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put, 找到 74 個
v.build; put in order
v.prepare; provide; put in order; complete; be equipped with, have
v.put first; take preference over
v.enter; come in, come to; join, be admitted into; put in
v.precede ;to put on a man's hat ceremonially signifying one's coming of age
v.add to, add; plus; augment; put in; append; increase; grant; raise to; appoint
v.exert; strive; put forth; protrude; bulge
v.to put forth effort
v.to put in the mouth
v.put in jail; defend
v.put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level; fill up; pay for sb.
v.depute; send; appoint, entrust, put in charge of; commision; give up; abandon, throw away, cast aside; bow under a burden
v.put aside, put down
v.sleep, lie; put down
v.dwell, reside, live; remain; be in; occupy; put into practice; sit; claim; assert
v.tread on; experience; put on; ascend the throne; fulfill; assume
v.weigh; control, regulate; put down; suppress
v.put in jail; hide
v.put on a man's hat ceremonially signifying one's coming of age; put at the head; put before
v.stop, put down, remove; submit to; subjugate
v.rest; desist; put a stop to, cease, stop, end; appease; blow; breathe; sigh; grow
v.wear, put on
v.drag, haul, put or join together
v.bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work
v.hang up, put up; suspend; think of
v.measure, direction-find; conjecture, estimate; administer; put out
v.lift in the hand; raise, put forward, bring up; pull up; pick up; mention; refer to; bring forward; suggest; carry; promote
v.hide or carry in ones clothes; put in pocket of; be pregnant; impose (one's views,etc.) on others; measure; estimate
v.apply on, put on
v.cast, throw; cast off; put on; fall;tumble, lose one's balance
v.contrain; pick up, collect; put in order; examine
v.to put on (clothes); literally to put one's arms through sleeves of clothes
v.scour; clean; rub in; wipe; spread on; put on
v.put; stop, delay; bear, stand
v.put, place; spread; arrange; set in order; wave to and fro; shake; move
v.disperse; pay, advance, draw; support, prop up; manage; withstand; put up
v.gather together; collect, receive, accept; harvest; put away; close; bind; restrain, control; bring to an end, stop
v.put, place in, place on; release, free, liberate, loosen, let go; drive away, banish; indulge; issue; accord with; reach to; imitate
v.imitate, follow the example of; fulfil; verify; put forth effort, labour earnestly, devote to
v.set in order; put right; repair, mend; adjust; marshal
v.gather; harvest; levy; put a body into coffin
v.lay on a frame; put up, erect; support; fend off; ward off; withstand; support; prop; help; kidnap
v.put on fetters; bind, tie
v.behead and put before the public
v.comb one's hair; put in order
v.put up a notice; put a mark; label
v.kill, put to death, punish
v.exhaust; extinguish, put out, destroy
v.destroy; exterminate; wipe; extinguish, put out, turn off
v.to light; to put out
v.to extinguish or put out a fire, light, etc; to wither away, to die out, to come to an end
n.the jade piece put in the mouth of the dead before the burial
v.manage; run; put in order; tidy up; pay attention to; acknowledge; regulate; arrange; regard
v.use; employ; consume; operate; apply; put into practice
v.detain; entertain; keep; put by; restrain; leave behind; transmit; remain, stay; reserve, keep, save; let grow, grow, wear
v.put in order; define; capture, seize; plunder; omit, delete, leave out
v.issue; put forth; send forth; rise; manifest; send out; deliver; distribute; utter; express; discharge; shoot; emit; develop; expand; bring into existenceget into a certain stage; become; show one's feeling; feel
v.grind; put down; block; temper oneself, steel oneself
v.halt; put up at; change into mourning garments after the allotted period has passed
v.to burry; to put a coffin in a grave
v.delay; neglect; retard; postpone; put off; recuperate; revive; come to;alleviate; mitigate; ease
v.collect; assemble, put together; sum up, summarize
v.dismiss, put aside; place, put; arrange; lay out; establish, set up, install; purchase, buy
v.set forth; manifest, make known; write; put on, wear; belong to a place; blossom
v.walk; do, act; travel; circulate; carry out; perform; engage in; put into effect
v.lie; put ones clothes in order
v.put a thing in the sleeve
v.beg; demand, ask for; dun; punish; put to death; exterminate; send armed force to suppress; send a punitive expendition against; denounce; condemn
v.to step; to stamp; to trot; to skip; to dance; to put the foot down
v.tread; climb; put on; lighten ones step; follow; walk on tiptoe
v.put handcuff on
v.put a space between; divide; separate
v.arrange; spread out; make a statement; make a plea; expose; lay out; put on display; state; explain
v.bow the head; stamp the foot; put in order, arrange, settle; prepare; pause; cease; injure; lose; discard