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plant, 找到 57 個
𦵯n.a herbal plant in Hunan province, very close to thyme
n.plant of the jute family
v.to plant (arch.)
n.young; young plant
n.factory, plant, workshop, mill, shed, depot, yard
n.the name of a plant
n.trunk of a tree; stem of a plant; root
v.grow, plant, flourish, care
n.spiny plant; stalk
n.cotton; cotton plant
n.plant; tree
v.grow; plant; set up, establish
v.drive a wedge between; plant
n.peach-like plant
n.tree; plant
v.plant, cultivate; erect; sow grain; appoint; set up, establish
n.small evergreen shrub; the tea plant (Camellia sinensis); Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees
v.fatten; prosper; become wealthy; plant; set up; colonize; breed; multiply
v.plant in a field
n.rice plant with grain still on stalk
n.seed; grain; plant; race; kinds, species (biol.)
v.sow; plant; grow; cultivate
v.sow, plant; swell
n.the flaxen thread; a kind of plant like the ramie; black and solid earth; an arch; a squat; a wide-mouthed jar for containing wine
n.Name of a plant- Chinese elder, it has mucilaginous roots which are used for various purposes; mixing vermilion ink for seals
n.plant of the salt marshes, its root is medicinal
n.a fragrant plant; banana, plantain
n.sprouts; growing corn; flame; jet; posterity; progeny; young plant; seedling; vaccine
n.the name of a plant
n.the pad in a shoe; the seed or the female plant of the nettle hemp; a gunny; a sackcloth; a rush
n.a plant yielding a red dye
n.a kind of plant
n.plant like water caltrop
n.Cyperus malaccensis; a kind of straw used for making matt; a medical plant used by vets
n.tea; tea plant
n.banana-plant, waterlily (a water plant, Nymphoides peltatum)
n.jade tablet; a bitter edible plant; the white flower of congongrass,reeds,etc.; weed
n.castor-oil plant
n.plant with large leaves
n.an annual herbaceous plant
n.a plant similar to radish
v.transplant; cultivate, grow, plant
n.an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient Chinese literature; iris; flower
n.an auspicious fabulous plant
n.yarrow, milfoil, reed; plant stalks used in divination
n.Ricinus communis, a castor oil plant
n.an edible water-plant
n.lizard tail, chameleon plant, Houttuynia cordata
n.plant related to water caltrop
n.a kind of plant; Drabanemerosa hebecarpa
n.plant used as fodder for livestock
n.name of plant, liquorice
n.lotus-like plant, a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain
n.plant like celery
n.radish; turnip; a creeping plant; dodder
n.aphid; plant louse
v.tread, plant, stamp, walk