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full, 找到 34 個
adj.sufficient, full
adj.perfect; entire, whole, all, full, total, complete; absolute
adj.dense; full
adj.strong; to be filled; weak; full; substantial
n.a bow stretched to the full
v.to draw a bow to the full
adj.full, overflowing; broad
adj.ordered, neat, tidy; whole, complete, full, entire
n.one full year after a child's birth; day; a year of a person's life
n.the new-risen sun; the sun that appears above the horizon; the full glare of the sun
n.reputation; prestige; full moon (arch.)
adj.obstinate, determined, resolute; satisfied, full
adj.full; on friendly terms; damp
adj.be crystal, clear; deep; full
滿adj.full, filled, packed; satisfied; self-sufficient; complete
adj.abundant; full
v.be fed up with; to eat to the full
adj.full, overflowing
n.the pulp; a bumper harvest; the stalk of grain; the fully grown paddy; full; Rang county; ten billions
adj.secondary; subsidiary; arranged; full
adj.empty; serious and neat; full, all
adj.full; superior
v.grow aftergrass; have eaten one's fill; be full; rush
adj.tortuous, twine; extend all over, full
n.full front and back of a Chinese jacket or gown; tail of a robe
n.a full length gown
adj.enough; satisfied; complete; pure; full
adv.then, therefore; to the full; already
adj.all; abundant; full; elegant; refined
adj.rich; full flavoured (of wine)
adj.satisfied; full; plump
v.eat to the full
adj.be full; rich, plentiful; surplus; numerous, many, much
idiomThe appearance of a container full of things (food)