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county, 找到 51 個
n.Dan prefecture; Dan county; a unit of weight
n.Shan county; Shan River
n.junior officer; a military rank (above the rank of warrant officer and below that of major); vice-county magistrate
n.a county in Shanxi province
n.Guo mountain; Gou county
n.Sheng mountain; Sheng county
n.islet in river (arch.); a region; a state; departmental division, political division; a county; empire division in ancient China
n.place; You county
n.the strips of meat cut from the flank and dried in the wind; Qu county
n.She county in Anhui
n.Qian county in Shaanxi Province
n.Ji county; surname
n.Mian River; Mian prefecture; Mian county
n.Xun county
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.Jing river; Jing prefecture; Jing county
n.rising and dashing of waves; county in Henan
n.Teng state; Teng county; surname
n.Peng county (arch.)
n.Pu River; Pu prefecture; county in Henan Province; surname
n.Wei River; Wei prefecture, Wei county
n.Luan River; Luan county; Luan prefecture
n.old name of Taiyuan county; a surname; a female deer
n.the pulp; a bumper harvest; the stalk of grain; the fully grown paddy; full; Rang county; ten billions
n.grass; bee; surname; Fan county
n.Name of a county in Shandong province
n.name of county in Yunnan province
n.knot-weed; Liao state; Liao county; surname
n.thistle; Ji prefecture; Ji county
n.name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname
n.Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname
n.Heyang county (old county name); Heshui River
n.Yuzhi county; surname
n.county; prefecture; canton; region; shire
n.Ying capital; Ying county; Chu state
n.Qi hill (ancient place name); Qi county (ancient county name)
n.Pi town; Pi county; Pi river
n.Chen county
n.Yan county
n.Mei county or Mei town, both in Shensi
n.Yun state; Yun city; county in Hubei province
n.county in Hebei province
n.Fu county; surname
n.Yin county (ancient county name); limit; border
n.Hu county
n.county in Shandong province
n.Po county
n.county in Hebei province
n.name of county in Hunan province
n.Ge state; diaphragm; Ge county; Ge River; yoke; tripod; vessel used for cooking or steaming
n.black wood; Yi county in Anhui Province