訂閱 Subscription

A   用戶類別Subscriber Categories

1   個人用戶Individual Subscribers

Individual subscribers will access the Database using Login Names and Passwords. Only one session is allowed concurrently using the same Login Name.

2   機構用戶Institutional Subscribers

機構用戶將以IP位址或IP區段進入本資料庫(例如137.189.1.1 -,每機構能夠提供多個IP區段,所有在該IP區段內的電腦能同時進入本資料庫。
Institutional subscribers will access the Database using IP addresses or IP Domains (for example, - Each institution can provide more than one IP Domain and all computers within those domains can access the Database concurrently.

B   申請Application

1   個人訂閱Individual Subscription

Please read carefully and accept the CHinese ANcient Texts (CHANT) Database Subscription Agreement, fill out the registration form, and send the scanned signed agreement to chant@cuhk.edu.hk.

漢達文庫用戶協議書 - 個人用戶
End User Agreement for the CHANT Website - Individual
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CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) Website Individual Subscription Form
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2   機構訂閱Institutional Subscription

Please sign two original copies of the CHinese ANcient Texts (CHANT) Database Subscription Agreement, send the scanned signed agreement to chant@cuhk.edu.hk, and return the two originals to the Centre.

漢達文庫用戶協議書 - 機構用戶
Site License Agreement for the CHANT Web Site Reserved Area
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