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water, 找到 108 個
v.draw water from well
n.the gourd-shaped ladle; a washbasin with a tubular handle to let the water run off
adj.a fish sticking its mouth out of the water; looking up to
v.spit water from the mouth
n.movement of a fish's mouth at the surface of water
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.vast expanse of water; abyss
n.warp of a fabric (arch.); vertical threads on weaving machine; streams running underground; flowing water
v.bail out water for irrigation; lift water by dragon-bone water pedal
v.fish for, dredge up, scoop up from the water; drag for; gain by improper means
classifiercup, glass; numerary adjunct for drinks such as water, tea, or wine
n.water drainage device
n.water; fluid; liquid; river
n.hot water kettle
n.flood, high water
n.winding catchment, a stream which leaves the main branch and afterwards flows into it; the ditch of stagnant water; Si River; the water bank
n.round pool of water; pond; cistern; moat
v.draw water; pull, drag; lead, guide
adj.not seek fame and wealth; of white water
n.water from washing rice
onomatopoeiasound of water splashing
adj.crystal-clear (of water or wine); pure
v.pour water into a pot; soak; arrive, reach, up to
n.sound of water
洿n.a pool; a pond; a low-lying land; stagnate water
n.riverside; water surface
n.profusion of rain water; puddle
涿n.water drop; Zhuo River; Zhuo prefecture
n.the appearance of clear water
v.the water leaks into a boat
v.quench; grind; temper by dipping in water, oil, etc.
n.whirling water; deep pool; haunt
adj.vast expanse of water
onomatopoeiasound of marvelous music; immense sound; sound of wind; sound of water
n.gushing of water; turbulence
v.wash with water colour in Chinese painting; play up; exaggerate
adv.steadily, still, peacefully (of water flow)
n.lake; a sheet of water
adj.flowing descriptive of water
adj.flowing of water
n.hot water; soup; broth; gravy; hot spring
n.the sound of flowing water
n.water-course; drain; ditch; aqueduct
v.to mix the powder with water; to wash; to excrete stool and urine; to urinate; to spit; to excrete semen; to soak in water as meals
v.to accumulate (water); to pent up
n.upwelling; excessive rain; water with white light; the capital of western Zhou dynasty
n.the water of washing rice; urine; water in which rice has been boiled
n.dripping water; rain pattern, river in Guangxi province
v.transport by water
adj.the outgush of water
v.hide away; secrete oneself; lie hid under water
n.water pool; branching stream; Huang River
n.Lao River; accumulated water after raining; Liao River
onomatopoeiasound of water
v.(of water) to dash against (arch. sic)
v.spray, water, sprinkle
v.inundate; water
n.Huihe River; water ditches in field
n.still water
v.pour water; leak
n.water flowing over shallows; rapids
n.a well that intermittently runs out of water supply; water from a well or spring
onomatopoeiasound of water
n.Rang River (in Henan province); flowing of water
n.overflowing of a great amount of water
n.water reflections
v.to poach in hot water to remove feather or hair; to learn or memorize by heart
v.heat up in hot water; scald, burn; iron; perm;wave
v.to prop up obliquely; to keep off water with mud and stone
n.an earthenware used for filling with water; concave channels of tiling; a long-necked jar
n.an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rice; an utensil for distilling water
onomatopoeiato make a loud sound; water splashing on rock; cracking noise
onomatopoeiawater splashing on rock
n.pile of sand and gravel in water, moraine; desert
n.thin stone; water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid, or of carts; phosphorous; phosphorus (P); No.15 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
v.fall; collapse; decay; corrupt; going downwards (of water); glide
n. thin grue made from rice water
n.rice overcooked with too much water
n.the spoke near the axle; a rope; a rope for drawing water; a well-rope
n.an earthen jar with a big belly and a small mouth; an earthware for sucking water; fou, a clay musical instrument; a pottery; an earthenware
n.the chinese water-chest-nut- Scirpus tuberosus; the shortened form of a common, chinese harbaceous peony
n.thongs of a shield; edge of a body of water; Rui state; surname
n.water caltrop
n.the water shield; thatch; the loess hills
n.tea; tea water
n.plant like water caltrop
n.banana-plant, waterlily (a water plant, Nymphoides peltatum)
n.lotus, water-lily; burden, responsibility
n.water chestnut
n.a water-grass; hippuris
n.water chestnut; water caltrop; rhombus
onomatopoeiasound of water and wind
n.an edible water-plant
n.water spinach
n.plant related to water caltrop
n.shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris); water chestnut
n.water-beetle; a form of money in antiquity
v.wade into the water; touch; bump, collide; meet
v.to trample; to explore road; to wade; to tread through mud and water
n.sluice board for controlling water in the lock gate
n.low, damp land, marsh, swamp; newly cultivated farm; water margin
n.rapid flow of water
n.dripping of rain from eaves;rain-water catcher
v.to sup, to dine; to soak the cooked rice in the water
n.fresh water fish similar to a river dolphin
n.water bird pale white in color, related to some species of wild duck
n.large reptile, water lizard; Yangtze alligator; Alligator sinensis