun state; surname
n.ancient state in Shandong province; surname
n.Xi town (under Chou dynasty); a surname
n.Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname
n.proper noun for a surname; proper noun for a place
n.proper noun for an ancient state; surname
n.Fu county; surname
n.surname Deng; an ancient state in today's Hubei
n.name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname
n.paper money; collection; surname
n.handle, knob; button; key; surname
n.a hoe;a surname
n.steelyard; annotation; surname
n.an ancient weight measure; baht, bat; surname
n.clock, bell; handleless cup; surname
n.surname; a kind of cauldron used in ancient China; ring
n.diamond; cauldron; hole; surname
n.a sword-blade, knob on the guard of a sword; a surname
n.gate to a village; hamlet; a surname
n.a surname
n.threshold; gate; a commanding general or minister, door leading to the women's apartments; women's quarters; women; wife; a surname
n.gate of an alley; lane; door, house; community of 25 families in ancient China; native village; surname
n.gate of a lane; surname
n.a leaf of a door; door; straw curtain; surname
n.fault, slip, error; gap; surname; watchtower; stone statue; palace
n.customhouse; barrier; critical juncture, crisis; frontier pass; suburbs of a city; surname
n.Kan village; surname
n.an ancient musical instrument; surname; nephew (arch.)
n.Wei State- a small feudal State; a surname
n.a surname
n.ancient surname
n.mist; smoke, vapor; surname
n.trappings under the neck of a horse; hide loop; surname
n.martingale; carriages and horses; surname
n.ball used in ancient China; a surname
n.the end of a pool; a surname
n.leather; a surname
n.surname; one of seven main warring states in ancient China; Korea
n.jaw; surname
n.figured silk fabrics; surname
n.cheek; a surname
n.large head; surname; a kind of bird (arch.);
n.surname; simpleton
n.remaining wind; surname
n.a surname
n.white horse with a black mane; a surname
n.fish; surname
n.abalone; tanner (arch.); ear shell; surname; salted fish
n.scale of fish; sth.shaped like the scales of a fish; fish; a surname
n.magpie; surname
n.yeast; alcoholic drinks; pale yellow; tool for breeding silkworms with bamboo; surname
n.(arch.) day time; a kind of sea turtle; surname (eg. 鼂錯)
n.big house (arch.); face; surname