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bind, 找到 36 個
v.confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc.
v.to bind, to tie up
v.bind, tie up
v.pull up; pierce; cut out; bind; fasten
v.bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work
v.tie, bundle, bind
v.to dab with a soft dry object that is sopped up with the liquid; to move; to wipe tears; to bind
v.gather together; collect, receive, accept; harvest; put away; close; bind; restrain, control; bring to an end, stop
v.pull out; write; bind
v.bind, tie; control; restrain; keep in order
v.put on fetters; bind, tie
v.fetter; imprison; tie, bind, restrain
v.hoop; wind round; bind with force
v.agree with; form alliance; bind; restrain; restrict
v.bind; demand; ask; exact; search into; inquire; think
v.tie; bind
v.tie; bind; accumulate; implicate; involve; embarrass
v.bind up, tie; measure girth with a rope; measure
v.twist; twine, bind; gibbet; hang by the neck; cut; skein, hank
v.bind, tie; kidnap (for ransom)
v.bind; cord; plait; braid; hem
v.to bind; to braid; to twist
v.to wear; to tie, to bind up; to coil up; carry on the arm; to string together; to roll up
v.bind tightly, tighten
v.seal; tie, bind; keep shut; converge
v.bind; tie up
v.to tie, to bind
v.draw in; draw back, withdraw, recoil; coil up; contract, shrink; shorten; bind fast
v.to tie; to twine; to bind
v.bind; be attached to; depend upon; remember; draw; connect; unite; let; tie; fasten; do up; button up
v.noose; hang death; tie, bind
v.join; bind
v.control, bind, restrain; arrest; lodge; stay
v.bind, twine, wind
v.wrap up, bind together; bring; surround
v.bind; control