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name, 找到 202 個
𨚵n.Name of a state during the Spring and Autumn era
n.proper name in antiquity
adj.having an position merely in name
n.Korean place name; step with right foot (arch.)
n.(Chinese name for) Russia
n.mainly used as personal name
n.a word used in one's name
n.ancient place name; surname
n.boy; youth; servant; page; name of the Zhuang ethnic group
n.minority name
n.name of musical piece of Northern nomads
n.name of the god of South Sea in ancient Chinese myth; flash; name of fish
v.cry, shout; hail, greet; call, summon, ask, order; hire, engage; cause; permit; name
n.name, rank, title, position; fame, reputation
v.call out; cry out; shout; exhale, breathe out; name
v.order, command, decree; assign; name
n.a wry mouth; a surname; name of an ancient country
n.name of place in Taiwan
n.name of an ancient song
n.Ku,a name of legendary emperor; inform quickly; an urgent communication
n.rare personal name used in antiquity
n.circle; dollar; official name of the Chinese legal tender (currency) and of the currencies of some other Asian countries
n.lump; bar in sea; word used for place's name
n.the name of the ancient emperor of China
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.a legendary one-legged creature; Name of musical official in Chinese antiquity; Kui prefecture
n.pit, depression; used in name of places
n.hip, the stride of man; name of constellation; The Legs, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.name of a prominent Buddhist monk in the Tang dynasty
n.used as proper name for women
n.a surname; a word used in woman's name
n.female name in antiquity
n.a word used in woman's name; a concubine of Chou hsin who is the last ruler of the Shang dynasty
n.name; clan; people
n.the name of a concubine of the father of the Emperor Yao
n.word used for womans name
n.beauty; a word used in womens name
n.name of a star; Wu river; Wu prefecture
n.(used only as) proper name for women
n.female proper name in antiquity
n.name of a lady who stole the elixir of immortality and fled with it to the moon
n.ancient name for woman
n.proper name for women in antiquity
n.proper name of ancient state
n.letter; written character; word; style name given to a man when he comes of age
n.the name of a mountain in Henan province of China
n.name of mountain in Shanxi province
n.place name in Hunan province
n.Xiao mountain; the name of a mountain in Henan
n.name of a legendary hill in Shanxi
n.proper name for a mountain in China
n.the name of a mountain in Szechwan
n.the name of a mountain in Gansu province; the place of sunset
n.name of a pass in Shanxi province
n.Name of hills in Shandong
n.name of islands
n.hut, cottage; hostel; name of a mountain in Jiangxi province
n.virtue; moral excellence, morals, moral character; goodness; conduct, behaviour; energy, power; kindness; favour; ; (Chinese name for) Germany
n.idea; opinion; sentiment; thought; meaning; wish; will; purpose; desire; intention; suggestion; hint; trace; ; (Chinese name for) Italy
n.weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname
n.name of a state in Western region of ancient China
n.ancient place name
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.the ancient flag or banner made of a yak's tail; the yak's tail; a yak; a yak-like hill; the name of a kind of star; an outstanding person; the hair; the feather; the wool; the down
n.name of star
n.Name of feudal state Jin in the Eastern Zhou dynasty; also name of the imperial dynasty (265-420 CE) that succeeded the Wei Dynasty; Short for Shanxi (Shan1Xi) province; one of 64 hexagrams
n.a word that empress Wu Ze Tian created for her name
v.say; call; name
n.the ancient name of protein; genitals of human being
n.the name of a plant
n.bushes and shrubs (arch.); name of feudal state Chu in the Eastern Zhou dynasty
n.banyan; another name for Fuzhou city
n.door hinge; centre; centre; star' s name
n.obsolete name of a fruit
n.A phonetic trasncription of the Sanskrit name of river Ganges
n.family, clan; a woman's maiden name; a female; family name, surname
n.the old name for
n.name of a river and a villiage in Shandong province
n.name of river;
n.name of 2 rivers, one in Anhui province and one in Henan province
n.name of a river; name of a town in the State of Wei; dimness
n.law; statute; regulation; rule; legal standard; plan; method; way; mode; model; the dharma; magic arts; example; (Chinese name for ) France
n.the name of a river in Hebei
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.name of river in ancient China
n.another name for Chongqing
n.name of a river in Shanxi; Wei River; Wei prefecture (arch.); the roaring of rapids
n.name of river in ancient Shandong
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.The name of a river in Shanxi province
n.the Han River (arch.); name of a dynasty; the Milky Way, the Galaxy; man, male adult; a surname
n.name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China
n.Sheng River; the name of a river in Henan and Shandong
n.name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan
n.name of a river in today's Henan
n.name of a river in antiquity
n.(proper name) a spring in Henan province
n.a person's name
n.used only as personal name in antiquity
n.name of the legendary beast in Chinese myth; Armadillo; Cingulata
n.name of a beast, a kind of tapir; a fierce beast depicted on the door of prisons
n.a kind of beasts; a jackal; the name of a tribe in Kwangsi and Hunan
n.a species of wolf; name of an aboriginal tribe in South China, mostly hunters
n.a dog with a long snout or muzzle; a derogatory name of the northen nomads (later known as Hsiungnu or Huns) given by the Chinese in the Zhou Dynasty
n.place name in antiquity
n.name of a kind of jade
n.name of a beautiful jade; glitter of gems
n.The Chinese lute or guitar; a general name for certain musical instrument
n.name of a jade
n.fine gold; a kind of jade; an alternative name for gold
n.beast's name; corner
n.one's courtesy name
n.hand-net (arch.); name of a constellation that resembles a hand-net; The Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.big eyes; name of an ancient state
n.place name in Shanxi province
n.a word used in place name; suburb
n.arsenic, name of some places in Fujian Province
n.old name of Taiyuan county; a surname; a female deer
n.Place name
v.praise, commend; style; declare; call, name; weigh; estimate; feign; say, state
n.ear of grain; tassel; short name for Guangzhou (Canton)
n.bamboo garden; bamboo grove; bamboo name; bamboo
n.general name for climbing plants; rattan; cane
n.back leather belt; name of tyrant ,last emperor of Shang Dyn.
n.yellow silks; tree name; books(fig.)
n.the handle of the Big Dipper; a hill; the name of certain stars and the gods supposed to live in them
n.clan name of Chu State in the Spring and Autumn period
n.(Chinese name for ) America
羿n.wing; name of an archery's master
n.the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe
n.lobule of the ear (or its hanging piece of soft tissue); mostly used as proper name in antiquity
n.a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname
n.Name of a plant- Chinese elder, it has mucilaginous roots which are used for various purposes; mixing vermilion ink for seals
n.the name of a plant
n.flower; beauty; hero, outstanding person; (Chinese name for) England
n.licorice(arch.); glycoside; name for a series of organic compounds
n.Name of a county in Shandong province
n.name of medical herb; skullcap
n.collective name for beans and peas
n.personal name in antiquity
n.name of county in Yunnan province
n.proper name "Jiang"
trans.the second syllable of the name for Tibet in ancient China (Tobo)
n.name of a grass; straw raincoat (arch.); Xue state; surname
n.name of a grass
n.name of plant, liquorice
n.mark, sign; signal; symbol; number; designation; name; style; business house; size; order
n.name of a beetle; mantis
n.name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname
n.an ancient place name Zi; illness; defect
n.posthumous name or title (of emperor, distinguished minister)
v.speak of; say; style; be called, call, name
n.posthumous name or title (of emperor, distinguished minister)
n.a son-in-law who marries into wifes family taking her family name
n.hub cap; circular cap at the head of cart's hub; wheel; ancient place name
n.a high-fronted, curtained carriage (arch.); front of a palace under the eaves; house; balcony; lavatory; window or door; star's name; Xuanyuan
n.axle; carriage; personal name of Mengzi or Mencius
n.bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty
trans.used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty.
n.an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river
n.the name of a small principality in what is now called Shensi, the home to the founder of the Chou dynasty
n.a surname; proper name for a state in what is today Hebei
n.Han village in today's Hebei province; personal name
n.word used for place name; surname; mound
n.name of a place
n.an ancient name for districts in Kansu and Shensi
n.name of a feudal state; surname
n.Heyang county (old county name); Heshui River
n.Xi- the name of a fief in the state of Chin; a crack; a rift; an illness
n.Qi hill (ancient place name); Qi county (ancient county name)
n.name of a country in Spring and Autumn period in modern Shandong
n.name of place
n.name of a district in ancient Shandong
n.proper noun, name of an ancient town
n.place name (near Linfen in today's Shanxi Province)
n.Wu, ancient place name
n.Yin county (ancient county name); limit; border
n.(proper name) name of a district in Gansu, close to present Xining
n.name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname
n.name of county in Hunan province
n.name of city in Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period
n.small administration involving 100 families; place name
n.battle-axe; star's name
n.sickle; grain crops harvested; ancient place name located in today's Anhui province
n.name of a renowned ancient sword
n.anvil; axe or mat used for cutting sb. in two at the waist (a punishment in ancient China); name of a star
n.name of lake in antiquity
n.name of a place in antiquity
n.sparrow; place name
n.dried leather; used in the Han Dynasty as part of the phonetic transcription of the name for (possibly) the Roman Empire
n.shoe; turban; name of tribe
n.ancient music; name of music composed by Emperor Shun
n.a fierce horse; name of a tribe
n.the name of one of Mu Wang's steeds
n. name of a star
n.salmon; name of a fish in ancient; macular hemibarbus; cooked fish
n.a big fish; the name of Emperor Yu's father
n.a proper name
n.the join name of some speicies of columbidae
n.name of waterbirds; general name of a family in biology
n.the river deery, the general name for the hornless deer, a small deer- the muntjac; the name of an ancient country