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praise, 找到 29 個
v.distribute; praise, cite
v.praise, appellation
v.blow; breathe; puff; praise; buff
onomatopoeiamake clicks of admiration, praise, etc.
v.sigh, heave a sigh; gasp in admiration, highly praise
v.praise, laud
int.grief; highly praise
v.to praise; to satirize
v.praise, commend, cite; reveal
v.carry or hold in both hands; cup one's hands; praise, support
v.push, shove; expel; shirk; decline; yield; extend; enlarge; infer; investigate; deduce; include; elect; promote; recommend; praise; esteem; give up; hand over to
v.scatter; spread; winnow; publish abroad; praise; raise; display; flourish
v.self-conceited, self-important, singing ones own praise; take pity on, sympathize with; lay emphasis on, uphold, advocate
v.praise, commend; style; declare; call, name; weigh; estimate; feign; say, state
v.admire, envy; surpass; praise; covet
v.to gather; to assemble; to collect; to praise; to capture
v.commend, honor, praise
v.chant, sing, intone; narrate in poetic form; sing the praise of
v.exaggerate, overstate, boast; praise
v.praise, commend, extol, laud
v.sing the praise of; eulogize, praise
int.expressing sadness, fear or praise
v.to teach wholeheartedly; to edit, to compile; to write; to have; to exhort with precepts; to discourse in the praise of something or someone; to compose
v.to praise or flatter evildoers; to exaggerate
v.praise, eulogize, commend
v.to help, to support, to assist, aid; to praise, to admire, to second
v.eulogize, extol, laud, praise; extend good wishes