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tree, 找到 76 個
n.a tree; a kind of birch found in Manchuria
n.bough, branch of tree used as a walking stick (arch.); obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release
n.cicada; small branch of tree
n.wood, timber, tree; coffin
n.trunk of a tree (arch.); red; vermilion; cinnabar
n.tall tree
n.branch of a tree; fork
n.a kind of tree
n.a low and square stool; a stake; the stump of a tree; sterility
n.a kind of tree, probably linden
n.pine-tree; fir-tree; an emblem of longevity
n.sandalwood;big tree used for making boats; stake, pile; bar; square wood;coffin
n.tree knot; collar; Yoke
n.hollo stump of a tree
n.three-bristle cudrania; sugarcane; a thorny tree
n.shaddock tree; reed
n.cedar; variety of evergreen tree; Machilus nanmu
n. branch of tree (arch.), axe-handle; stalk;
n.tree; shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier)
n.trunk of a tree; stem of a plant; root
n.astrolabe used to perform augury in ancient China; a kind of tree
n.a general term for paulownia or tung tree; stringed instrument
n.quince (a kind of tree); a flail used for threshing crops
n.lacquer; Japanese varnish tree; black; seven
n.cherry tree
n.a kind of tree (Chinese ash), with medical value
n.Chinese parasol tree; skew post
n.a kind of date (tree)
n.camphor tree
n.a kind of tree mentioned in antiquity
n.a tropical tree with pear-like fruits
n.birchleaf pear; wild plums; the crab apple tree; white poplar; Chinese bush cherry
n.a kind of tree which bears edible red fruits; a kind of tree with natural rubber texture
n.deciduous tree; bush
n.(long) oar; boat; a kind of tree
adj.luxuriant, thick (of tree)
n.Chinese catalpa (tree) (arch.); chair; idesia polycarpa (bot.)
n.species of tree resistant to cold weather
n.plant; tree
n.forking branch of a tree
n.small tree with branches that can be used in making walking sticks; fence
n.mulberry; fungus on tree; anvil
n.a kind of tree known in antiquity
椿n.a long-living tree; Chinese toon; (literary metaphor for) father
n.wood raft; hawthorn, may tree
n.wooden block; a kind of tree
n.a kind of tree
n.tree trunk; pillar; important officials of the state
n.pagoda tree, locust tree
n.a kind of tree; hut connected with buildings; straight wood used for door lock; ritual vessel used for storing grains
槿n.Hibiscus; the rose of Sharon; a tree, the blossoms of which fade in a day
classifier(Cant.) classifier for plants or trees; a tree-trunk
n.the heaven tree
v.(a tree) bending downwards; to coil; to wind; to seek
n.camphor tree
n.tree; plant
n.shade of a tree
n.a kind of tree recorded in antiquity, with very hard wood, ilex
n.a species of tree; cork tree
n.a kind of tree; date-plum; jelly fungi; short pillar on the beam
n.a kind of tree suitable for use to make axles for large carts
n.arch; smoke tree
n.a coffin, especially the inner one; Chinese parasol tree
n.a kind of pagoda tree with large and black leaves
n.sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing fragrant oil; comet; tail of a comet
n.goldenrain tree; arch; twin; surname
n.cotton tree
n.yellow silks; tree name; books(fig.)
n.a kind of wooden chips (vitex) used for divination; chaste tree wood
n.twig; tree top
v.birds flocking on a tree (arch.); assemble, collect together, gather together; compile; edit
v.birds flocking on a tree
v.ancient punishment of shaving off the hair of a criminal; lop off tree branches
v. to gnaw; to bite; to bark a tree