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hold, 找到 80 個
𦥑v.to hold with two hands
v.catch, hold
v.manage; be in charge of; indicate; signify; hold a definite view about something
v.unsurp; take by force; occupy; seize; take; constitute; hold; make up; account for
v.hold ones head high; arrange
v.hold or contain in mouth
v.hold in the mouth; contain; cherish, nurse, harbour; embody; restrain
v.ask; visit; hold responsibility; interrogate, examine; ask after
v.hold in the mouth; harbor, cherish; contain; accept
v.hold in the mouth
v.keep in the mouth or eyes, contain; hold in the mouth
v.grasp; hold; seize; retain; manage; direct, control, take charge of; attend to; carry out; observe; catch; capture
v.guard; protect; observe, abide by; keep; attend to; hold on to; maintain; defend
v.allow, permit; bear, endure; forgive; contain, hold; admit; tolerate
v.judge; hold an official inquiry; investigate; examine, go over; interrogate; try
v.take; hold; lead, command
v.love; be fond of; like; be keen on; covet; cherish, treasure; hold dear; take good care of; be apt to; be in the habit of
v.suffocate, feel oppressed; hold back, suppress; be at loggerheads with sb.
v.receive; inherit; bear, hold, carry; contain; support; contract for; undertake; continue, carry on; confess; acknowledge; please; flatter; meet
v.take; hold; guard; grasp; control
v.to hold something with cupped hands
v.embrace, enfold, hold, hug
v.pull, tug, drag; seize, hold; lengthen; draw a bow
v.to lay hold of; to pursue; to lift
v.bring; take; apprehend; grasp; hold; seize, capture
v.sustain, maintain; support; hold, grasp; manage, run; restrain
v.hold sth. under the arm; coerce; harbor; carry
v.to hold with both hands
v.grasp, clutch, catch, seize, apprehend, hold, capture
v.mold, knead with the fingers; pinch, hold beween the fingers; fabricate, make up
v.carry or hold in both hands; cup one's hands; praise, support
v.hold; stroke, touch; climb
v.hold tight
v.hold in palm; behold, estimate, judge, weigh
v.to dig; to amass wealth by heavy taxation; to attack; to break; to hold something with cupped hands; to fall forward; to exact
v.manage; control; superintend; hold in one's hand; be in charge of
v. to take; to hold; to give forcefully
v.receive; continue, succeed to; catch, take hold of; join, connect; welcome; meet; accept; graft; take over
v.hold in both hands; scoop; grasp; curl
v.to tug upward, to pull up; to promote; to hold the saddle; to eradicate
v.hold fast, hold; grasp
v.hold tight, seize; pull, tug, drag
v.lead; take hold of; pull up; rescue; assist; aid; help
v.do; carry on; be engaged in; make; produce; work out; set up; start; organize; get, get hold of; secure
v.to jab; to stab; to prick; to stick in; to push hard; to exchange; to seek; to hold; to dip in; to soak; to feign ignorance; to daub; to thrust
v.to pull up; to pick; to hold up; to lift up; to seize; to gather; to pluck up
v.to knead, to roll round with the hand ; to gather; to wheel, to spiral, to hover; to hold; to model; to lead
v.rub with the hands, wipe, press with the hand and more downwards; mix, mingle; hold
v.raise, hold up a curtain,skirt,etc.from the bottom; sprinkle; wind, disorder; incite, provoke, stir up; flirt with
v.squeeze; press; crowd; conceal; hold in one's arms; embrace; hug; gather around; have, possess
v.grasp, hold; manage; restrain; exercise, drill; act, do, operate; speak
v.lift up; prop up, bear, support; hold; cup one hand in the other before the chest
v.pick, pluck; hold in the lap
v.bar, hold back, block; intercept
v.carry; hold; lead; bring along
v.attract; hold; take a photograph of; converge; arrange; absorb, assimilate; act for
v.assemble, gather together; settle; take, hold
v.hold, grasp, grip
v.hold; monopolize, dominate, take on everything; take sb.into ones arms, embrace; pick up
v.hold (one's head) high; force up the prices
v.hold, grasp; flog with a stick
v.preside over, hold power, weild power
v.stew, boil; extract sth.by heating; drag on;hold out; to endure
v.hold; contain
v.hold, grasp; preside over
n.a tablet-shaped hold; a wooden pail; a small door or window; a hole in the wall
v.respect; crane; shoot high up, tower; jump up; vibrate, bestir oneself; hold; fear; advise
v.tie; hold together; hold fast; to string together; maintain; safeguard; preserve
v.hold sb.back by the elbow, hinder
n.cabin; module; tank; hold of ship
v.to hold something with the front of a Chinese jacket
v.decorate; fill, load, pack, hold; pretend, feign, make believe; dress, attire; deck; play the part; install, fit
v.see sb. for the first time with gift; hold in one's hand
v.lift up; hold up; stand on tiptoe; lame; hold one's head high
v.to overstep; to go beyond; to stride over; to step across; to skip over; to trample upon; to promote by pass the immediate leadership; to hold; to take
n.Jia city; Jia capital; hold
v.hold in the mouth; accept; harbor, cherish; contain
v.hold in veneration; behold with respect
v.contain, hold; quell