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sth, 找到 30 個
v.send, tell sb.to do sth.
n.sth.to live for; Li nationality
n.umbrella; sth. like an umbrella
v.confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc.
v.chat; crack sth. between the teeth; talk
v.put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level; fill up; pay for sb.
v.bashful; be accustomed to sth.
v.force sb.to do sth.
v.break; turn, bend; disobey, violate; hard to pronounce; force sth. up or open; turn back
v.carry on the arm; wear sth.over ones shoulder or at ones side
v.hold sth. under the arm; coerce; harbor; carry
v.select; touch; take along sth. to or for; glance(at); back a cart, drive backwards; fade
v.perform one's duty negligently; keep out, ward off; spread over; evade, do sth. perfunctiorily
v.dismiss with a hand gesture; get rid of, abandon; strike; fall; lock in arms; fasten tightly to sth.
v.poke together, move with a stick together; stick up, turn upward; snap, break sth.long and narrow
adv.do sth. on one's own authority without permission
v.fling, throw; do sth. in a hurry; instigate
v.stew, boil; extract sth.by heating; drag on;hold out; to endure
onomatopoeianoise descriptive of sth. done with splash
v.chop. hack, cut; throw sth. at
v.knock against sth.hard; kowtow; crack sth. between the teeth
n.hole; aperture; key to sth.
v.smash, pound sth.until it becomes pulp
n.affix; ornament on the edge of sth.
v.leave behind; present, make a gift of sth.
v.alternate, take turns, do sth.in turn; stop
v.pick up sth.with tweezers
n.a round flat cake; sth. shaped like a cake
v.eat; apply; fool, deceive, palm off sth.on
n.scale of fish; sth.shaped like the scales of a fish; fish; a surname