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between, 找到 32 個
prep.among; within; in; between
v.lie between; border on; take seriously, take to heart
n.a minister or a high official; your; an emperors form of address for a minister; a term of endearment formerly used between husband and wife or among close friends
v.chat; crack sth. between the teeth; talk
n.top of the head or of the skull, fontanel; gap between the bones of an infant's skull
n.earth dyke; pit; long, narrow mound; a lowbank of earth between fields
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.strip of land between hills
adj.venerable; grave; referring to relationship between cousins of the same clan (usually bearing the same surname)
v.press; squeeze; insert between; pick up with incers or with chopsticks; carry secretly; mix; mingle
n.a matchmaker; a go-between (representing the side of the female)
v.to act as a go-between
n.go-between, matchmaker; medium
n.side of a mountain; cape, spit; promontory; a narrow passage between two mountains
n.legendary animal with one horn capable of distinguishing between right and wrong; mythical unicorn-like creature
n.gap between two fingers; remainder of a divided sum
v.drive a wedge between; plant
n.raised path between farm fields, balk, baulk; field; a Japanese measure of length; a measure of area (arch.)
n.the raised paths between fields; boundary; border
n.area between the eyebrows and the eyelashes
v.knock against sth.hard; kowtow; crack sth. between the teeth
n.the region between the heart and the diaphragm
n.shank; leg; shin; shinbone; tibia (the thicker of the two long bones between knee and ankle)
n.midships; the middle point of the length between both ends of a ship; the middle point of the load waterline length
n.interval, space, space in between; place; opening
v.put a space between; divide; separate
n.a footpath between fields leading north and south; road, path; grave
n.a path between fields; road; street; hundred
n.steps' order; a low bank between fields; one hundred million; a place very far away
n.colour; face; countenance; the space between the eyebrows and the eyes; complexion; prestige
n.shinbone, tibia; the thicker of the two long bones between knee and ankle
n.joint cavity between bones;hip bone;seam