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back, 找到 46 個
v.fall in ones back, lay down; cease, stop; lodgy
adv.back to back (arch.)
n.back (arch.); north
v.reject, decline, withdraw; retreat, step back
v.turn over; retreat; rebel, revolt; turn back; oppose; combat
v.return, turn around, go back; answer, reply
v.sit, take a seat; try a case at law; travel by; be situated; assign; recoil; kick back
v.go back; retrace
n.shoes; straw sandals or slippers that have no heel-back
n.descendant; posterity; the back of; offspring; rear
v.walk back and forth
v.suffocate, feel oppressed; hold back, suppress; be at loggerheads with sb.
v.break; turn, bend; disobey, violate; hard to pronounce; force sth. up or open; turn back
v.select; touch; take along sth. to or for; glance(at); back a cart, drive backwards; fade
v.to twist with hands;to break; to reverse; to turn back; to turn round; to violate; to offend; to disagree
v.to carry things on one's back
v.bar, hold back, block; intercept
v.revolve; circle; spin; move in an orbit; come back
v.return to; revert to; go back; belong; restore; send back; divide; send a present of food
v.sail against the current; trace back to; whirl
v.be given to heavy drinking; indulge in; back on, turn back
v.slant in; sprinkle; slip back
v.look back; love
n.back leather belt; name of tyrant ,last emperor of Shang Dyn.
綿adj.continuous; far back; soft; weak, feeble
v.draw in; draw back, withdraw, recoil; coil up; contract, shrink; shorten; bind fast
v.upset; overturn; come back; ; re-open; flutter about; cross; get over; translate
v.hold sb.back by the elbow, hinder
v.turn the back on, turn away; disavow; memorize, recite from memory, learn by heart; carry on the back; act contrary to, violate
n.the tenderloin; the meat at the back of an animal
v.wear; carry on the back
n.straw or palm-back rain coat
v.suffer, be the object of; wear on the back
n.full front and back of a Chinese jacket or gown; tail of a robe
n.swaddling clothes; a rope; an ancient apparatus for catching tiger; a cloth used for carrying children on the back
v.bear; sustain; carry on the back; trust to, rely on; turn the back on; lose; fail; owe; betray
v.carry on the back; hunchback, humpback
v.whirl; turn back; walk to and fro
v.chase after, follow; pursue; overtake; escort; go back; trace out; follow to its source; seek for; reminisce; reflect upon; look back upon; press for payment
退v.retire; withdraw; recede; decline; yield; abate; send away; exorcise; move back; retreat
v.restore; repay; recompense; go back; give back; return
v.carry on the back
v.carry on the back
n.horse with revolving hair on the back
n.white horse with black back