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v.confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc.
onomatopoeiamake clicks of admiration, praise, etc.
n.the cry of a crane, wild goose, etc
n.cry (of cranes etc.)
v.build by piling bricks,clay,stones,etc
n.gynecological events in women, such as menstruation, labour, miscarriage, etc.
pron.(polite) my (father, brother, etc.)
n.a short slender point piece of metal,bamboo,etc.
v.hide or carry in ones clothes; put in pocket of; be pregnant; impose (one's views,etc.) on others; measure; estimate
v.drive a nail, wedge,etc. into the wall
v.raise, hold up a curtain,skirt,etc.from the bottom; sprinkle; wind, disorder; incite, provoke, stir up; flirt with
v.perch; stay; dwell, lodge at; withdraw; place (hope,etc.) on
n.a press for extracting juice,oil,etc
n.quiver (case for arrows); the vessel for storing armor, bow and arrow, etc.
v.quench; grind; temper by dipping in water, oil, etc.
v.ret, steep, soak; contaminate;be soiled with grease,etc.
v.to extinguish or put out a fire, light, etc; to wither away, to die out, to come to an end
classifierclassifier for strips of land or bamboo, shops, factories etc
v.reward with gifts or money, food, drink etc.
n.heumatism or numbness caused by draught,cold,damp,etc.
n.stubby hairs or beard; fragment, small broken pieces of ice, glasses, etc.; chipped edge of a container
n.bamboo box for storing books,cloth,etc; book
v.to wash (rice etc.); to thin gruel; to prepare millet wine
n.garden; surname; centre(of art and literature,etc.)
v.thatch with straw mat, tarpaulin,etc.
n.jade tablet; a bitter edible plant; the white flower of congongrass,reeds,etc.; weed
n.the stalk of garlics, rapes, etc.
v.treat meat,fish,etc. with smoke; exert; burn; burn joss sticks and take a bath
n.a weevil found in rice etc; mantis
n.folds or pleats in a garment; folds of the stomach, intestines, etc.
classifiernumerary adjunct for vehicles; used for buses,carts,etc.
v.draw a carriage; ride; convey by vehicles,ships,etc.
classifierclassifier for animals or for body parts (such as eye, hand, ear, etc.)
n.natural salt (arch.); halogen; thick gravy used as a sauce for noodles,etc.; bittern or concentrated brine