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wine, 找到 53 個
𠧴n.wine pot
n.wine pot
n.a container for holding wine
n.the field of razor calm; a large earthen wine jar without handles having a shape like a pear
n.nuptial wine cup
n.round-mouthed and three-legged wine cup
classifiercup, glass; numerary adjunct for drinks such as water, tea, or wine
adj.crystal-clear (of water or wine); pure
n.jade wine cup
n.a pottery wine pot
n.urn; earthen jar; a squat jar for holding wine
n.wine jar made of earthenware
n.sacrificial rite or ceremony of pouring wine to irrigate the field as libation for the deities
n.blood sacrifice; wine after ritual baths
v.pray, perform rituals; curse by the gods (arch.); drink wine after ritual baths
n.wine filter; distilled wine
v.filter wine
v.to wash (rice etc.); to thin gruel; to prepare millet wine
adj.in a wretched state; in a mess; bad luck; pickled with grains or in wine
n.the flaxen thread; a kind of plant like the ramie; black and solid earth; an arch; a squat; a wide-mouthed jar for containing wine
n.wine goblet made from horn
n.wine vessel made of horn
n.drinking vessel (filled up with wine); wine goblet
n.wine goblet made from horn
n.wine, wine vessel (arch.); the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; small You mountain
n.chief of tribe, chieftain; old wine, aged liquor (arch.)
n.wine, liquor; feast
n.wine made of broomcorn millet; thin gruel; elixir; thin congee
n.wine; spirit; fermented liquor; alcoholic drink
n.bitter wine
v.to turn acid; to pledge a host in wine; to recompense
n.wine or liquor that can be prepared overnight
n.a kind of green-colored wine; fine liquor
n.drunkenness and satiety; unstrained spirits; wine
n.muddy wine; wine cup
v.to pour wine in a libation; offering wine to a deity
n.spirit; fine wine
n.wine; yeast
n.inferior, unstrained wine
n.wine with dergs and impurities
v.sacrifice with wine in ceremonies marking a man's coming of age or in weddings; marry (usually used in re-marrying)
n.pickles; wine; sour; acyl (chem.)
adj.rich; full flavoured (of wine)
n.bitter taste in wine; long after taste of wine or liquor
n.sweet wine; juice, sap; Li River
v.contribute money to buy wine and drink together; to contribute to a feast; to pool (money)
n. a kind of good wine
v.make wine, brew; ferment
n.a square-mouthed wine vessel; francium (Fr); No.87 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.wine vessel (arch.); short spear; thallium (Tl); No.81 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the tulip wine used in the offering sacrifice; a bowl case; sacrificial spirits made by fermenting millet and fragrant herbs
v.fast; abtain from meat,wine