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down, 找到 76 個
v.descend; fall; bring down
v.mow, cut down shrubs and trees (arch.); spread, extend
v.weigh down; press down
v.cut down, fell
v.hang the head, bow the head; droop, hang down; lower
v.bow down, face down, look down
v.fall over; lie down; knock down; pour out; invert
v.fall in ones back, lay down; cease, stop; lodgy
v.summon; propagate, preach; transmit, infect; interpret; spread; conduct; send, pass; hand down; convey, express
v.fall down; overturn; be defeated
v.to scold; to censure; to beat; to subdue; to destroy; to overcome; to cut down; to deduct; to embezzle
v.level off; trim; pare down
v.droop, hang down; hide
v.be stranded; be hard pressed; surround, pin down
v.hang down; droop; let fall; hand down; condescend; be favourable to
v.collapse, cave in; lose, fall; keep close to; settle down; sink, droop
adj.to hang down; richly grown; dangling
v.put aside, put down
v.sleep, lie; put down
v.landslide, landslip; collapse, crash to the ground, burst apart; fall in ruin; break, down burst
v.weigh; control, regulate; put down; suppress
v.stop, put down, remove; submit to; subjugate
v.play on stringed instrument; snap the fingers; bounce, rebound; press down; accuse, criticize
v.take off; diminish, reduce, deduct; snap; break off; bend, twist; humble; bow down; decide a cause; give an equivalent for; set off against; fold; see, barter; calculate a proportion
v.pawn; take into custody; send under escort; stake, bet; to press down, stamp
v.tear open, take apart; pull down, dismantle
v.place the hand on; press down, push down; stop, repress, restrain, control; leave aside; examine, check, refer to
v.press with force, press down; suppress, restrain; suspend
v.drag; shoot; pin down; censure
v.(Cantonese) to delay (usually purposely), to waste time; to throw down, to beat; to hang down
v.throw away; wear; fall down; be familiar
v.to leave aside; to bypass; to throw off; to shoot down; to outstrip; to surpass; to throw down
n.the ancient flag or banner made of a yak's tail; the yak's tail; a yak; a yak-like hill; the name of a kind of star; an outstanding person; the hair; the feather; the wool; the down
v.cut, chop down (trees)
v.tilt; lie down
v.ruin, destroy, break down
n.hair; fur; feathers; down, nap
n.ten-thousandth part of an ounce; atom; the down on plants; fine long hair; writing brush
n.fine hair or fur of animal; down feathers of bird
n.down coat; cloak; cranes down
v.sink; perish; keep down, lower
沿v.follow a course; go along; coast; hand down; continue; conserve
v.drain off, leak; flow, pour down
v.pin down
v.look down at attentively
n.look down from a height, bird's-eye view; peep at; look far into the distance
v.grind; put down; block; temper oneself, steel oneself
v.roll stones down hill
v.beat down hard; ram earth; build, construct
v.connect; join; hand down; continue, carry on
v.to let down with a rope; to draw; to pull
v.cut, trim; cut out, kill; wipe out, remove; reduce, cut down
v.lie down; crouch; lean on, grovel
v.to mow; to cut down; scythe
n.white underwear in summer; Uighur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front; a loop for fastening a button
adj.hanging down
n.one horn turned up and one turned down; odd; strange; single
v.record, write down; keep in mind, remember
v.to fall; to swoop down
v.to kneel for a long time, to go down on hands and knees
v.to fall forward; fall prone; fall prostrate; to fall; to lay out a corpse; to be destroyed; to overturn; to fall down dead; to stumble
v.to step; to stamp; to trot; to skip; to dance; to put the foot down
v.pace up and down; treadle and kick
v.be unworthy of, let down; monopoly
v.narrate; tell the details; state; transmit; hand down
v.bequeath; hand down; leave behind; lose, neglect; abandon; forget
v.press down; keep down; ease; guard; repress; ward off evil influences
v.engrave; chisel; keep deeply in mind; cut down, reduce; demote, reduce to a lower rank
v.late, near the end; surround, enclose; fail, decline, down hearted
v.to shut, to close; to lock up, shut in; to close down; to connect; implicate; to involve; be concerned with
v.to descend, to fall; to come down from heaven; to send down; to degrade, to demote; to drop, to lower; to submit to; to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue
v.sink, cave in; involve; beguile; betray; get stuck, get bogged down
v.rain stops; clear up after rain or snow; calm down
v.fly down
v.jolt, bump; fall, turn over, topple; upside down
adj.hanging down