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over, 找到 71 個
adv.all over
v.mix; cross, intersect; exchange, barter; communicate; bargain; deliver, hand to, hand over, give up; commit to; pay; have intercourse with, to copulate; join, interwine, interlace; engage; associate with
v.hand over; transfer; commit to; give to; pay
v.fall over; lie down; knock down; pour out; invert
v.put first; take preference over
v.turn over; retreat; rebel, revolt; turn back; oppose; combat
v.to plaster over with layer of mud; to whitewash
v.block up, stop up, clog up; cover; pile up, heap soil or fertilizer over and around the roots
adv.much; very; too; over; extremely
v.encase; slip over; harness; cover with
v.evolve; transmute; hand over; replace; abdicate; change in succession
v.judge; hold an official inquiry; investigate; examine, go over; interrogate; try
adv.everywhere; all over
v.pass; cross over; calculate; estimate; guess
v.to cover over; to hide
v.return; repeat; reply, answer; recover, resume, make good; duplicate; turn over, turn around; revenge
v.fear; feel deeply about over, lament over
v.be anxious; plan; consider; ponder; think over, deliberate
v.throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project
v.divide, split; open; drape over one's shoulder; unveil
v.carry on the arm; wear sth.over ones shoulder or at ones side
v.receive; continue, succeed to; catch, take hold of; join, connect; welcome; meet; accept; graft; take over
v.push, shove; expel; shirk; decline; yield; extend; enlarge; infer; investigate; deduce; include; elect; promote; recommend; praise; esteem; give up; hand over to
v.perform one's duty negligently; keep out, ward off; spread over; evade, do sth. perfunctiorily
v.draw sb. over one's side; gather up, rake together; embrace
v.carry with a pole over the shoulder; take responsibility; undertake; sustain
n.a red flag; a felt; a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top
v.preside over, hold power, weild power
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; bridge over a brook; beam; ridge; joist; fine grain
n.lintel over the door; cross beam
v.pass over; traverse
v.overflow, brim over; spill
v.drown; indulge, give over to; be stick in; pass urine
v.roll, roll over; get away; trundle
v.ripple; overflow, brim over; oar; throw
n.water flowing over shallows; rapids
v.to fry very quickly over hot fire
v.braise, cook in a covered pot over a slow fire, stew
n.crust over a sore, scabies
v.to understand; to look out over
n.thin stone; water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid, or of carts; phosphorous; phosphorus (P); No.15 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
v.deep meditation; abdicate; hand over
v.hold, grasp; preside over
v.to climb over a wall; to chisel; to hope presumptuously; to cut through a wall
v.wind; hand over, pay
v.upset; overturn; come back; ; re-open; flutter about; cross; get over; translate
adj.old, aged; hard-boiled, well-cooked, over-cooked; experienced; venerable; outdated, old-fashioned
n.the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe
n.left-over from meal; dried meat with bone; lungs
v.to govern; having jurisdiction over
adj.tortuous, twine; extend all over, full
v.turn over; topple; to throw a rider
v.to bend; to yield; to humiliate, to wrong; to demote, to oust, to relegate; to complete; to be over; to contract; to wrinkle; to crouch; to stammer
v.thank; be grateful for; decline; confess faults; die; fade; hand over; wither
v.consult, talk over, discuss; deliberate; criticise
v.buy, purchase; win over; suborn
v.leap over; stride; go before, go beyond, transcend; excel; release; save; exceed; surpass; overtake
v.exceed, go beyond, overpass, overstep, get over, jump over; transgress
v.lie prone; bend over
v.jump; climb over; leap; posture; spring; bounce; skip; hop
v.to overstep; to go beyond; to stride over; to step across; to skip over; to trample upon; to promote by pass the immediate leadership; to hold; to take
v.to pass; to step over; to creep; to twine round
v.crush; join; crowd around; roll; run over; oust; squeeze out; push out
v. to crush; to ram over
v.roll over by cart; roll; bully by force; surpass; undergo
v.accompany, escort; send; give to, hand over; deliver; carry
adv.everywhere; all over
v.pass; pass through; pass by; cross over; undergo a process; go through; go over
n.the tower over a city gate
v.look over; visit
v.jolt, bump; fall, turn over, topple; upside down