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thin, 找到 36 個
adj.thrifty, frugal, economical; poor; thin
adj.skinny, tiny, thin (Cant.)
adj.sad; be thin and pallied, withered; weak, tired; distressed
adj.empty; thin; hungry
n.thin end of a twig top; twig; end
n.fog, mist, thin, floating clouds; atmosphere
n.take a holiday; thin rice gruel; Mu river
adj.insipid; tasteless; flavourless; weak; light, pale; dull; lonely; thin
adj.thin and weak
adj.undulating; thin; light; indifferent; quiet; stable; flat; tasteless; delicate
adj.(for utensils) worn and become thin
adj.thin, sparse, scattered, unfamiliar, negligent
adj.lean, thin and weak, wispy; poor, impoverished; barren, infertile
adj.thin, emaciated, lean
n.thin stone; water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid, or of carts; phosphorous; phosphorus (P); No.15 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
v.become thin
adj.hollow, sunken; depressed; of poor quality; corrupt; lazy; thin and weak; hollow, empty
n.thin bamboo
n.bamboo with thin and broad leaves
n. thin grue made from rice water
v.to wash (rice etc.); to thin gruel; to prepare millet wine
n.gauze; thin silk; untwisted thread; yarn; sheer
adj.fine, minute; delicate; thin, slender, soft; small; careful, meticulous, detailed
n.carbaso, thin silk; handkerchief
n.a thin silk; a thin silk dress
n.plain thin silk; curtain
n.color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; a silk pass; the fine gauze; the frayed edges of silk; silk torn into pieces, one of which was given as a credential and the other retained
adj.thin and weak; fatiqued; inferior
adj.weak, thin; feeble; emaciated
n.membrane; film, thin coating
n.a surname; the thin layer inside the reed stalk; people dying from starvation
adj.thin; slight; meagre; small; poor; mean; ungenerous; unkind; mean; stingy; contemptuous; careless
n.jacket; underwear; thin-quilt; coverlet; bed-curtain
n.wine made of broomcorn millet; thin gruel; elixir; thin congee
n.platinum (Pt); No.78 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element; thin sheet of metal
n.graupel; thin and floating clouds in high altitude; sky