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away, 找到 57 個
v.die; perish; be lost; go away; forget
n.temperance; abstinence; an ancient festival to exorcise the demons causing any plague; to drive away pestilence
v.hew; cut; carve; engrave; erase by cutting away; print; publish
v.to pare the edges and corners, to round off, to trim; to be worn or torn (away); to neglect; to dig
v.brush, scrub, clean, wash; clear away, eliminate; daub, paste up
v.go away; remove; get rid of; do away with; kill; depart; go up; go in
v.snatch; grasp; take away; rob; surpass; determine, decide; take by force; seize; wrest; force one's way
v.depute; send; appoint, entrust, put in charge of; commision; give up; abandon, throw away, cast aside; bow under a burden
v.die, pass away (Buddhist monk entering nirvana)
v.live away from home
v.do away with; abrogate; waste; destroy; dispense with; be out of office; stop short; give up; abolish
v.wipe away
v.abandon, throw away, relinquish; eliminate; contribute, donate
v.to sweep; to clear away; to brush
v.move; shake; wave; wield, direct, command; sprinkle; scatter; wipe away; disperse
v.throw away; wear; fall down; be familiar
v.sow; publish; make known; broadcast; stimulate and encourage; reject; cast away; separate; distribute; flee; banish; winnow; shake; agitate; humbug
v.gather together; collect, receive, accept; harvest; put away; close; bind; restrain, control; bring to an end, stop
v.put, place in, place on; release, free, liberate, loosen, let go; drive away, banish; indulge; issue; accord with; reach to; imitate
v.defeat; cast away
v.travel; stay away from home; lodge
adv.thereupon; forthwith; subsequently; right away; the second star (Urs Major β) of the constellation Dipper
v.reject, discard, throw away; abolish; abandon, distinguish; betray
v.to die; pass away
v.divulge, give away, let out; discharge, release, drain; have diarrhoea; leak
v.drift; pass away
v.wash, cleanse; clear away
v.roll, roll over; get away; trundle
v.hide away; secrete oneself; lie hid under water
v.to extinguish or put out a fire, light, etc; to wither away, to die out, to come to an end
v.throw away; discard; toss; cast off; abandon; disconnect; uncouple
v.slough away
n.the ceremony of offering sacrifice to gods to wash away evil influence
v.to cleanse; to remove evil; to wash away
v.exorcise, expiate; dispel, remove, drive away; scatter and disppear, dissipate
v.fumigate; keep in dark place, store away in cellar; conjecture; close
v.turn the back on, turn away; disavow; memorize, recite from memory, learn by heart; carry on the back; act contrary to, violate
v.clear away; eliminate; cleanse; make clear
v.to strip off; to take away from; to abolish; to get rid of; to pull; to abandon; to deprive of; to undress
v.to jump; to go away; to leave; to ridicule
v.to meet face to face; to move towards; to slip away; to go to meet; to receive as a guest
v.run away, flee in disorder; gush, spout; burst, break
退v.retire; withdraw; recede; decline; yield; abate; send away; exorcise; move back; retreat
v.escape; abscond; flee; run away; evade; dodge; shirk
v.keep away from
v.pass away; die
v.to evade; to get away with, to escape from; to excuse; to disclaim
v.keep away from; send away; keep at a distance, to distantiate; to avoid
v.to go away; to migrate
adj.distant; broad and open; far away
v.shun; evade; avoid; hide; prevent; keep away; repel
adj.remote, be far away; long; uncertain, not sure; high and far, long-range
v.melt; fuse; sell, market; pass away; annul; cancel; finish
n.steps' order; a low bank between fields; one hundred million; a place very far away
v.eliminate, remove, except, get rid of, do away with; subtract, divide; deduct
v.leave, depart; go away; separate; retire
v.waste; die out; no, not; disperse, blown away by the wind; to fascinate with